Nor do we view it as a guilty stain on the soul in desperate need of cleansing. Johannes Jacobse, The Age of Morality The Anthropology of Antichristianity (Part 7) They believe church authority to teach is given by the laying-on of hands from one religious spiritual dwarf to another. 3) And that the scriptures, unlike Orthodox traditions, are inspired word for word, and in Matthew 4:4 Jesus promises those scriptures will be preserved word for word. 3/27/2021 Fr. } For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life. 96) Heretical definition of sacraments: the American Eastern Orthodox Christian site states, quote: Sacrament. 7/2/2022 Rachel Wilson, Review: Between Heaven and Russia, by Sarah Riccardi-Swartz 5) Orthodoxy themselves compare themselves with Romanism, thus they are logically her daughters. font-family: Verdana; 7/8/2019 Fr. font-weight: bold; Angels are grouped in nine orders (tagmata) as follows: Angels; Archangels; Principalities; Powers; Virtues; Dominations; Thrones; Cherubim; Seraphim. Lawrence Farley, Truth, Compassion, and the Transgender Movement But can there be true believers who decide to remain within the Orthodox church? I ask, pointing to the Romanian renewal movement Army of God within the Orthodox Church that emphasized many of the same doctrines as evangelicalism. (Hebrews 7:26-28). An honorary title given to saints such as St. Constantine and St. Cyril and St. Methodios for their missionary work in the Church. Martyrs (bloody or psychologically tormented) are supposed to be created by exterior enemies, not by ones own household; even though Christ-God warns us about that very peculiarity But with this said why provacateurs and agitators simply dont move along when we live in an age in which many have the ability to move on? 82) God-parents marriage ban. As the encroachments of false teaching and division multiplied in early Christian times, threatening to obscure the identity and purity of the Church, the term "Orthodox" quite logically came to be applied to it. Apocrypha may have different meanings depending on how it is applied to the Old or New Testaments and whether it is being used by Catholics, Protestants or Orthodox Christians. font-family: Verdana; line-height: 150%; } But the impetus for that division was not a choice between obedience to the Word of God and the word of man, but rather a choice between two competing sets of that which Scripture repeatedly condemns as "the commandments and doctrines of men.". line-height:200%; Jesus said to keep your fasting secret, not have special clockwork calendar days specified for fasting. John Whiteford, The Living Church 2.0 But avoid foolish disputes, genealogies, contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and useless. Orthodoxy believes that the Christian Faith and the Church are inseparable. 6/3/2017 Russian Orthodox Academic, Soft-Pedaling Christian Morality: A Review of a Curious Review [on Fr. The Church of Jerusalem, as being the first Christian Church. Its almost like a one off proof their whole idea of human tradition is based on bunk human decision making.). Joseph Birthisel, Culture Wars Threaten the Orthodox Church, Our Freedom, and Our Families line-height:180%; As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving. 6/25/2018 Fr. Today I am interviewing a former Eastern Orthodox believer who has become Baptist. I realized I did not need the Orthodox church or even a priest to be my mediator, for Jesus was the mediator between me and the Father., Though John does not use the term, it is clear from his testimony that he had acquired an unshakable belief in the Reformation doctrine of sola scriptura. margin-bottom:6.0pt; And coming closer to home, why the theological terrorism in our own home? font-family:"Verdana","sans-serif"; 7/2/2019 Multiple Senior OCA Priests (six priests and one bishop, authored July 2018), Protodeacon Feldmans Old Testament The Gospel Coalition supports the church by providing resources that are trusted and timely, winsome and wise, and centered on the gospel of Jesus Christ. 3) In the Orthodox worship, every Monday is dedicated to the angels. 5) The seemingly innocuous phrase "one Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church" presupposes either Orthodoxy or Catholicism is the true reflection of the early church, and thus asserts their triple salvation false gospel by covert means. font-family:"Verdana","sans-serif"; 6/17/2020 Orthodox Reflections, Archbishop Many Spoons Elpidophoros Heresy to the Nth Degree? 97)Three hierarchs. The catechetical or Sunday school of each parish is responsible for such "instruction" of children or other faithful. 6/7/2015 George Michalopulos, The Strange Theology of David Bentley Hart [and Univeralism Heresy of Fr. The concept differs from original sin firstly in that it emphasises 3 consequences of the Fall of Adam upon humanity not one: 2) Thereinafter was increased suffering and toil. 8/24/2018 Pillar and Ground of the Truth, On Allegations of Orthodox Fundamentalism (Part 3) Tradition, Fundamentalism, and Modernity Puhalo rants again on Transgenderism and Intersexuality Heresy has been and will be a problem for the church until Christ returns. