And invest. this is halarious. Like I said, I don't make any money off you whatever you do so its no skin off my ass if you want to sign up with Amway and go through financial and emotional distress. But at the ASCO meetings the downline are praised and lovebombed for simply buying more that month, even if they just shoved the crap in a closet.And if recruitment is the goal and not selling the products to the general public, then Amway is merely a pyramid scheme and with all pyramids only the 1% at the top make money, at the expense of the 99% where they get it from. Ive never been one to like amway, for the most part I do think its annoying but theres no denying thr fact that most of my family that came from a 3rd world country and were piss poor came up with this business with years of hard work and effort. I will back out of this deal most likely. When your Amway up-line tells you that you don't have to bother making actual sales to retail customers, alarm bells should go off immediately in your brain!Those alarm bells should tell you: "This company isn't concerned with product quality, or even with product movement. Regarding the percentage of Alticors revenue that comes from Amway, a few years back (dont have a link handy sorry), the media reported Alticors non-Amway holdings as doing around $100 million. Guess you don't listen to fucking good to the assholes in your Amway upline who tell you not to visit negative web pages like this one and never speak negative. All of the entries are great, but this one really can be a forefront entry. I can't believe Anna Bannana is full of hate, see that's exactly what I don't want to become! You should be out prospecting! Otherwise no one would be making money because nobody who's not an Ambot wants to buy Amway product. To some maybe but from what I've read, I'm not convinced it is. Earnings depend on many factors, including: customer base, business experience, effort, dedication, and quality and performance of an IBOs sales team. Is Amway suffering from big company syndrome? Only 3 or 4% of Amway's customers are not registered IBO's. Your really negative and you have some anger issues. Went right over that Ambot's head! Life is short and you spend it blogging and shitting on Amway because you're a failure. The Amway cult takes nice family men and turns them into sneering, evil Amway demons.And even though the main reason for this blog is to make fun of people in Amway and curse out the assholes in our Amway upline, its therapeutic. gave me all sorts of shit about it for months on end, how I was a loser and wouldn't amount to crap because I have no dreams and no initiative. Nonsense. How do I politely decline and cancel on him and my friend? 1500000 if i understand correctly. i m an mba student in common with study i also building amway business in part time, nd i have achieve 21% level. You cant expect to make it big without the hussle. but did you act upon them? They told me I could join Amway and if i dont like it I could leave within 90 days and get my money back.. i feel like thats a lie.. it has to be. The real broke losers are fucking Amway assholes. Exactly as you mentioned. Free next day delivery . Your a 100 percent real bitch go to hell and rott. I'm Kyle. He actually did an amazing job supporting Anna's claim that Amway diamonds are full of crap or they are in a great deal of debt.So, Theo came here illegally and started his Amway business. Juuva honors Don and Nancy Wilson upon surpassing $55 Million in Network Marketing Career Earnings. Finally, the coveted diamond pin. Hi Tim. This is something many people need to know. Drawing circles and writing down $$ amounts of how much money the ambot makes if he eats one Amway food bar and drinks one Amway drink daily and finds 2 others to do it and if they find 2 others to do what they do and so on and so on. You'll notice on every page of Amway's books they're forced to print "the average monthly earnings in 2012 was $84". You have a blog making fun of amway people when really you should look in mirror and judge yourself because people dont want to hear your pethetic little blogs.Your welcome. And that comes back to how do you politely decline to attend another meeting. You would not get to hear REAL stories like these in the opens, pase or on CDS. These MLM scams are all the same.Amway's got no motivation to get rid of the tool scam. LOL! 2012. i am hiting 6% level.very fast i want to go diamond Everything crumbles. Are you aware of what is going on in India right now with your supplier? We'll be waiting.