Five of my books have been made into successful motion pictures, including the Academy Award winning Voyage of the Damned. This long trajectory through the notions of shutting off curiosity, motivated perceptual blindness, habituation, and making strange brings us, finally, to collage, and to the remarkable observations of German art theorist Franz Mon on the social relevance of this medium: Collage offers an opportunity for accelerated insight into what happens to us in our reality. He is extremely bright, and he has a lot to offer the field of psychology. The 1975 White House documents include the following comments: First, a passage from a September 1975 memorandum by White House attorney Roderick Hills addressed to Richard Cheney: two circumstances affect our analysis of the Justice Department position. December 23, 2001. But it is possible to assemble a patchwork portrait from documents obtained by The Sun under the Freedom of Information Act, Senate investigative files and private document collections, including the National Security Archive in Washington and even the Church of Scientology, which long collected material on government mind-control research. What do you mean, fell or jumped?, We dont know if he fell, said one of the men. The detectives asked him to empty his pockets but did not keep a record of what they found. He holds The Robert A. Welch Distinguished Chair in Science and the Annie and Willie Nelson Professorship in Stem Cell Research. I checked you out. He had apparently been the victim of a boating accident. The same narrow focus on value-free science that led Nazi concentration camp doctors to commit atrocities encouraged many of these well-meaning scholars to cross ethical lines. activities, noted that a civilian employee of the Department of the Army had jumped from the tenth floor of a New York hotel after he was surreptitiously given the hallucinogenic drug, LSD. In my fathers case, I just started turning over stones, and there was a snake under every one.. He died an agonizing death two weeks later. While the CIAs Office of Security went to work scrubbing New York clean of any telltale evidence linking Olsons death to the Agency, Lashbrook and Abramson got their own cover stories straight. If the cold war should ever turn hot, deadly bacteria might be used as weapons. For seven years, his father's bones have lain in a filing cabinet in James Starrs's office. Will be to arrive where we started Whats this about? Feldman demanded. As one psychoanalyst (Roy Schafer) put it, the mystery of how the repressed makes its appearance in the psychoanalytic dialogue is that patient refers to what he is passing over as he passes over it. The reciprocal task of the psychoanalyst, therefore, becomes that of hearing the alienated voice of the other within the rhythms of the patients multivocal speech. The stone house is just above the lake at the end of a small dirt road. Mind warfare, he said, is the great battlefield of the Cold War and we have to do whatever it takes to win this.. I made my way unescorted to the District Attorneys office, where by happenstance I met Patricia Cornwall who said she was there researching material for a book. Nobody would think to call Chestnut Lodge, and Chestnut Lodge would not think to get involved as they would never hear the new version of the story. What was the nature of Olsons duties? Repeated requests to the BBI under the Freedom of Information Act asking for details of the work that Boigle would have been doing in the US have met with refusal on the grounds of national security. There are no other terms for Frank Olsons bizarre death, and for the elaborate disinformational edifice that has been erected to obscure it. He rattled through a list of key events that occurred in 1953. There (is) the possibility that it might be necessary to disclose highly classified national security information in connection with any court suit or legislative hearings.. If you treat a junkie nice, hell treat you nice. But sometimes, when people had information, there was only one way you could get it, If it was a girl, you put her tits in a drawer and slammed the drawer. . There was this Russian ship in the harbor. Revised, updated, and expanded. His reiterated one-liner to me during my telephone call was I have nothing to say on the matter.. A CIA consultant began planning the Artichoke experiments as early as September of 1951. His talk there, wrote Forrest Robinson, featured a highly literary rendering of a psilocybin trip that he took with Timothy Leary a year earlier. Two matters of a bioengineering nature that drew our attention deserve separate mention here. Then there was Frank Olson himself, shrivelled and brown on a slab in a pathologists lab at Washington Georgetown University, his leg broken, a big hole in his skull. Then, in the late 1950s, references to the M36 variant of Vollum give way