A magical bow that can fire an infinite amount of flaming arrows. Kratos also remembers the day he made a bamboo flute for his daughter, and from there, Calliope broke into a beautiful melody Alas, that pleasant memory was quickly destroyed by bad memories that are still present in Kratos. Once he realized the truth, that she was a Goddess, he instantly no longer trusted her due to his own experience with the gods of Olympus. He does, however, express extreme guilt for what he has done to Greece after killing Zeus, ultimately attempting suicide over it. Mimir, Freya, Tr, Brok, and Sindri all discourage him from going to Odin, but he runs away. In Kratos' hands it can cleave a man sized ememy in two with one slash. Though he finds Brok and Sindri annoying, Kratos is never rude or ill-natured around them and even trusts them to work on his gear. Hermes, instead of fighting Kratos, tried to avoid him by running at fast speeds. His last test was for Kratos to kill his own family, as Ares believed they were holding him back. As a result, Zeus killed Kratos and also, to make him suffer, he destroyed Sparta. She agreed to show him the way but only if she had sex with him. There are still quite a few things about Kratos that might surprise you, however. From gaming trends to the latest blockbuster anime, DualShockers keeps you ahead of the curve. As they are heading back to Midgard, Mimir warns them that Fimbulwinter-the great winter that precedes Ragnark is upon them as it was not supposed to happen for a couple of hundred years and that Kratos may have accelerated the events. It could be that they did not feel like calling him a demigod, or that they used it to make him appear weak. However, the Underworld is filled with monsters and obstacles that are very dangerous, but Kratos managed to get through it all and climbed the rope that was suddenly thrown down there. The endless nightmares he was also tormented with further caused him to fall into a state of total mental anguish and anger, as he felt haunted by every waking moment. He then crossed a huge abyss and awaits Kratos at the top of the Athena statue, belittling him. Kratos gets angry with her for not telling him about her godly identity and he leaves quickly without thanking her.Kratos and Atreus make their way back to the Lake of Nine. Around this time, Zeus began to hear prophecies foretelling his demise at the hands of one of his sons, a "marked warrior". While he's inside the light, Kratos follows Faye's ashes and he has auditory visions of how Atreus resents him for not being a loving father. By order of Zeus, Ceryx asks Kratos to stop his pursuit. RELATED: God Of War PS4: 10 Easter Eggs Youll Only Notice On A Replay. Baldur even said that he can't win no matter what he does to him, while Kratos, on the other hand, using his rage power to self-heal himself from his injuries during the battle, then the stranger then jumps to charge at Kratos to punch him, but Kratos' god-like speed and reflexes allows him to react and dodge just before the stranger can land a punch on him, and the stranger miss before the two deities continue their fight. A weapon originally used by the Dark Rider. He climbed a cliff and asked the gods, about what should he do next. And now with the key in his hand, Kratos knows that he must return to the sinking city of Atlantis. He then vowed to serve the other gods in order to receive his forgiveness and relief from the nightmares of his past deeds, but he was also openly defiant. Ares justified this as a means of severing Kratos' remaining attachments to the world of mortals, thereby molding him into the perfect warrior. Meanwhile, Kratos is looking for a way to break his blood oath with Ares. But when Kratos thrusts his sword, Athena jumps in front, sacrificing herself. Reaching the labyrinth area, he meets Hermes, the childish God of Messengers mocking Kratos for his foolish failures in the past and gives him more insulting remarks for his stupidity. In spite of his cruel acts, Kratos is shown to care deeply for his wife and daughter, with the memories of their deaths driving him to the point of madness. But regardless from that complaint, he did not attack. This is the first time Kratos has been happy since being nicknamed the Ghost of Sparta. He also exhibits a deep sense of shame and horror at his reputation as the Ghost of Sparta. After fighting their way through countless members of Dark Elves, they make it to the central chamber of the Light of Alfheim. He is the first person who tried to enter Pandora's Temple but ended up dead and is now a living corpse spirit. But the Island of Creation is home to the Sisters of Fate, so it won't be easy to enter it. Furthermore, Athena revealed that the reason Zeus wanting to kill Kratos was because he was afraid what happened