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. Sackcloth in the OT was used when mourning, not for mortification. It has been a money spinning dogma for many years, by bleeding the Greek people dry by threats of exhuming bodies if yearly payments on graves are not paid. 12/11/2021 Fr. text-align: justify; {margin-top:0in; font-weight: normal; that they may appear unto men to fast. (Colossians 2:4-10). Gabriel (Hieromonk), On Allegations of Orthodox Fundamentalism (Part 2) The Church and Modernity note: a marriage vow is not the same as a legal oath in court, banned by Jesus in Matthew 5. this also includes witch murders, superstitious murders, imprisonments etc. The Canon Liturgical /73)Canons (or Canon Law). text-align: left; 6) It asserts the heresy of "hand-me-down" powers via their use of the theological idea of their definition of "Apostolic". The Church is content to accept the element of mystery in its approach to God. But this had no effect on me. font-size: 10pt; margin-left:15pt; 50) Their definition of heresy is heresy!!! 3)craftsman- idols, church finery etc His parents told him he was bringing shame upon the whole family. This practice of pilgrimages protected by violence therefore usurped over the commands of Jesus of a Love and Peace life style. 5/14/2022 Fr. } Lawrence Farley, Resolution to Petition the Holy Synod to Correct Errant Clergy and Lay Persons on Issues of Same-Sex Erotic Relationships 3/27/2015 Fr. This is made complex as the division with Catholic theology on it becomes embarrassing to both sides, considering there were supposed to be one church once. (Romans 5:6-11). 6/24/2019 Fr. Some people wrongly believe that the Eastern Orthodox Church is false? Sarakosti). font-weight: bold; This is called by them "thelaver of regeneration". 77)Consecration. 6/5/2020 Monomakhos Blog, Impossible for Holy Communion to Carry Germs or Diseases I am purposely writing theologoumena precisely asking questions more than proposing answers; and pointing out things which hurt my head thinking about them; 3. 7/10/2022 Nick Stamatakis, How Big Foundation Money Is Subverting Traditional Christianity 8/3/2021 Fr. } By saying that two Christians can divorce and remarry for post marital adultery, either party (the guilty or innocent), the Eastern Orthodox religion, unlike Roman Catholicism, preaches adultery. Accordingly witnesses are a priori considered to be of the Orthodox Christian faith.". John Chryssavgis Pro-Homosexual views] 10/18/2019 Fr. p.reference_entry font-size: 8pt; If we hold such false principles as valid, then the Orthodox Church ceases to be the Church of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Apostles, the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed, the Ecumenical Councils, and the Fathers of the Church. Examining just three areas - Eastern Orthodoxy's positions on Scripture, sin, and salvation - tells us all we need to know to reject it as a false faith. 8/10/2022 Fr. Like Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy teaches the necessity of confession of sin to a human priestly mediator in order for the individual to maintain his salvation, and teaches that the Eucharist is a propitiatory sacrifice for confessed sins in addition to the sacrifice of Christ on the cross. font-family: Verdana; making shrines is a step further than just having idols. }, It has been well said that Eastern Orthodoxy is "Roman Catholicism without its papacy and Mariolatry. margin-left: 28px; {margin-top:0in; In all my years, Ive never heard of such a thing. I begin to explain what it is like in other countries, where Eastern Orthodoxy is a minority and the evangelical tradition dominates. 5/5/2017 Reader Dr. Alfred Kentigern Siewers, Sanfilippos Conjugal Friendship font-size: 10pt; Gabriel (Hieromonk), Unitarian Morality With a Little Theosis Sprinkled on Top These links summarize the extensive true and public witness of approximately eighty four (84) Orthodox Christians (many priests and bishops) all of whom are in good standing with the Orthodox Church (spanning multiple jurisdictions). TeachingtheWord Do Humans Have Free Will? This reverent but bold work offers the necessary insight and inspiration to create a community that welcomes all its . John Whiteford, More anti-fundamentalism pap from OCL I thank John for his time, and then ask him to sum up the biggest difference between Orthodox Christians and Baptists. Joseph Birthisel, Sister Vassa on Homosexuality Scripture itself qualifies the exceptions, by its own use, your physical father on earth, the "fathers" as important historical figures in scripture itself, but never as a spiritual title for a living person, and certainly not for a gaggle of historical Orthodox heretics. preposterous! margin-right:15pt; It is worth researching if the Orthodox have like the Catholics limited languages a liturgy can be read out in. (Romans 5:1-2), For when we were still without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. The Orthodox do not view sin in a legalistic manner. All rights reserved. by Fr. 9/15/2019 Fr. We also suggest that you include a direct hyperlink to this article for the convenience of your readers. A liturgical book containing the lives of the saints and the special hymns (stichera) for the feast-days of the Orthodox Saints. The title ofPrimus inter pares was also taken by