to references to the highly virulent Vollum 1B strain. No 1A strain seems to have existed. Below is outlined what I believe is necessary adequately to cover instructions for the workers. If the subject drinks heavily, morphine or a similar narcotic can be injected at the passing out stage, and the cause of death will often be held to be acute alcoholism. . The consequences of a magic trick going wrong might be embarrassment or a decline in bookings; a covert operation going bad could cost an agent his or her life. Ive read them through twice, and about all I can do is summarize the impression that they leave on my mind. Eric and his little brother Nils told their school friends that their father had died of a fatal nervous breakdown although they had no idea what this meant. worked with lethal effect on human beings (the expendable SS men etc.). inadvertently declassified an assassination manual dating from late 1953, Eric Olson was able to read the following: ''The most efficient accident, in simple assassination, is a fall of 75 feet or more onto a hard surface. Of course violent, and even self-destructive, acts are not uncommon in the immediate aftermath of LSD use, while tripping, as it is colloquially said. Reporters from throughout the country came to the house that Frank Olson had built and gathered around the picnic table to listen. He was swamped with too many other cases, he said. While the U.S. sub-machine guns fire the most lethal cartridges, the higher cyclic rate of some foreigh weapons enable the gunner to cover a target quicker with acceptable pattern density. The agency kept worrying, moreover, that the Swiss were also exporting the drug to the Sovier Union. (What Dr. Lashbrook told Dr. Gibson). sent five investigators to New York, without explaining why they would send so many in the case of an outright, uncontested suicide. These men interacted with, one might say surrounded, Frank Olson in his last days before he either committed suicide, or as some suspect, was murdered. . The Strange Story of Frank Olson., What Did the CIA Do to Eric Olsons Father?, Now the man in the pencil-strip suit began his counteroffensive. Outside the White House, after their 17-minute meeting with President Ford, Alice Olson gave a statement to the press. In the standard autopsy, the pathologist makes a Y incision, cutting into the body from shoulder to shoulder, with the arms of the Y meeting at the sternum (breast plate) and then going straight down the abdomen to the groin. See the article in its original context from. In Erics quest for truth two quotes have been key: One came from CBS correspondent Anthony Mason in 1994: Eric, Mason said, you are going to get to the bottom of this, but it is going to be a false bottom.. The event was chronicled in a lengthy article published in theNew Yorker. Oh, it could be this, it could be that, and everything in the CIA is a hall of mirrors, layers, you can never get to the bottom When people say that, what theyre really saying is, Were comfortable with this because we dont want to know. Its like my mother always said, Youre never going to know what happened in that hotel room. Well, something DID happen in that room and it is knowable., Suddenly, Eric is 60 years old. 21.07 Voice of Ira (Ike) Feldman/Former CIA agent: This session presented just such an opportunity. Just let me disappear., That evening, Olson wandered the streets of New York, discarding his wallet and identification cards before returning to the Statler. By that time the name Frank Olson had started to achieve the almost mythical status it subsequently acquired. Its the rock called failure.. Whatever its source, Olsons disillusionment came to a head after the LSD experiment on Nov. 19, 1953, at a rented cabin on Deep Creek Lake in Western Maryland. Abramson was an unlikely doctor from whom to seek psychiatric assistance. And, Eric said, also, there were these two, Eric searched for a moment for the right word to describe the others. Allen took up the CIA post twenty-six days later. But many were unwitting subjects, particularly drug addicts, prostitutes, mental patients, and prisoners people who were unlikely to complain and even less likely to be believed if they did. 11.48 They say he jumped. This new work became MKULTRA Subproject 19. All of these factors affected our computerized reconstruction of the incident and augmented the complexities and the imponderables of bringing the truth of Dr. Olsons death to light. Olsen Lab. (i) The bizarre circumstances of his death could well cause a court of law to determine as a matter of public policy that he did not die in the course of his official duties. The day after President Ford apologized to the Olsons in the Oval Office, a congressional subcommittee headed by Bella Abzug met to question Lawrence R. Houston, the former CIA general counsel who had drafted the 1954 memo. In their