It is, like all others, built on the Tree of Knowledge Jesus did not come to give knowledge, but life. Playing the true Christianity is not a religion wont work here. In this case, you have one person making accusations and the other vehemently denying them. Jesus Christ has freed me from addiction and I STILL fail every single day in soooooo many areas of my life! 2016. In many states, it is crime period to have sex with someone you are over in a position of authority. After the service, the mother of the pregnant girl wept hard and grabbed me and kept saying He promised us I asked her what she met and then she explained about the rape and the promise made to her. The churchs insurance company paid out a hefty settlement. First Day of Classes 2022. If you dont deal with it properly, it will come back to bite you in the end eventually. Hey, God has forgiven him and so should we. The pastor and church board never gave a full accounting of the whats and whys of this mans behavior and their culpability in the matter. Im saddened at this situation and more than a little angry at another example of churches handling matters like this in house. By this point, two other victims had come forward claiming Giovanelli did the same thing to them, but no one yet had any intention of contacting law enforcement. And if there is a case then prosecute to the full extent. I trust that as time goes on, you will accept the simple reality that we are just people, not born in sin or born bad or fallen from grace, just people who sometimes need help from ourselves and one another. I saw homophobia, racism, ethnic slurs, and the usual lack of empathy you would expect from the conservative fundamentalist stereotype. Thats the good news. He brags about using politics to. Shiflett! I wholeheartedly agree that such perpetrators should be exposed and prosecuted, and the victims should be helped. You may know how to read, but All of these instances involved men with impeccable reputations, admiration, and good standing. All you know about Jesus is what little is said about him in the gospels and what preachers have been saying about him for the past 2,000 years. (Dont worry, we saved them., Or, you can youtube Response by Pastor Stacey Shiflett to North Valley Baptist Church. Your sin will ALWAYS find you out. 5. Does anyone know any updates. Ive had people flat out tell me they support what Im doing but dont want others in the community to know that theyre secretly friends with me. The church can bring spiritual justice through discipline quickly, much more so than theauthorities. During the course of that investigation, Cameron Giovanelli tendered his resignation to the ministry and his resignation has been accepted. Cover ups and embezzlement should be expected in a biz that markets morality because it cant deliver. ( NFBC ),, Jack Trieber protected one of his graducates. I also dont like the fact that the pastor used the word consensual in describing the relationship between Giovanelli and the victim. We all mess up! PREVIOUS POST. I am participating in #MarchForOurLives by cleaning all my weapons and reloading all my spent brass. John Bunyan. He lost his job over it and was kicked out of the church. Threads 16 Messages 138. The rest of Triebers statement went something like this: the church and related ministries are blameless, and please pray for our church and the rapist. Why would Cameron Giovenelli take a high profile position at a Bible college, if he had any doubt about this coming out? NVBC did what they could legally. Here's how, Heaven will be diverse. If there are more victims that come forward that could change tho. He may never be able to pastor another church again, and Im sure those who he is rebuking will come after him for retribution in some way or shape. Thank you, Bro. Regarding his own victimization, Shiflett says, I was a victim because people knew and never said anything. When someone comes forward as he and the victim did, this inspires other victims to come forward as well; hence, we now know that Giovanelli had at least 3 victims, not just one. This is exactly why the IFB has such a negative reputation, for decades of dealing with sex crimes in-house, in secret, and without the proper authorities. I do give Shiflett props for speaking up. I dont have a potty mouth. I just have a larger vocabulary than you. Shiflett: I am very grateful for some very positive results today. Funny how, again like he wasnt a true x-tian believers say they pray for healing for the abuser, his family and -oh yes I nearly forgot, the victim too. Ask any abuse survivor, however spiritual and close to god they were before the abuse and they will say they have never got over it, its affected or ruined their lives for many decades. There, in that harm, lie the feelings that can free you. Physical contact is prohibited, and intercourse is grounds for expulsion, and things such as kissing are also grounds for severe punishment. View photos of our students during services, activities, and more! In fact sexual misconduct happens everywhere, not just in the church. In this case, Im glad Shiflett is speaking up, but given the possibly criminal nature of whats going on, I am cringing at people handling anything inside here. King David said, Uriah died in battle? We sure as hell hope so! Very sad since this really is a disgusting that that hasnt been done. Wed love to keep in touch with our alumni! ), Basically Shiflett was all like, #MeToo, and everyone else was like, Shun the nonbelievers!, What Shiflett did was incredibly brave, incredibly necessary, and I have to commend him for it. I too second that ilthe police should have been involved from the beginning. where is the news coverage there is only accusations for months now i dont fall on either side of this becouse there has been no proof you can