to his father would happen again. By killing Persephone and her chains, putting Atlas on the Pillar of the World, Kratos has saved humanity. Unfortunately for Kratos, Atreus, despite his compassionate nature appears to have inherited his father's impulsiveness and tendency towards rage. Kratos battles Thor once again, but Thor is killed by Odin for refusing to kill Kratos. The same is true of his younger brother Deimos. But to reach the Island of Creation, where the Sisters of Fate reside, Kratos must travel quite a journey. He senses that Kratos has the box and throws a literal pillar at him. However, Freya's arrival decisively tips the scale in Kratos' favor and he, Atreus, and Freya overpower Odin after Atreus destroys his mask. While it is revealed in the Fallen God comic that the Blades of Chaos have been following Kratos his entire life after he received them from Ares, it was only the Blades that follow him. Feeling betrayed, Kratos refuses to submit, not giving in Zeus another choice, but he immediately stabs the Blade of Olympus into Kratos' stomach, instantly killing him. Enraged, Gaia attempts to kill father and son by destroying the pavilion, and in an attempt to escape, both Kratos and Zeus jump inside Gaia. After seeing Faye's mural revealing she foresaw he would become the new All-Father of the Nine Realms and be beloved by the people, Kratos was visibly overjoyed and openly sought to repair the damage done to the Nine Realms, finally becoming a true hero who sought to help others. He tried to persuade Kratos by reminding him that he, too, used to be a father. Sensing that the mysterious person could be dangerous, Kratos tells his son to hide under the base, which at first, at the time tells his son not to go there, but with no choice, the base was the place Kratos could think of for his son to hide. Athena replied that Kratos still doesn't fully understand, so he asks Kratos to step back, but immediately hearing this, Kratos becomes furious and destroys the statue of Athena, before then continue the journey to the city of Sparta. Kratos, being a demi-god, isnt destroyed by the river, but the souls attack him and leave him badly weakened. Enraged, Athena declares mortals would not know what to do with such power, and told Kratos that he had disappointed her. This is a purgatory ruled by the God of Death Thanatos. Horrified, Kratos rushed to help Atreus heal his wounds. Enraged, Kratos breaks free, and punches Thor with his full god-like might, and broke Thor's tooth and the satisfied God of Thunder departs, claiming "[I'll] be seeing 'ya.". If one looks at Kratos journal in his ship, he states that no matter how which woman he sleeps with, they all remind him of Lysandra. As a Spartan General prior to his service to Ares, Kratos wore Spartan hoplite armor. In the next game however, Kratos' relationship with Mimir drastically changes, as he starts to call Mimir by his name, and calls him 'Brother' multiple times. Kratos, who lost his control of his rage, brutally kills Heimdall, much to Mimir's horror, and they save Freyr, who is injured and ambushed by the Einherjar. Here's a better look at Kratos' powers and weaknesses. Again, Kratos uses it to climb up, before kicking the captain ever-unlucky ship into the River Styx. An example of this is Hades use of telekinesis when Kratos fights him. In this confrontation, Kratos scoffs, saying that now Zeus will no longer have the protection of Athena, because Athena is dead, which is according to Zeus, Athena's death was caused by Kratos' blind rage. Waking up from his stupor, Kratos continues his journey on foot. Atreus explains how the mother had already passed away and decides to help the two in creating improvements to their armor and weaponry, like Brok. Finding himself back in the city of Rhodes, Kratos commands the last Spartan warrior (also left alive) to return to Sparta City and prepare for battle. Hephaestus lied to Zeus, telling him putting it on the back of Cronos was the safest place as he thought no one could best the titan. Has the ability to catch incoming enemy projectiles and send them back to the enemy. The most recent entry added the Leviathan Axe to Kratos' ever-expanding armory alongside his . Freyr sacrifices himself to ensure that Freya would reach Fenrir's rift in time. His entire body shape has also remained slightly inconsistent over the Greek saga, as the size of his head physically was different between each title, as every Greek saga game used a different character model for Kratos. For a time, Kratos served Ares loyally, raiding villages, slaughtering innocents, and spreading chaos in his name. The first time he is seen smiling is in the first God of War for the PAL release of the first game, when he gives a menacing smirk upon encountering a trap in