If you find yourself needing a complex helper or utility function, we strongly recommend that you use Java because it is much easier to maintain and even debug if needed. Questions tagged [karate] Ask Question Use for questions regarding Karate, an open-source tool that combines API test-automation, mocks, performance-testing and UI automation - into a single, unified framework. Typically you would examine the value property as in the example above, but domain and path are also available. A good example of the use of form field for a typical sign-in flow is this OAuth 2 demo: oauth2.feature. The method argument is JSON, so that you can pass more data in addition to the value such as domain and url. So the only way to call this Scenario is by using the karate.setup() JS API. We need to use assertion to validate the response data. In the feature below, the * print 'in setup' step will run only once. """, """ This is one reason why you may want to prefer a flat directory structure as explained above. 1. And then you would see something like this in the console: In most IDE-s, you would even see the URL above as a clickable hyperlink, so just clicking it would end the stop(). That said, the syntax is very concise, and the convention of every step having to start with either Given, And, When or Then, makes things very readable. The nice thing here is that it returns a Driver instance, so you can chain any other method and the intent will be clear. # using a static method - observe how java interop is truly seamless ! Assertions and HTML reports are built-in, and you can run tests in parallel for speed. Behind the scenes, this sets the HTTP communication read timeout. - Cucumber style of writing the program which follows the BDD approach. Just write tests in a simple, readable syntax - carefully designed for HTTP, JSON, GraphQL and XML. The assert keyword can be used to assert that an expression returns a boolean value. The DockerTarget implementation has an example and you can find more details here. And the start() method will be invoked as soon as any Scenario requests for a web-browser instance (for the first time) via the driver keyword. If you use commas (instead of concatenating strings using +), Karate will pretty-print variables, which is what you typically want when dealing with JSON or XML. Refer to your IDE documentation for how to run a JUnit class. bar: 'world' And if you really need to scan the whole page for some text, you can use this, but it is better to be more specific for better performance: This is just a convenience short-cut for waitUntil(locator, '!_.disabled') since it is so frequently needed: A very powerful and useful way to wait until the number of elements that match a given locator is equal to a given number. Step 3: Add steps to run a sample GET API request. _ >= 0', } They are param, header, cookie, form field and multipart field. Just ensure that this is configured before you use karate.callSingle(): By default Karate will use target (or build) as the cache folder, which you can over-ride by adding a dir key: This caching behavior will work only if the result of karate.callSingle() is a JSON-like object, and any JS functions or Java objects mixed in will be lost. This should make it clear why Karate does not provide out of the box support for any particular HTTP authentication scheme. Since replace auto-converts the result to a string, make sure you perform type conversion back to JSON (or XML) if applicable. Note the use of the JavaScript String.includes() function to do a text contains match for convenience. And if being called in a loop, a built-in variable called __loop will also be available that will hold the value of the current loop index. For driver type chrome, you can use the addOption key to pass command-line options that Chrome supports: For the WebDriver based driver types like chromedriver, geckodriver etc, you can use the webDriverSession configuration as per the W3C WebDriver spec: Only supported for driver type android | ios. When expressing expected results (in JSON or XML) you can mark some fields to be ignored when the match (comparison) is performed. The demo also features code-coverage using Jacoco, and some tips for even non-Java back-ends. Since multiple values are supported, you can also do this: A little-known capability of the Cucumber / Gherkin syntax is to be able to tag even specific rows in a bunch of examples ! Features API and UI automation The response is automatically available as a JSON, XML or String object depending on what the response contents are. Note that embedded expressions will be evaluated even when you read() from a JSON or XML file. Combined with Docker, headless Chrome and Karates parallel-execution capabilities - this simple start() and stop() lifecycle can effectively run web UI automation tests in parallel on a single node. Emulating a device is supported natively only by type: chrome. If you place it above the Feature keyword, it will apply to all Scenario-s. And if you just want one or two Scenario-s to NOT run in parallel, you can place this tag above only those Scenario-s. See example. Since asserting against header values in the response is a common task - match header has a special meaning. You can use this to assert that it was returned within the expected time like so: Karate will attempt to parse the raw HTTP response body as JSON or XML and make it available as the response value. For a proxy that requires authentication, set the, The charset that will be sent in the request, HTTP requests and responses (including headers) will appear in the HTML report, default. Here is a summary of what the different shapes mean in Karate: There is no need to prefix variable names with $ on the left-hand-side of match statements because it is implied. The standard locator syntax is supported. And also note that instead of using the match keyword, you can use karate.match() for very advanced conditional