-Jerry. Hey -- Ambot Asshole posting as "Anonymous" on November 11 -- do you actually have any cogent arguments to raise against what Anna and others posting here said about your beloved Amway? A person can live a decent lifestyle on this income if you watch how you spend it. July 29, 2008. Anonymous - good on you for saying NO to Amway. $66,000,000,000 for 4,000 diamonds? Action is the key of success ,,, just take the action . Either way you are claiming that your parent company has not provided proper information to a governing body, and, based on how you say "we're not supposed to", this is a taught practice within your organization, going up and down your line. Anonymous - Yes! Over on Amway Wiki a number of diligent editors have been creating information pages about the many, many people around the world who have qualified at the Amway Diamond level or higher.I've now added an extension to the Wiki which allows us to easily list these pages and so far we have information (at least the names!) And if the ambot finds 6 people and they find 6 people and so on then they're all going to be RICH. I'm going to bring your comments up in a future post because this is kind of old and readers might miss it. The site is unable to respond. Some groups advertise (verbally) that someone might earn $100,000 . To my horror it was a Fu&^%&ing AMWAY rally. Sometimes I've written a post and then off it goes into the twilight zone. You could lease it, rent it, borrow it, or whatever. It could be possible that Theo had just purchased the share in a weeks before his post (after the 1:7 split that occurred on June 9th, 2014) which would have set him back about $93,000. Flush that job! Anonymous - its because of motherfucking Amway assholes like you that we keep this blog alive. It's a no-brainer . Work your way to riches? Most people's bullshit alarms go off, and even ones that sign on out of pity end up bailing if the brainwashing doesn't take hold and they do MATH and see they are going to keep on losing money forever in Amway. Some mug downline from the Diamond distributor is expected to do the work free. Thank you for this blog. The thing is Ambots are leaving Amway and taking their downline with them. !With Amway, if it takes 10 years to get an income of $1000 a week, you are better off than traditional workers.So what if Amway people still have jobs. I know there are some greedy morons in the business. 2nd Anonymous - you got it right but someone who's been brainwashed by Amway cult leaders will disagree and will respond with canned Amspeak bullshit they've duplicated from an asshole in their Amway upline. And it takes 10 years to qualify. So, Theo grossed $1.22 million over a three year period. While technically it is possible Id say in reality it is not possible from a standing start. Anna because of your stupid BLOG people came to know who you are. And surely you can find a commissioned sales job that pays better than $10/month. But if that's what you coasted on them holy balls, i understand your anger. Inclusion on Amway Wiki does not mean they are requalifying at that level or even if they are still Amway Business Owners. This blog is about cursing out the fucking assholes in my Amway upline and getting the word out about the lies and scams that Amway assholes use. Fortunately I dont have Diamond sized expenses and I manage my money pretty good. Come back when you can show us a picture of your Mercedes, and not someone else's. My upline has been in it for 2 years and there paying off all of their bills now. This is a great waste of everybody's time. Yo. But really? good luck with that one LOL!!!! Amway Product Review: Artistry Skin Refinisher. Being a millionaire. Thats it. And he'd have to be well known in Amway as one of the speakers in on the tool scam as well as talking at functions to all the brainwashed sheep. Might be tough to keep a straight face around your friend, but trust me on this, they'll leave you alone after you share that's your dream you're following!Good luck! But you are expected to dump a poopload of money into motivational tools (books and tapes) and atten some very expensive functions. I've had many children of Amway Ambots leave comments here about how Amway destroyed their family. There are names on the List of Diamonds on Amway Wiki that I dont recognize. Today, I want to share my list of the top 27 Amway Diamonds of all time, as I see it. They wouldn't have sunk into poverty, though, because they'd wisely invested their income and (at l east while we were distributors) they didn't live a flashy lifestyle. You're hanging out at this blog instead of worshipping and loving them and sucking their dicks off. Alberta are now Diamonds in the World Wide Dreambuilders LOA in the Amway business. There are over 10,000 comments left on this blog over the years. Please check your Minimum Browser Requirements. Hilarious when i was reading this. he is awake dipshit. It's funny how some people go around not realizing that Anna's tone is actually intentional. So you are left with 60 k say. I can get good namebrand lipgloss for much less in local stores. Until the motivational tool scam is dealt with, Amway will not live up to its promise. Anyway, yeah so he gave me a lip gloss sample to show to girls to try to get them to purchase lip gloss. They recognize winning card percentages, cost to play, table volatility, sunk loss, emotions, tendencies of other players, and play their cards accordingly, separating themselves from pride and ego. We talk about the meetings, rallies, and functions we attended and then you show up here like a dumb fuck and say I don't know if you've ever heard of WWDB. They couldnt stop, of course. Theo is either full of crap or Theo has a great deal of debt. In fact. Answer (1 of 9): Amway diamond income is made up of bonus and commissions paid by Amway and the income earned from BWW which produces Talks and organizes seminars. Can you give me some info about the way you work your business ? And the small print that