Pandora's Temple where he needs to sacrifice an undead soldier to continue. The go-to source for comic and superhero movie fans. The Ghost of Sparta dreams of Faye yet again, who is, this time, preparing for her eventual death early on. This is the time for him to leave the world. She told her husband to kill Kratos when he was a child, but Zeus instead took pity on him and refused, enraging Hera even more. Deimos (Greek: ) was the younger brother of Kratos, both being the sons of Zeus. Tr convinces Atreus that maybe he is the "Champion" of the Jtnar, irritating Kratos. Kratos than took out the Omphalos stone which Hephaestus later forged into a new weapon, the Nemesis Whip, as a reward. Sure, in-game, Kratos Spartan Rage is incredibly powerful, and to anyone who's played the games, its probably gotten them out of a few tough spots. Kratos gets briefly knocked out only to be forcefully awoken by Thor, who repeatedly tries to goad Kratos' rage so he can see the true nature of the God of War. He decided to end his own life using the Blade of Olympus after successfully fighting for his revenge and feeling nothing else he must do. He keeps the Icarus Wings though, and uses them both in God of War II and God of War III. He beat Hephaestus to a bloody pulp and took Pandora, his daughter, away from him so he could suffer for all eternity. At the moment. Atreus' father then demands him to prove himself to become a true warrior where they're bigger journey was about to begin. In God of War III, he can only use it through an artifact, the Nemesis Whip, which could unleash powerful electrical attacks. But unexpectedly, Gaia reveals that Kratos is just a pawn that is no longer theirs needed, because now the Titans have almost reached the existence of Zeus to finally exact revenge for what Zeus did to them in the Great War. Therefore, Kratos stops him and calm his son down. Instead, Kratos killed Cronos. Alecto asks Kratos to return to the side Ares with the lure of being appointed as the god of Olympus, but Kratos refused the request. However, it doesn't matter to him. Again. He then told me that he used to make Boxes Pandora was ordered by Zeus to contain the evil forces that emerged from the Great War. So he tells Sindri to stop talking about it out of spite, leaving the dwarf hurt. Watching the Basilisk move from place to place, climb the walls, and burning the city of Attica, Kratos chases him, but in the middle of this chase, he accidentally met the King of Persia who was threatening helpless women in prison cells. This could hint that despite Zeus being dead for a very long time, he continues to haunt Kratos subconsciously, being a continual reminder of his greatest failure and his lust for revenge leaving him with nothing, thus giving the former king of the Greek gods some form of a "last laugh" over Kratos. When Freya threatens Kratos and swears vengeance against him, he does not retaliate in anger and simply replies that she does not know him, showing maturity and self-control. Where once Kratos unleashed his fury across the peaks of Mount Olympus, now gaming's most beloved anti-hero finds himself laying low in a strange new land. The Leviathan Axe's ice magic is very effective against enemies with the attribute of Burn, while the fiery swing of the Blades damage effectively those of Frost. He regretted killing Baldur as he knew Freya would be angry at him but defended his actions, by stating that Baldur had chosen this path. He also noted that as the Valkyries are so strong, they are useful for his and Atreus' growth in skill. Ouranus was killed by his own son Cronos, Cronos was overthrown by his own son, Zeus, and now Zeus is afraid of being killed by his own son, Kratos Zeus' main intention was to break the cycle of killing, after all this was all prophesied by the Oracle from the start "warriors bearing the mark will overthrow Olympus" During this time, Kratos never knew that his biological father was the king of all Gods, Zeus. Reaching Pandora's Box, Kratos came to care for Pandora, who reminded him of his lost daughter- Calliope. He is also shown to be incapable of accepting full responsibility for his actions, usually blaming the gods (especially Zeus, Ares, and Athena) for his suffering while ignoring or denying his own part in it. Ares, who at that time was busy carrying out a large-scale attack on the city, he immediately realized that Kratos had managed to find Pandora's Box. Kratos finally made his decision that he and his son can't stay home. Its definitely not the first power that comes to mind when you think of a God of war, though! One would think this power would be unique to Hades and Thanatos, but, thanks to special weapons, Kratos can also summon the deceased. The equipment is actually a usable amulet to manipulate time in various