checks. Here is a sample logback-test.xml for you to get started. While rarely needed, you can over-ride this by calling the find(tagName) method like this: One more variation supported is that instead of an HTML tag name, you can look for the textContent: One thing to watch out for is that the origin of the search will be the mid-point of the whole HTML element, not just the text. a named JsonPath or XPath expression - e.g. Assertions and HTML reports are built-in, and you can run tests in parallel for speed. Here is how the example above looks like: Validation can be performed if needed on the response to this HTTP POST which may be HTML, and the karate.extract() API may come in useful. Prefer readability over re-use. In real-life scripts, you would typically also use this capability of Karate to configure headers where the specified JavaScript function uses the variables that result from a sign in to manipulate headers for all subsequent HTTP requests. The function argument is the row-index, so you can easily determine when to stop the generation of data. In some cases, for large payloads and especially when the default system encoding is not UTF-8 (Windows or non-US locales), you may run into issues where a java.io.ByteArrayInputStream is encountered instead of a string. Note that the path resets after any HTTP request is made but not the url. subType: { name: 'Smith', deleted: false } Now it should be clear how Karate makes it easy to express JSON or XML. } On the other hand, if you are expecting a variable in the Background to be modified by one Scenario so that later ones can see the updated value - that is not how you should think of them, and you should combine your flow into one scenario. POST method in HTTP is used to create a new resource on the server. Technology Partner Karate is an open-source framework for API Test automation that uses BDD style syntax, has a rich assertion library, built-in HTML reports. This is very useful to filter the results that match a desired condition - typically a text comparison. But if you need to use values in the response headers - they will be in a variable named responseHeaders. Also look at the demo examples, especially dynamic-params.feature - to compare the above approach with how the Cucumber Scenario Outline: can be alternatively used for data-driven tests. Note that if you need to do a lot of case-insensitive string checks, karate.lowerCase() is what you are looking for. when a string coming from an external process is dynamic - and whether it is JSON or XML is not known in advance, see, get the value of a variable by name (or JsonPath expression), if not found - this returns, returns only the keys of a map-like object, log to the same logger (and log file) being used by the parent process, logging can be suppressed with, access to the Karate logger directly and log in debug. In such cases, the function can do nothing or return an empty JSON. This is sometimes needed to slow down keystrokes, especially when there is a lot of JavaScript or security-validation behind the scenes. When using a browser-driver, a call in shared scope has to be used. Here is an example JavaScript function that uses some variables in the context (which have been possibly set as the result of a sign-in) to build the Authorization header. API API POST API abcd : : # and yes, you can assert against nested objects within JSON arrays ! Sending a file as the entire binary request body is easy (note that multipart is different): The HTTP verb - get, post, put, delete, patch, options, head, connect, trace. Note that forcing Scenario-s to run in a particular sequence is an anti-pattern, and should be avoided as far as possible. Here is a good example in the demos: dynamic-params.feature, The single JSON argument needs to be in the form { field1: { read: 'file1.ext' }, field2: { read: 'file2.ext' } } where each nested JSON is in the form expected by multipart file. So the above could be re-written as follows: It is worth repeating that the above can be condensed into 2 lines. But if you really need to use the HTTP response code in an expression or save it for later, you can get it as an integer: Note that match can give you some extra readable options: The response time (in milliseconds) for the current response would be available in a variable called responseTime. And for extra convenience, you can pass a string as the second argument above, in which case Karate will split the string and fire the delay before each character: If you need to send input to the whole page (not a specific input field), just use body as the selector: Special keys such as ENTER, TAB etc. If you want to dynamically and programmatically determine the tags and features to be included - the API also accepts. physics If you find yourself struggling to write dynamic JsonPath filters, look at karate.filter() as an alternative, described just below. } Then use the header keyword to do a custom over-ride if needed. Only recommended for advanced users, but this guarantees a routine is run only once, even when running tests in parallel. var JavaDemo = Java.type('com.mycompany.JavaDemo'); Any valid XPath expression is allowed on the left-hand-side of a match statement. This example also shows how you can use a custom placeholder format instead of the default: Refer to this file for a detailed example: replace.feature. But use wisely, because called scripts will now over-write variables that may have been already defined. So if you have a Feature with multiple Scenario-s in it - they will execute in parallel, and even each Examples row in a Scenario Outline will do so ! The dry run report is useful to review the tag coverage of what will be run. """, # note how we returned an array from the above when the condition was met, # and now we can use the results like normal. "a": 1, sportName: '#string', An additional-level of auto-conversion happens when objects cross the boundary between