say he resigned yes he did however that was not an admission of guilt and we dont know why it was done so i ask any updates. Zachary left Golden State for West Coast Baptist College but was shortly thereafter fired from there (I believe in 2014) because they became aware that there were state . My exact words were, I prefer a surgical strike rather than a nuclear bomb. I preferred dealing with it straight at the heart of the matter and try to minimize the collateral damage because of her trust issues with churches and pastors. I agree, i know you know longer are a religious person and i respect that, that is your choice, but i believe that if a pastor commits a crime such as this, or in other examples adultery, etc., then he has disqualified himself from being a pastor and should resign the ministry and not just go on and pastor some other church. A response is pending. We should hate the sin that was done to them that they did not ask for. Tipping him off immediately damages the integrity of the investigation. Well lo and behold the year the statue of limitations ran out on a sunday night this staff member was voted back into the church. Not that these crimes are anything new, they are not. They will be exposed and dealtwith. Let's not forget that, Why revival must be tethered to Scripture, Revelation 9: The pit, the smoke and hideous demon creatures, Arkansas Baptist State Convention failed to report abuse allegations against pastor, lawsuit claims, Former NewSpring volunteer sentenced to 75 years for sexually abusing kids in daycare, Megachurch pastor resigns over allegations of sex with 18-year-old members of youth group 17 years ago, Alleged abuse victims sue Catholic Church, say they were pressured into taking unfair settlement. Immerse yourself in college life by attending classes, joining chapel, meeting students and staff, and making new friends. There is always the possibility of false accusations which cannot be discounted. In 33 ad, Christ was radical. Golden State Baptist College Add lyrics Load more Artist authors Rebecca J Peck Wayne Haun Joel Lindsey Niles Borop Paul Ferrin Rodney Griffin Thomas Mosie Lister Dianne Wilkinson Chris Binion Squire E Parsons Jr. Albums All albums Onward to the Goal 2022 The King Is Coming 2021 Jesus Never Fails 2019 I Know What Lies Ahead 2018 Forever Settled Engaging in a sexual act, sexual contact, or vaginal sex with a child under 18 who at the time of the sexual activity was a student enrolled in a school where the person was in a position of authority (i.e. Ok first of our Pastor Shiflett is not out to whoever said that I understand the desire/need to bury abuse and move on. The Ministry is the company. Giovanelli submitted his resignation. It was alleged that Giovanelli manipulated the student and engaged in inappropriate contact with her multiple times between January 2007 and August 2007. I dont think I have ever been prouder of a fundamentalist preacher in all my life. He instilled things in me that took me years to realize. Ive gone through Sarahs posts twice. The internet has also played a big part in keeping these men from leaving town under a cloud of suspicion, only to show up on the other side of the country pastoring a new church. Im not excusing it, just saying none of us are perfect. Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience. in fundamentalism for pastors, and churches, and ministries to just gloss over, and sweep under the rug things of absolute epic proportion.(The video has since been removed, but can be found here.). Paul investigated sexual misconduct in Corinth (seeking out reports). Carte 20/an. Thursday, May 17 The victim was so upset by Triebers statements that she decided to file an official police report instead of just letting the church handle it. Huh? The idea is to get to the truth. Good job to pastor Shiflett. Golden State Bible College. 6 or Matthew 18 as an excuse for doingthis. The Criminal Investigator lets you know when you need tounderstand. Quite refreshing to hear. Is this cause to be hopeful that the church will finally start taking sexual abuse seriously, or is this just a fluke, a one-off, while the victim-blaming and harboring abusers continues? 3,456 were here. Again, in most states, the relationship, legally, could not have been consensual. The purpose of Golden State is to train men and women who have a sincere desire to serve the Lord by equipping them with the tools necessary for a fruitful ministry. A Baptist pastor and former college president accused of "grooming" and sexually abusing a teenager over a decade ago as a pastor in Maryland has been sentenced to 90 days in jail after pleading guilty to lesser charges in December. Wednesday, May 16 Trieber announced they received allegations of inappropriate conduct and placed Giovanelli on administrative leave so they could conduct a thorough and honest investigation (which apparently involved zero communication with the actual victim). I hope he might consider confronting the man who abused him years ago. I tried not to get it on the internet. I just dont understand how someone can get up at the pulpit every single week and preach the truth and be living a complete and total lie. Although Giovanelli initially denied the allegations, he pleaded guilty in December to fourth-degree sex offense and second-degree assault charges as part of a plea bargain that resulted in the dropping of sexual abuse of a minor charge. This should be a clear message to the FUNDY/EVANGELICAL FRINGE OLD GUARD to cut the crap and do whats right. Golden State Baptist College. Hes likely never going to be given the grace that Giovanelli will be extended. She will pursue justice in court & our church will continue to support her. You have to ask yourself what your priorities are the safety and well-being of victims or your popularity