ways. He didn't realize that Kratos had regained his focus and immediately attacked him from behind, stripping the Nemean Cestus from his hands. With this, he successfully completed that task given by the Gods of Olympus. Continuing the journey, Kratos meets The Three Judges, consisting of King Minos, Aeacus, and Rhadamanthus who duty to appraise the hearts of every soul within the Underworld. His strength seems to fluctuate according to the situation that requires it. Kratos could deliver powerful slams and smashes, and also summoned legions of souls. Kratos, however, was forced to reverse his own decision when Persephone used the Titan Atlas in a bid to destroy all the world, and in turn, the spirit of Calliope. In God of War: Ascension, the Furies use the powers of illusions against Kratos, specifically by trapping him in one. Its a fairly interesting power and one that people might not always think of when thinking of Kratos. Five of the gods entered into a wager with Ares: each chose a champion to search for the Ambrosia with Ares' champion being Kratos. Olympus (formerly)Realm Between Realms (temporarily)Midgard, Terrence C. Carson (2005-2013)Christopher Judge (2018-Present), I came to these lands to escape my past. After successfully driving Scylla away, Kratos rushes over went to the Poseidon Temple and came across his mother lying on a bed, weakened and frail. For that, he went to meet Theseus who immediately laughed out loud when he learned of Kratos' intention in killing Zeus. However, Kratos did not care about the words of the gravedigger, but as if that wasn't enough, his journey is once again hampered. When Kratos accidentally killed her, her death, along with his daughter's, would haunt him for the rest of his life. Hearing this, Kratos knew that the binder in question was the Furies, which according to Aletheia The Furies can only be conquered using the Eyes of Truth which is located on the Island of Delos. Now, the grandfather is digging a grave he dedicated to Kratos. Lysandra was Kratos' first wife. After spending dozens After years of repairing his wings, he finally managed to escape from the Underworld, and so on get a more decent life, he tries to reach the Sisters of Fate to change his destiny. Kratos and Atreus find themselves halted when there appears to be Black Breath blocking their way up the mountain. After retrieving the heart and returning to Freya's home, the two briefly discussed how the cure would only be temporary and that in order to heal properly, Kratos would need to tell Atreus the truth about his nature as a God. For that, the two of them once again engaged in a fierce battle and Alrik summons the souls of the dead, including the soul of the ship's captain who always has bad luck. As a punishment for his actions, Prometheus was made into a normal human and tied up on the rocks to then have his heart organ eaten by a giant eagle and at night, His heart will grow back to be eaten again the next day. When Kratos discovered that his brother Deimos was alive and being tortured by Thanatos, Kratos was enraged and vowed to rescue his brother. Though Kratos is not a character in actual Greek mythology, there is a being in myth named "Cratos". This was also one of the rare occasions in a long time that Kratos has ever been terrified and desperate enough to ask another god he still did not fully trust for help, even going as far as apologizing to Freya for his initial rudeness over learning about her identity and godhood. In God of War: Chains of Olympus, players get to see Kratos manipulate light. But at the same time, he also revealed that when The Furies caught himself, he has been made the guardian of Kratos' oath. 20 Runic. It is likely that after running through the Blade of Olympus in God of War 3, Kratos reabsorbed his divine power (and probably the full power of the sword as well), this is thought to be because the glow of the Blade of Olympus disappears while it is stuck in Kratos. The old man's statement indicates that he knows Kratos as the God of War from Greece and indirectly explains that now Kratos has arrived in Egypt. They reconcile and become allies. However, seeing that this path helps in ensuring safety for Atreus, Kratos accompanies him to Skoll and Hati's Jtunn mural, which actually has a secret room inside that reveals the real fate of the two Giant wolves. Because Kratos renounced Ares, it broke his blood oath to the god, and as such, Kratos was imprisoned and tortured by the three Furies. Kratos begs Ibis to leave him alone and ask, when will his suffering end, before later collapsing as a result of exhaustion. If he cant physically attack something, hes left at a disadvantage, logically enough. A younger Kratos would have simply attempted to kill Baldur on sight upon trespassing on his home, yet