shows the small percentage of 1% of IBO's who make money at Amway and ask them about that. This blog mainly exists to curse out my former upline, aka the cult leaders, and to let everyone know what kind of idiots I had to put up with. Either you, and your organization are lying, or there is something much worse afoot. They cherry pick scripture, an make it say the exact opposite of what it does when presented in context. From conversations with my emerald and diamonds. Well they'd need to. Live from an Amway meeting! Anonymous - Amway is like all other cults who twist religion to suit their purposes. It's like a stinking movie like the Postman by Kevin Kostner that I just can't turn off. JUST DO IT. Bitterness will eat you up. You know like the chocolate that comes in those calendars this time of year that you can buy for under a dollar.I thought it was a month to get your money back but maybe it is 90 days. Your email address will not be published. And this is after quite a lot of truly hard work. Just let go of whatever made you write this post and you will be better off down the road. You won't believe me cause I'm not in Amway so why don't you do your own research and jump on the subway line and see what happens. When you are Teamed up with the right team that actually cares about you, and builds your business because when you succeed then they succeed. 10 years isnt a long time to ask for when you can secure your future. Devastator1981 1 yr. ago. Depends how long she's been inside the cult. Of course peoples personal experiences and opinions are biased based on their true life stories duh!!! You can be like the majority of prospects and say you'll be there and just be a no show. Diamonds really make close to 400k. They teach you to keep positive, keep pushing to achieve your dreams, and to never quit. This blog doesn't have many comments? Where Are They Now? Anonymous - you and I might know this thanks to high level Amway IBO's who spilled their guts about the Amway tool scam but we'll never convince a brainwashed Ambot. Diamonds look back and say look at all he people I fucked over to get rich. Its more likely that everyone in the Amway meeting is broke. They were brought up in some kind of religious households so they're already greedy. The nut nodded, not realizing I was mocking. They asked me if I wanted freedom and told me I would be an idiot to pass this "opportunity" up again. Um, not there yet. I am looking for any Amway Diamond who has an open mind. Do I look like a mechanic? That is where the real money is, and it only goes to a fdew select "A-list " diamonds. They will twist scripture and take it out of context to suit their agenda. The business is an opportunity, not a hand out. And there are hundreds of new platinums each year. And with Amway even admitting that 99% of people who get into it don't make money that pretty much confirms the whole pyramid structure.You can make up all the stuff you want, but you can't deny the faultiness of the MATH of Amway, no matter how many unrealistic circles you draw. The Caucasian groups of amway must be absolute crap, look whoever you are I am an executive diamond my name is Theo im Columbian and I started my buisness about 3 years back and look where I got now, I earn 300k a year on a bad unproductive year and 460k a year when my 11 groups of 100 people each try hard, I'm with Equipo Vision and we qualify diamonds and new emeralds almost monthly, under me I have 15 Diamonds, 30 Emeralds, And so many platinums, you are very negative I can tell you just failed, you must not have dreams, or any sort of ambitions. How many IBOs have come in here claiming they know someone who makes "gazillions'? And tbh amway rules and guess who doesnt rule thats right its you. Jun 24 - Jun 26, 2022. My emerald makes twice what you made as a diamond. A person can have a decent house, nice cars, take a couple of vacations and put some money in the bank if theyre careful what they do with their money. That's because they are people who might be able to reason and convince their loved ones that the cult leaders are only interested in using them for their money.Good luck with that. However, most people in the organizations do NOT bother with the 10n retail customer rule. It always amazed me how in the world can these so called "Diamonds" or "Emeralds" have so much money, yet need to have another job at least? Is it worth working all those hours and going into debt to trick others and not having much $$$ to show for it? Following are the approximate percentages of U.S. registered IBOs who achieved the illustrated results in the calendar year 2021: Diamond Club 0.0271%; Diamond Select 0.0123%; By selecting cancel, the new IBO must complete the rest of the registration process, including payment. Why not get a job or a casual business an do it much faster? You're just a low life commissioned salesperson for this scam outfit. Either way Darnell showed up here spouting off lies and bullshit, undoubtedly duplicating what he's heard from the fucking lying assholes in his Amway upline. Of course not, the information you are allowed to read is what has been given to you. This example, like most, contains a lot of assumptions and can only be used to provide an overall estimate of income. That's one