and social status? If you contact the accused about the allegation you just destroyed that opportunity ie YOU OBSTRUCTED A CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION. For you may be sure of this, that everyone who is sexually immoral or impure, or who is covetous (that is, an idolater), has no inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God. To be frank, using a scripture out of context to try and influence a victims behavior is a form of manipulation and emotional abuse. Get it documented by the police. Romans 13, folks. The jerk is still there. Unaccredited master's degree programs are also offered. I have a love-hate relationship with Thanksgiving Day. Lauren, I am happy to know that you have managed your addiction but among non-believers what you have accomplished is replacing one excess with another. And the jerk will sin again and harm someone. Golden State Baptist College is not listed in the, Learn how and when to remove this template message, List of unaccredited institutions of higher learning, Golden State Baptist College official website,, Independent Baptist seminaries and theological colleges in the United States, Unaccredited Christian universities and colleges in the United States, Unaccredited institutions of higher learning in California, Educational institutions established in 1995, Universities and colleges in Santa Clara County, California, Private universities and colleges in California, Articles needing additional references from August 2021, All articles needing additional references, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2013, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 1 February 2023, at 20:24. In my 65 years of life it has been my experience that religion harms, that it is the world champion liar of all liars. Lets hope thats not the case. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. 2015. Arrest, prosecution, and imprisonment do. Professional clergy who are insulated from the real world in a Christian bubble (see the sub-culture bit, above), who wrongly or ignorantly fear the attention of the professional, dedicated men and women in criminal and regulatory investigations who are ready, able and willing to handle these matters if theyd only bereported. The problem starts with pastors thinking its their divine right to be judge and jury. Who is Bruce Gerencser and Other Questions According to ChatGPT? Im saved! GSBC's Institutional Distinctives can be found on their website. Giovanelli seem like a victim instead of the perp he is. She mentions the fact in a public post on her facebook page. Your mindset is 2018. Please have your Passports Ready. If a pastor leaves a church over some sin, and starts another church, the church he left doesnt have the authority to stop him from being a pastor if the new church wants him. It remains to be seen if there is any legal recourse in this matter. This is a traumatic event in any event. "Some things are of that nature as to make one's fancy chuckle, while his heart doth ache." After it all went down, Shiflett tweeted: Its time now for all the leaders in our movement that have expressed support to me privately, to come out publicly and help change the culture in Fundamentalism. Paul sought justice for the perp in 1 Cor. Golden State Baptist College, like most Independent Fundamental Baptist Bible colleges[citation needed], has chosen to maintain its independence from secular authorities by deliberately refraining from seeking or accepting accreditation. I understand you have a right to your opinion just as I have a right to mine. He was not saying that what happened was consensual. Return to homepage. Stream and download in Hi-Res on Should we keep repentant perpetrators away from church altogether? September 6, 2022. I just think that there is a difference between covering something up / trying to conceal a crime, and restraining from publicly convicting someone in a capacity that is not in a court of law, and before all the facts have come out (usually a court of law is necessary for this). That being said, the I in IFB stands or independent, which means that each church is an entity unto itself. We have a responsibility to hear all sides. With all of your knowledge and experience, you still left the one who loved and died for you. A computer lab is provided on campus for students to utilize during assigned hours of operation, however students are also allowed to use the college's provided wifi within the rules that are given in the rule book (no video streaming, games, pornography, etc.). Out of the hundreds of stories I have posted, only one of the allegations proved to be false. Let us know what God is doing in your life. Id hate to see bitterness from this consume her. If such laws exist in Maryland, they would certainly apply to this case. The victim has filed charges with authorities. Curfew for students is 10:30pm. (I appreciated the investigation of PastorShiflett). He and his wife have six grown children and thirteen grandchildren. I do wish hed involved the police as well, but what Pastor Shiflett has done, in context of the culture of the IFB and other such conservative cult-churches, is fairly ballsy. before knowing what they are talking about? You dont say booh to him and your instructions to the victim and their family are the same. Golden State Baptist College Bears Apparel Store | Prep Sportswear 30% off Sitewide 30% off Sitewide California Golden State Baptist College Bears Apparel Store Santa Clara, California 3520 de la Cruz Blvd, Santa Clara, California 95054 School Address 3520 de la Cruz Blvd Santa Clara, California 95054 Store Home Men Women Youth Jerseys Hats Premium So sad. Reddit. I dont need more private cheerleaders. .Dead Alive Podcasts. What doesnt work here is not religion, but Jesus Christ. Please keep our ministry, the