older Kratos is extremely restrained and actively avoids combat whenever possible. Kratos reluctantly accepts. With Aletheia, Orkos then warned Zeus of Ares' evil plan, but unfortunately, Ares found out about the plan and sent the Furies to catch them. Most likely because of olives originating from elsewhere and not originating from Scandinavia. He explains whether they kept the Blades of Chaos and despite his painful history, he could not be rid of them at all; the blades always found their way back to him under the most contrived circumstances. Because of this, he went to open the gates of the Domain of Death using the Skull of Keres. Atreus hands over the bag full of ashes to his father, but Kratos says that they will do it together and calls him a son. 35 Runic. Athena departed as Kratos collapsed with a trail of his own blood. Upon his failure, the Gods forced him to guard the temple's entrance and set fire to it the bodies of everyone who failed to conquer Pandora's Temple. Seeing Kratos coming, they plead to be saved from a monster in the form of a giant crocodile they call the "Chaos Beast". With God of War IV, weve found out quite a bit more about Kratos, and especially about his son Atreus and his second wife Faye. Instead, Gaia orders Kratos to find the Sisters of Fate and uses her powers to travel back in time, to the moment where Zeus betrayed her. Most importantly, he would fail to defeat Zeus. He washed up ashore with the blades next to him. Athena then explained that the power was evil which is still in Kratos at this time will not be able to kill Zeus. When Kratos succeeded, Zeus, who was consumed by fear, believed that Kratos would seek Cronos' aid. In the opening cinematic of the second installment of the series, Kratos defends the city of Sparta and transforms until hes several times his normal size. As a side note, Kratos is only ever seen with a happy, or smiling facial expression three times in the original Greek-era games. Later on his long journey, Hades, The Lord of the Underworld gave him Hades' soul. Athena insists on asking Kratos to return the power of hope, claiming that she understands what he has to do with it. Pandora was so relieved to see Kratos come to save her, and both of them immediately find a way out of this maze. Through the use of fear, he controls Kratos mind and traps him inside his own mind (God of War Wiki). After making it into the void, the travel stone embeds the duo with protection as Kratos leaps into the void. Kratos then grabs and throws him into the huge boulder of rock before pummeling him with powerful punch barrages using his god-strength, then finishes him off by punching off parts of the huge boulder and then slams it on top of the Stranger. However, he was tolerant of Aphrodite (not even he could withstand the charm and beauty of the goddess of love & sex and eventually falls prey to her appeal by having sex with her if player chooses) and Hephaestus since they are both indifferent (and in the latter's case, even somewhat supportive) to his war on Olympus. Gaia encouraged Kratos to keep going by giving him the ashes of his beloved Sparta so that it could fuel his rage, giving Kratos back his will to live. Atlas tries to crush Kratos' body, but then stops his attempts, after knowing that now Kratos is the enemy of Zeus and he even plans to change his destiny for the sake of conquered the King of all the Gods. The second time he smiles is in Chains of Olympus, when he reunites with his daughter. Level up. The urn switched Cronos' Rage with Poseidon's Rage. Mimir is given little respect in God of War (2018), but Kratos manages to bear it. The old man then arrives to tell him that they all know Kratos as Ghost of Sparta, a Spartan warrior who killed his own wife and child. With few mistakes, Atreus did manage to prove himself. Atreus' mother also intended him to learn the truth of her real identity and embrace that he is part Frost . Kratos is characterized as brutal and merciless, repeatedly mocking both Hephaestus and Prometheus and advocating for the use of unnecessary violence. By doing so, Thera is now free from the chains that bind him. A demigod bent on murdering The Olympian Gods, Kratos was once the God of War, but his lust for power was feared by his father Zeus, thus making . He also came to develop a strong friendship with Mimir, eventually taking his advice more and even comforting him at times. When Kratos walked away, the old man confirmed that Kratos was what he called The God of War would not be able to evade the destiny bestowed upon him. Her death would affect Kratos immensely, as he blamed the gods for what happened to her and he would make them pay for what they did, something he achieved when he waged war on them. After going through a very fierce battle, Kratos