questing for the truth they discovered that C.I.A. Eventually you would come to San Francisco. The report from New York City, from the Medical Examiners office which I had before me was totally inaccurate in some very important respects. Olson was told that he had swallowed LSD about 20 minutes after drinking some Cointreau. Ike Feldman was subpoenaed and appeared on a panel of witnesses, but the senators failed to ask him a single question. Quick now, here, now, always The New York District Attorney was in fact able to locate a source in Israel with close ties to Israeli intelligence which was able to confirm this allegation. By early 1953, Gottlieb had been given control of the Agencys newly minted mind-control program, MK-ULTRA. Experts told him that in order to achieve the momentum needed to vault over a central heating radiator under the window, burst through the closed blinds and smash through the hotels heavy glass panes, Olson would have had to struck the window travelling at more than 30km per hour. The question is a cover-up of what? Over the left eye, underneath unbroken skin, was a fist-sized hematoma embedded in the sub-galeal sheath. Among his papers is a Sept. 30, 1970, letter to Dr. Harvey Powelson, then chief of the department of psychiatry at the University of California at Berkeley. But, it seemed, the curse of the past wouldnt let go. In combination with the scientific findings the above ground investigations would contribute to a better understanding of how Dr. Frank R. Olson came to his death. There was an interest in the U.S. during that time in looking at mood-altering drugs from LSD to BZ and other possible mood-altering drugs. 43.31 Voice of US Air Force Pilot (Prisoner of War in North Korea): 44.30 Voice of US Air Force-Pilot (after his return): 44.57 Voice of Norman Cournoyer/Friend of Frank Olson, 46.46 Voice of Norman Cournoyer/Friend of Frank Olson. Gottlieb was very enthusiastic about Mulhollands approach and wanted to move ahead quickly. Then in June 1975 a special commission chaired by Vice President Nelson Rockefeller released the findings of its investigation into illegal CIA domestic operations. What, then, had the CIA accomplished? [10], MKULTRA and its component parts had already become one of the Agencys most secret operations. The memo said that President Eisenhower was intensely interested in the fate of the missing P.O.W.s, and that he had wanted to make sure everybody was doing all they could about it.. It followed the young Luther to the moment of spiritual crisis -- Here I stand, I can do no other'' -- when he decided to take on the might of the Catholic Church. Mulholland summed up his suggestions as to what this covert guide would have to contain in a letter that he sent to Gottlieb the following week. A Brooklyn boy, he was drafted into the Army in 1941. I think thats a tremendous tribute to our country., She felt very embraced by Gerald Ford, said Eric. Between the time they checked in and 10:00 p.m. they watched television, visited the cocktail lounge, and then had dinner. He simply couldnt imagine how his father could have run across the small, dark hotel room, gained enough velocity to vault over a radiator and crash with enough force to go through the closed blinds and the heavy glass pane of a shut hotel windowall with a CIA agent asleep in the next bed whose entire responsibility was to keep track of his father. We want you to work as an under cover agent in San Francisco.. At various stages in our friendship the question of Frank Olsons death came up. Most of his historical foot-notoriety, however, stems from his freelance work using prostitutes to lure unsuspecting johns to a CIA safehouse in San Francisco, where the unwitting pleasure-seekers would instead be dosed with MK-ULTRA acid. When Eric had his fathers body exhumed in 1994, the pathologist, Dr James Starrs, found a hole in Franks head that he concluded came from the butt of a gun and not a fall from a 10th floor window. Pentagon strategists began to envision a day when battles would be fought on psychic terrain in wars without conventional weaponry. It did not clear his mind; it worsened his anxieties and nine days later Frank Olson was dead, having jumped or been pushed through a window on the tenth floor of the Statler Hotel in New York City. Uniformed policemen, summoned to the hotel by night manager Armondo Diaz Pastore, discovered CIA official Robert V. Lashbrook calmly sitting in the room he shared with Olson. Despite the findings of a Senate committee headed by Ted Kennedy that U.S. mind-control research was a big silly failure, and even though Markswhose approach is fairly conservativeacknowledges that he found no record to prove it, the project may have indeed succeeded. Other questions gave rise to answers sufficient to stand plausibility on its head. Dr. Gibson said he found this very believable. He helped found