of the requirements to being in the Amway cult, becoming a prude. She loves and worships her Amway cult leaders more than you so they'll probably convince her the right thing to do is end the relationship. Obviously we have differing opinions on what is negative and there's nothing wrong with having different opinions on that. Made up? They had a proposal to make to me and I agreed to meet them for coffee. You may e-mail the information directly to ibofightback. Lastly, everyone just needs to settle down. No that's proof that news sources in 3rd world countries haven't yet announced the results of the 2008 Presidential election. Then you get dumb fucks like white afro ambot who does a search online to find out how much money Diamonds make and lands on this post. LOL! If your career pays you 100k per year and you make 50k a year in amway, are you going to be complaining? The things I learned from Amway I have always used in my everyday life. The dumb fuck ambots don't like the answer they get from the assholes in their Amway upline or the small print on Amway literature and don't like my answer either that Amway Diamonds are broke so they leave a comment bitching about stupid things.When the real stupid thing is staring them back in a mirror. Don was a High School science teacher and basketball coach. Woo hoo! But the business is real i know a guy who went from a pool clean-up to a diamond in 6 years. And yeah most of the bad reputation is because of the antics of their commissioned saleforce and the various cult sects Amway allows to operate. They all yap about freedom and dreams and how you'll be rich in 2 - 5 years even though the ones saying it have been in for a lot longer than that losing their money and pretending everything's going great. You know what you are talking about Mr Darnell. This site is my personal opinions about the Amway company. You do till you are 65.It takes time to build any business.And so what if Amway people are out building their business alk the time. You know the correct income and Amway's head office is way off base by a half a million. Hey I'm the last dude who wasted my life reading this blog so far :D Just take a minute and think carefully guys, would you guys listen to a person speaking tons of bad words or a person speaking nicely? It makes Amway Ambots very angry that its so high on the search engines when they're probably looking to find out how much an Amway Diamond makes. Even if she only makes one sale a month she'd still be making more money than she would in Amway. It is my fault for being too curious, I should have known that this "get rich " in a few years is too good to be true. 68 cents on every dollar is paid back to distributors. The latest bullshit Amway Amspeak propaganda.Yup one of the biggest lies Amway Ambots spout is how everything is awesome. Yup Amway Ambots talk out of both sides of their mouths and their assholes. The only way to make money in Amway is selling tools like that book. I think that might be a first around here! If hate bothers you that much then stay away from Amway the biggest hate mongers out there. Now $150,000 sounds like a lot of money to young people or to those with lower wage types of jobs, or those who are just starting out in their careers. Free returns. Its printed out on Amway literature in black and white. The Amway marketing plan is very flexible. Curious, how many qualified diamonds exist in the US? If you continue to see this error, please contact Customer Service 800-253-6500. And does he owe me $50000? The rich successful restaurant owners pay their waiters crap, and hire illegals, at substandard wages, to clean up at night. I have to agree with Theo, I have a different perspective though. i fell proud my diamond upline is anurag and nidhi agarwal. The company was founded in 1959 by Jay Van Andel and Richard DeVos and is based in Ada, Michigan. It is a unique business. Amway diamonds make 650k+ a year. Greed and ego can lead people to make stupid decisions, that can hurt other people. I grew to resent everything Amway, because my parent's life became consumed with it. These guys are telling you to sign up for MLMs while they own them. IBOs must be in compliance at all times with the Amway IBO Compensation Plan, Quality Assurance Standards and the IBO Rules of Conduct to keep their invitation to Amway incentive trips. If he listens to the Amway cult leaders at every meeting the Diamond makes bazillions of dollars in residual income every month or if he reads the small print in the Amway literature they say Diamond makes about 150k. If you have capital to build a business then do so help the economy and build something of your own. A $10 bonus check means nothing if they paid out several hundred to get it. They are greedy, wealth-based and sneer at the poor instead of helping them (though ironically Ambots tend to be poor themselves unless they have a great real J.O.B. If you are teamed up with the wrong people then you of course there is the chance of failure- say what you want. I love my new Amway family and especially eqipovision. Amway altered my pre-teen years, and straight-up destroyed my parents marriage back in the early 1990's (my dad was in Amway & my mom refused to be a part of it) I was 10-15yrs old when I bore witness to the