manages to stab the Blade of Olympus into Zeus' stomach, pierces Gaia's heart, kills both of them simultaneously. Now, free from The Furies but still tormented by the truth of his past, Kratos leaves Sparta and goes to fix all the wrongs he has done. Kratos drags his body down from a cliff into a cave and covers his stab wound on his belly with a cloth. Kratos served Athena just like he served all the other gods of Olympus, although his relationship with her was perhaps the strongest among the Pantheon. Over time, Atreus starts to become arrogant and cocky after learning of his godhood which deeply concerns Kratos. In his fifth year of service to the gods of Olympus, Kratos managed to return Helios to the sky. It is the fifth installment in the God of War series, the seventh chronologically, and the sequel to 2007's God of War II. Thats one of the times he loses his life. Not only are these weapons diverse, most of them were also made either by or for a very specific God, making Kratos mastery of them even more impressive. And before taking my last breath, Athena begs Kratos to stop seeking revenge, warning him that all the Gods of Olympus will unite against him and that if Zeus dies, the world will be destroyed. And so, a bitter Kratos killed Persephone, imprisoned Atlas, and freed Helios. On the island of Delos, he is merciful enough to push an innocent man out of the way of an incoming spear, whereas he would have most likely just let him die in later games. But Mimir tells them that they will have to climb up to his hammer and smash the ice, as their weapons nor Thor's hammer can demolish it. In that colossal body of water, Poseidon is protected from Kratos' attacks, and he frequently summoned his marines to try to overthrow Gaia. The Norse pantheon of Gods is mighty, diverse and just a little bit fucked up. After defeating more enemies, the trio overhears voices of the demigods Modi and Magni. Faye, like Lysandra before her, loved Kratos dearly and she shared his animosity towards the gods. Pandora's Box is located in a room in over the mountains of Olympus, while Pandora herself couldn't climb that high, so the only way to bring Pandora up was to lift her platform maze they were climbing up there. This is why throughout Kratos' journey, Athena always encouraged him to kill Zeus and now insists on asking Kratos to return the power of hope that he will use to reorganize Greece under his rule. Soon after the duo make their way to the top of the Mountain, they fare interrupted by Sindri being attacked by Hrzlyr, a dragon living in the mountain. But fate said otherwise, Kratos is not dead. Kratos would continue to "test" himself, resulting in him not being home very often. After defeating the troll, Kratos then begins knocking the troll's head, breaking one of his horns, with his shear bulk, beating his head a couple times and then finally slamming it to the ground and finished it off by cracking its neck with his godly strength. After telling about how Zeus created Blade of Olympus in The Great War and used it to drive the Titans into the depths of Tartarus, Atlas gives Kratos some of his powers and brings him back to the surface. An enraged Aphrodite told Kratos that it had been long since a real man came to see her- the bridges leading to her chambers have been nearly destroyed and Zeus refused to allow Daedalus to repair so he could continue working on the labyrinth to imprison Pandora. Callisto was not angry at her son for killing her, and instead thanked him for releasing her from her torment. The whole past Kratos' darkness can be read clearly, from how he slaughtered all his enemies brutally, to leave his family for the glory of Sparta. The Blades, via a Runic Attack called Meteoric Slam, can summon a meteor shower of fire that deals Burn damage to enemies. When Zeus was supposed to be eaten by his father, Cronos, Rhea (Zeus' mother) instead gave her child to Gaia to protect him and to raise him to free his brothers from Cronos. Kratos then set his house on fire with Orkos' body in there. Once again, Kratos awakens in a dreamland where he is confronted by Athena and the God of Wisdom from Egypt, Thoth. Kratos was even so patient and tempered with his anger that even after Baldur punched Kratos in the face, Kratos was (although now furious, but kept his voice tone quiet) so patient and restrained that he gave Baldur another chance to walk away, telling him that "you do not want this fight." Saved humanity fire an infinite amount of flaming arrows summoned legions of souls declares mortals would not what!, claiming that she understands what he has to do with it more and even comforting at... By running at fast speeds now, the Furies use the powers of illusions against Kratos, both the... 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