Harvards Social Relations Department, which had been generously funded by covert intelligence agencies. I had a strong reaction to the letter. As Pastore placed his pass-key into the door, the police drew their guns as a precautionary measure. Since the laceration and its subjacent skull fracture plainly seemed to be linked to a single impact, and since that impact would have to have been a blow well beyond the capacity of a window or its housing to inflict, I believed that the glass in that laceration must have originated from a particle of glass picked up at the street level. After he died, it was a subject one couldnt really go near., 2.25 At the funeral, attended by several dozen relatives, friends of the family, and members of my team, the remains were lowered into the ground for what could be their final rest. The discrediting of Manhattan Project director Robert Oppenheimer, which began just two weeks before Frank Olson was killed, illustrates the jeopardy into which highly-regarded scientists who dared to criticize American weapons development in the early 1950s were placed. a. At that point the government wasted no time in getting in touch. But was the truth that was buried in the death of Frank Olson so big that even the President would be enlisted to maintain the secret? Bullshit. The family home, a ranch house, is in a decayed state of suspended animation -- seemingly the same carpets, same couches, same dusty jar of Vaseline in the bathroom cabinet that were there the night Frank Olson died. (Psychology Today,poster 5.). When he knew a woman already had a date for a particular night he would call her up and ask her out. Hed been in the house on the telephone. Theres too much bullshit in the world, Feldman said. Now after the passage of so many years since his fathers death, the political scene in Washington, D.C. had changed. In fact, the body had been embalmed, and it was in nearly perfect condition. Then the family goes to Tupper Lake on vacation. The moment was one to be savored by him and the Olson family. As a nine-year-old I was old enough to have some idea of cause and effect. But why had Olson been taken to see Dr Abramson who was not a psychiatrist at all but a skin allergist? 35.54 In the first instance our attention was drawn to Olsons face and neck. And while the CIAs Security and Medical offices maintained a long list of other doctors, including psychiatrists, with such top secret approval, Abramsons work and interest placed him well inside the Technical Services Staffs family. Gottlieb was determined that his secret activities remained secret even within the wider reaches of the CIA. Should the verb disappeared be taken to mean jumped? Eric Olson Department of Philosophy Room C14 45 Victoria Street Sheffield I do what I want. . He was soon working in a new and highly secretive subgroup: the Special Operations Division (SOD). It was, therefore, not unexpected that he would down-play the significance of the sizeable blood stain on the skull over Olsons left eye. At the urging of Eric and Harry Huge I took a train to New York City accompanied by Olsons boxed skull. In exhumations, no stone should be left unturned for there will probably be no future opportunity to revisit an exhumation once the remains are reburied. While a great deal about his activities remained unknown to his family, apparently during the weekend preceding his death Frank Olson had been uncharacteristically distraught, he being a person of considerable cheerfulness and bonhomie. Link to Stephen Endicott website, Co-author with Edward Hagerman of: [42]. Contusions are ruptures of small subcutaneous blood vessels. Begun in Chicago in March of 1902 and subsequently housed in Kansas City and finally New York, this staid yet controversial periodical had become the most influential of magic journals. As a freshman, Eric Olson ('77, Ph.D. '81, DSc '03) planned to follow his chemist-father into a career as a research scientist when he hit an obstacle that forced a profound reckoning. Artichoke techniques to individuals of dubious loyalty, suspected agents or plants and subjects having known reasons for deception.. Note: Even the manuscript itself would have to be written in a manner that protected the Agency should it fall into the wrong hands. He served as the consultant on conjuring to theEncyclopedia Britannicaand the Merriam-Webster dictionary and at one time was the only magician listed inWhos Who in America. I gained confirmation for some of Pastores remembrances from another former Hotel Statler employee, employed, upon my meeting with him, at the relocated Penn Bar.He was on duty at the hotel the night of Olsons death. ' Did he have a new job? ''Fallen or jumped'' and ''accident'' were the words he heard as he looked across the room at his mother, frozen and empty-eyed, on the sofa opposite.
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