fucking Amway lifestyle.I'm 35 now, and I look back and see all the ways Amway brainwashed my dad. Read that and it'll answer all your questions. They're losers who are going to be dead or broke by the time they're 65. WHich was funny cause at the meetings they'd tell us we weren't recruiting enough people, but we had meetings like 3 days a week including all day saturday, and some sundays so I'm not completely sure when we were supposed to actually recruit. This product item already exists in the list. Look at the small print where it shows how much Amway Diamonds make each year. They talk about their opulent lifestyles now, and tell those still struggling to build their Amway businesses that they can have the same thing, too, if they just work hard enough. But then again, that's what everything in Amway is based upon. !If you want unbiased look at the Dateline videos done by real reporters interviewing past and current Amway employees. You never just "invite" someone for coffee. Nancy was a full-time nurse. Anna. So net its a small income. He got signed last month and I consider this person as 1 of my best friends that I truly care about. hi, anybody can help but Amway. Here are five cities with the best passes money can buy. See for details. You're scum just like them. Over 200,000 GIA-Graded. My take away message is that anybody can start a legitimate E-commerce by simply googlinng Wikipedia E-commerce and start meaningful old school relationships with clients without scaming and degrading people in a mentally sick way. Amway Diamond Club Destinations for IBOs | Amway Events. That's not what it's about. In other words they accuse someone in the same income bracket as a Diamond of being broke so that shows their low opinion of broke Amway diamonds! Try again later. And yeah, it was weird and cult like "Tonight we get to watch Dave give the Plan!" He is still my friend today and his upline Diamond is still living in Porter County and still has his plane, Cars, 1.8 million dollar home and even he admits that the downturn in the economy hurt his business. Amway does piss all when you complain to them about the upline or the various cult sects. The enthusiasm is still there. Amway (short for "American Way") is an American multi-level marketing (MLM) company that sells health, beauty, and home care products. hi this is the great opp.and any body do this. Even brainwashed ambots who show up here to accuse us of not trying hard enough and that we are lazy, quitters, negative, unchristian dreamstealers. Feel free to join in or live vicariously! Amway Ambots love to say negative no matter how much they preach about never saying negative. January 6, 2012: Updated information on Carole Holiday here. Its humiliating for people to admit their association with Amway so respect their privacy if theyre not out there telling everyone about the love of their life.4. He's not going out to conferences to give speeches. My parents were Amway folks back in the late 80s and throughout the 90s, even into the early 2000s. But he does. As for the products 180 day money back guarantee, so nothing to lose everything to gain if you have a dream and want to make a difference in many lives. heard all the "Motivational speeches". John and Jennie Belle Crowe are Amway legends, having been in the business almost fifty years now. One of the anonymous commentors on my site has shared his Amway/Quixtar Story. With a 99% failure rate no one who isn't brainwashed and have looked into the math of this "opportunity" could possibly call it a solution to anything other than further enriching a tiny portion of folks at the top of the pyramid. For the past decade, Amway has had a bumpy ride. That books a real eye opener and a scary look into the Amway cult.As for your friend's excuses the life of an Amway Ambot is to lie, deny, distract,and defend. According to the assholes in your Amway upline Amway Diamonds make millions of dollars a year! People do not read and comment on blogs that poke fun at things they like. See just a few of the former Amway diamonds who have left the business. Ambot should know the answer. The Top 27 Amway Diamonds of All Time: Best Amway Success Stories. Thank GOD. The . Yup they all want to meet for coffee. Hi Anonymous. Price matching . Almost nobody finds success without a few major lapses in judgment along the way. in order to support 4000 diamonds, the annual volume of amway would have to be 66 billion. Not what those hyped up ambots pretend the income is gazillions of dollars rolling in every month. That is funny, what an oxymoron, Amway Diamond with an open mind. Well you know what they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder! !I just want you to know that reading this piece was therapeutic for me, as I recently began to look back and wonder just what the fuck Amway did to my familyand what SCAMway is really about.Thanks again :). Also, stop hating what other people do because its their lives not yours and if you want to judge, judge your fucking self, because no one gives a shit what you say or think and go kys bitch. so it doesn't seem like the protein bar price at least is unreasonable.. so i still feel like there is more to this scam that I dont understand. 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