Constantine, a murderer the Orthodox have chosen to follow instead of the example of Christ. This term describes an alleged progressive transformation of the individual into full likeness to God, in both soul and body, through a cooperative effort involving faith and good works. The apostle Paul often condemns and warns against those refuting the gospel through the . A former missionary to Romania, Trevin is a regular columnist at The Gospel Coalition and has contributed to The Washington Post, Religion News Service, World, and Christianity Today, which named him one of 33 millennials shaping the next generation of evangelicals. I began reading my Bible, going to church, praying. Though I have a double-major doctorate (religion/theology and psychology) 1. Genesis 3:5, and for which King Herod was eaten by worms "And the people gave a shout,saying, It isthe voice of a god, and not of a man. 2) Angelic order (tagmata): Some of them are appointed to guard the faithful (guardian angels). p.quotation_text_1 John Whiteford, Mattingly: Two clashing Orthodox takes on doctrine past and future In real baptism, such as that of the Ethiopianeunuch in Acts 8, do you really think the underlying theologyof the wordhomoousioshad to first be expressed by him? p.quotation_text_3 John Whiteford, The Problem With Fundamentalists [Refuting Fr John Jillions] margin-bottom:6.0pt; Lawrence Farley, Public Orthodoxy, Orthodoxy in Dialogue, The Wheel = Wolves in Sheeps Clothing John Whiteford, When A Bishop Does Right line-height:16.0pt; Johns reliance on Scripture is evident. Why? As Quoheleth says, Nothing is new under the sun. And the Apostle writes, Jesus..the Same yesterday, today and forever. They simply cannot see beyond their delusions and narcissism and their need not only to move the furniture around in the room, but to introduce new furniture, and to deny the removed furniture was ever removed. The Catholics tend to answer more specifically and clearly than the Orthodox in certain areas. line-height:200%; The paradox of this is that the Orthodox, seeing the mass and other doctrines do not bear logical scrutiny, seek to mystify their dogmas a little more than Roman Catholicism does, especially their dogmas about the eucharist, and perhaps also more about the concept of ancestral sin versus sin nature etc. 5/8/2017 Fr. He and his wife Corina have three children. } for non-commercial purposes, provided that this copyright notice is included. The book containing the rules and regulations /. Essentially Eastern Orthodoxy, and Catholicism, are unbiblical pyramid systems where the so called "laity" are in effect the lowest of the low, almost like a lower caste, with the Pope or thePrimus inter pares at the top, and Catholic and Orthodox laity at the bottom like a doormat. 1/23/2019 Fr. With help from the Orthodox editors, I have compiled a list of articles, essays, and petitions written by Orthodox Christian priests, deacons, professors, and writers warning the Church about false teachers and deceitful venues (especially Public Orthodoxy, The Wheel Journal, Orthodoxy in Dialogue, Fordham Universitys Orthodox Center, Lazar Puhalo, Sister Vassa) that question, challenge, mock, deconstruct, contradict, and distort Church teaching, practices, and theology. 53) Cunning and crafty mystification of doctrine, 56) Priesthood offering up physical sacrifices, 57) A heathen calendar as part of the Faith, 62) The heresy of directly instructing the Orthodox "laity" to avoid trying to understand the symbolism of the Book of Revelation. Digamia). 8/30/2017 Fr. 10/31/2015 Fr. margin-top: 12px; John Whiteford, 2015 Though not as bad as quote "The Holy Mother Church" of Rome, the murders committed by the Orthodox Faith are still extremely bad, and this website givesa long list of such murders. Very few people are gifted by God as prophets; spirits must be discerned; and sadly to say, most prophets turn out to be false prophets. /Horologion. .series_header { The spirits of Babylon have now transmigrated across the Earth from the country of Iraq to Italy, in the especially the City of Rome, and dwell in any country where Catholicism thrives. {margin-top:0in; The Catholics also have heresy by their annulments. John smiles and begins to get visibly excited. "An Orthodox Christian that is truly born again would realize that the church is wrong and would turn to evangelicalism." For John, coming to Christ and joining an evangelical church are two sides of the same coin. He spread his false teaching throughout the East, receiving support from certain Eastern bishops. This is often linked to the chanting of many heretical teachings, chiefly that of the "holy eucharist" or their version of the blasphemy of the mass. Also, refer to the article on theDogmatic Tradition of the Orthodox Church. Different, alien, and presumably false belief or teaching. Commonly, the Orthodox consider as Mother Church theEcumenical Patriarchateas being the senior Church of the Orthodox World. 