Giovanelli family and all others involved in your prayers. So when it comes to politics and the self-preservation of his personal agenda, he does indeed defend abusers. Shifflet took it down. When it happens, and they are caught, they are exposed and the headlines make a huge splash. Give yourself a pat on the back for trying! But attacking a church that had NOTHING to do with what this man did is unnerving ! Nine of the churches are in Texas, including Open Door Baptist Church in Mesquite. Absolutely LOVE that pastor Shiflett took this stand! Shiflett, as you can imagine, has received a flood of emails, comments, etc. There job is to report it. 2022. Kudos for speaking the truth and letting the shit land where it may. You suffered harm by needing to become addicted and that happened because _______. We have to do this while also giving perpetrators the opportunity to repent. Shiflett said he was giving Trieber a chance to control the narrative., The ball is in your court now, you have to deal with it. The school promises to deny admission to applicants who are from "charismatic, 'Bible' church, 'Christian' church, non-denominational, or inter-denominational" churches. I dont care if the accused is your best friend. Luke 8:17 For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.(Hey, I gotta get some use out of that Bible degree somehow.). As iron sharpens iron, God Wants to Hear You Sing. Thank you for your perspective AND for taking the initiative to look into Maryland laws. Yeah, I know first hand how people are treated who dare to talk out of school or tell where the dead bodies are buried, By far, the worst people Ive ever had to deal with on this blog are IFB zealots out to defend their pastor or church from exposure or criticism. Golden State Baptist College released the following statement: It has come to our attention that allegations of inappropriate conduct have been made against Cameron Giovanelli, a member of our staff. I also agree that no one should aid and help criminals by failing to report their crimes to the police. It is very common in religion to do what you are doing and speaking as if Christians deserve a good name. First of all, thats what you were legally required to do in the first place, but no, your efforts were not wasted, not by a long shot. The Baltimore Sun has an interesting article on the new law: Regardless of the law on the matter, I agree with you that the church should have immediately reported the allegation to law enforcement. (Proverbs 27:17), Fundamentalist Pastor Calls Out Churchs RapeCulture, Shifletts YouTube video calling out the abuse, outing himself as a survivor as well, admitting fundamentalism has a problem withcover-ups,,, I urge S/I members view the 18 min videoabove, Fundamentalism has a problem withcover-ups, Evangelicalism has a problem withcover-ups, Business world has a problem withcover-ups, Professional Athletics has a problem withcover-ups, Higher Education has a problem withcover-ups, Medical profession has a problem withcover-ups. Thats fine if you dont want to give them a pass but all Im saying is seeing as the incident didnt occur there and was in another state, they did all that they legally were allowed to do. Many prospective students experienced college life as they heard powerful preaching, attended classes, and toured the San Francisco Bay and Pier 39. He showed me that even the man we are supposed to trust most, could not be trusted., Jackson opened up publicly up about the experience she had with Giovanelli in 2018 and launched a blog called Letters of Freedom., Giovanellis lawyer told the court on Monday that his client accepts responsibility, according to The Baltimore Sun. 3520 De La Cruz Blvd. I knew this man for years and Im terribly ashamed of his actions because he was raised sooo much better! After watching the original video, I was so excited, I Googled to see if this had shown up in any mainstream sources yet. I suspect you are about to discover that your religious overlords are going to dump on you, to use Jesus himself to harm you. He took the job and did not worry, because this isnt true! This was a man whom I was being raised to trust. Really, that applies to society in general, not just fundamentalism. Please dont let this happen. What a disgrace. Home;; Contact Us; Home;; Contact Us; Category / Academics. There are slanderous vindictive people that are willing to make up horrendous lies- either for attention or revenge. I agree that churches shouldnt cover up crimes like this and Im glad we agree that the other pastor should have immediately gone to the police. Dont be so quick to believe every bad story you hear. Let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk nor crude joking, which are out of place, but instead let there be thanksgiving. To be able to get up and continue to preach every week and keep it all together really makes me question if he really ever new Christ in the first place. Tonight, the students and faculty of Golden State Baptist College enjoyed an extraordinary evening at the Fall Formal. Thank-you Jesus for the structure of faith that not only allows us to harm ourselves and others but is designed to do exactly that. Also this charge has a statue of limitations of 1 year from the offenses occurrence. He will not do well because the Christians with good names will get him now. Could this virtually unprecedented stance be the start of a revolution in fundamentalism? Ive not seen anything that mentions this has been reported to authorities. Had to be such a miserable life. The goal was to get an apology and the accused fired from the church,so he doesnt do it to anyone else. The end. Shiflett says he tried to keep the victim from going public: I knew about it before it went on the internet. 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