60) Christendom: Contrary to the pacifist directive of Galatians 4, where we are said to be pilgrims (Book of Hebrews) toward the Jerusalem above, not defending the Physical borders of physical Jerusalem below, both the Catholics and Orthodox ignored this directive (asserted again in John 18:36) and created an Empire concept of Christendom, where physical Jerusalem was to always be captured by the military. They are, 1) St. font-weight:bold; Like the Roman Catholic church, the Eastern Orthodox also reject the doctrine of the authority of Scripture alone, declaring it to be the great heresy of the Reformation. Gabriel (Hieromonk), Silence [progressive death march desires to silence all opposition] 5/20/2018 Dr. David C. Ford, The New Christianity 10/7/2013 Nun Cornelia (Rees), Fr. 10/9/2019 Fr. .quotation_text_3 { text-align: justify; Romanian Orthodoxy is the state religion, meaning that almost everyone born in Romania is already considered a member of the Orthodox church, regardless of devotion or belief. John Whiteford, Deeply Disturbing Concerns Homosexual Militancy Threatening the Orthodox Church or the witch of Endore). 1/21/2020 Jennifer Davis, An Anonymous Open Letter against Fr. See also the article on the Canon Law of the Orthodox Church. Is what amounts to the title of the comparativelyimpotent andinertOrthodox Pope. 98) ChrismationRenunciation of Errors: The confirmation service of a new adult convert to Eastern Orthodox has "the renunciation" ceremony in it. 9/28/2022 Global Orthodox, Woke Academics Promoting Homosexuality and Subverting Orthodox Christianity in US Part 1 line-height: 200%; {color:#930000; p.section_header (bogus man made rites of no importance). False teachings led me away from the Church I just wanted to share my story and, in a way, my frustrations, as someone who left the church for a while due to extremist teachings, even though luckily I have found my way back to the faith. 8/21/2017 Fr. John is visibly taken aback by the question. .normal_text { font-size: 10pt; 6/16/2021 Orthodox Christianity, From New York To Istanbul With Love: From Green To Rainbow Patriarch The fact is the entireMosaic Lawwasnailed to the cross and "done away" (2Cor 3) or (Col 2:14-17) "nailed to his cross" or "made old" (Heb 8:13) being replaced by new testament law based on the two commandments, not the old ten commandments as its centrepiece (Gal 6:2 & Matt 7:24). And the author does not claim definitiveness, but only a selection of the most notable. John is a Romanian man in his late fifties who is no stranger to the Eastern Orthodox Church. (Gr. Gabriel (Hieromonk), Dishonest Dialogue The basic theory of the . Why God is He, Not She } I try to convert people, because I believe the Orthodox Church is wrong and is leading people astray.. The modern contraceptive pill, allowed by many in Orthodoxy, which is based on progesterone, a chemical that destroys the ovum after fertilization, is believed by many to be murder. The Continuing Validity of the Moral Law of the Old Testament [Refutes Lazar Puhalo Heretical Views] 1/10/2019 William E. Porter, Jr., M.Div. font-family:"Verdana","sans-serif"; 92) TheMotherChurch. Their bible is false because: 1) The racist error of translating the old testament from Greek. 2/1/2022 Rod Dreher, Double-faced AB Elpidophoros Delivers Pro-Abortion Message at March for Life 4/13/2018 Rod Dreher, Fighting the Wrong Battles Others are men married to other men. 16:18). 69) Man made Rites: atotal and complete avalanche of them! Zhertva). So let me contrarywise make aplain statement: The Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic gospel of pseudo salvation is anathema, accursed, bogus, and a ticket to Hell. Help train Christians to boldly share the good news of Jesus Christ in a way that clearly communicates to this secular age. Here I would go to the Orthodox Church, cross myself, kiss an icon one moment and despise God the next. p.summary_text 14) Canonization: all Christians are saints, Romans 1. The bloodless offering to God, which is the Holy Eucharist offered at the Liturgy. 19) Prayer heresies - 1) Praying forthe dead. The Lutheran ChurchMissouri Synod, its president, vice-presidents and all 35 district presidents, along with its ministerium and congregations, categorically reject the horrible and racist teachings of the so-called "alt-right" in toto (including white supremacy, Nazism, pro-slavery, anti-interracial marriage, women as property, fascism . 1) Calvinism = man is totally depraved (heresy) font-size:10.0pt; font-size: 10pt; "correct or true belief"). It is a logical deduction they believe other denominations bury their dead in "unholy ground" in an "unholy manner". A great book to immerse oneself in, when starting to believe oneself as having Gods cellphone number, and a secret gnosis which needs to be shared with congregation/monastery/the public at large, is the book entitled, 50 Jewish Messiahs by Jerry Rabow (Gefen Publishing House, 2002). For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so also by one Man's obedience many will be made righteous. Following Apostolic Tradition, Orthodoxy teaches that the original apostles appointed bishops, who in turn appointed bishops, and on and on through a laying on of the hands that touched the hands that touched the hands of Christ. p.references_header Racist error of translating the old testament from Greek justify ; { ;! Reflections, Archbishop many Spoons Elpidophoros heresy to the angels complete avalanche of them shrines is a Romanian in! 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