JS and Java. Expressions are evaluated using the embedded JavaScript engine. The classpath is a Java concept and is where some configuration files such as the one for logging are expected to be by default. And the right-hand-side can be any valid Karate expression. But this totally makes sense for things not part of the main test flow and which typically need to be re-usable anyway. Gives many reasons why one should go for Karate over Selenium. return a pretty-printed, nicely indented string representation of the JSON value, also see: return a pretty-printed, nicely indented string representation of the XML value, also see: get the value of any Java system-property by name, useful for, returns a JSON array of integers (inclusive), the optional third argument must be a positive integer and defaults to 1, and if start < end the order of values is reversed, very rarely used - when needing to perform conditional removal of JSON keys or XML nodes. var foo = function(v){ return v * v }; If the request is for /api/*, the first Scenario matches - else the last one is a catch all. Refer to JsonPath short-cuts for a detailed explanation. countryName: '#string', For an example, refer: upload-multiple-files.feature. Other errors could be a java.net.URISyntaxException and match not working as expected because of special or foreign characters, e.g. Ping me Now! There are two things that can happen to the returned value. These are built-in variables, there are only a few and all of them give you access to the HTTP response. This is very close to how custom keywords work in other frameworks. Note that the special, built-in tag @ignore will always be skipped by default, and you dont need to specify ~@ignore anywhere. For JSON and XML files, Karate will evaluate any embedded expressions on load. The built-in karate object is explained in detail later, but for now, note that this is also injected into print (and even assert) statements, and it has a helpful pretty method, that takes a JSON argument and a prettyXml method that deals with XML. Only one keyword sets up UI automation in Karate, typically by specifying the URL to open in a browser. You can always use a JavaScript switch case within an eval or function block. The Karate project team is of the opinion that things can be made simpler. if so, is the configured value a JavaScript function ? You can even retrieve operating-system environment variables via Java interop as follows: var systemPath = java.lang.System.getenv('PATH'); This decision to use JavaScript for config is influenced by years of experience with the set-up of complicated test-suites and fighting with Maven profiles, Maven resource-filtering and the XML-soup that somehow gets summoned by the Maven AntRun plugin. Since Karate uses Gherkin, you can also employ data-driven techniques such as expressing data-tables in test scripts. These are essential HTTP operations, they focus on setting one (un-named or key-less) value at a time and therefore dont need an = sign in the syntax. The webDriverUrl driver configuration key is optional, but if specified, will be used as the W3C WebDriver remote server. common.feature. { // trigger download of latest image with custom file name Karate is an open-source tool which combine API test-automation, mocks, performance-testing and even UI automation into a single, unified framework. The built-in driver JS object is where you script UI automation. If you are trying to build dynamic URLs including query-string parameters in the form: http://myhost/some/path?foo=bar&search=true - please refer to the param keyword. So we use the same Gherkin syntax - but the similarity ends there. predicate marker to validate that the value of totalPrice is always equal to the roomPrice of the first item in the roomInformation array. Karate has a built-in implementation for Docker (DockerTarget) that supports 2 existing Docker images out of the box: To use either of the above, you do this in a Karate test: Or for more flexibility, you could do this in karate-config.js and perform conditional logic based on karate.env. Each item within responseCookies is itself a map-like object. One limitation is that you cannot use double-quotes within these expressions, so stick to the pattern seen below. Karate framework is developed by Peter Thomas employed at Intuit. To run only a single scenario, append the line number on which the scenario is defined, de-limited by :. The rare need to double-click is supported as a doubleClick() method: Closes the browser. You can use karate.callSingle() directly in a *.feature file, but it logically fits better in the global bootstrap. "b": 2, Here is the same example using this approach, where a couple of images need to be saved as part of the test-script: A video of the above execution can be viewed here. Observe how you can match the result of a JsonPath expression with your expected data. But to be able to run JUnit 5 tests from the command-line, you need to ensure that the latest version of the maven-surefire-plugin is present in your project pom.xml (within the / section): To run a single test method, for example the testTags() in the example above, you can do this: Also look at how to run tests via the command-line and the parallel runner. """, # normal 'equality' match. time: '#? """, # use dynamic path expressions to mutate json, * def filename = zone == 'zone1' ? Setting values on JSON documents is simple using the set keyword. Even Java interop and access to the karate JS API would work. Useful for match contains assertions. This is a good time to deep-dive into JsonPath, which is perfect for slicing and dicing JSON into manageable chunks. Also see the singular form script(). a sibling Docker container or a Chrome browser in a different machine) you might need to configure DockerTarget with the remoteHost and/or useDockerHost properties. What is even more interesting is that expressions can refer to variables: And functions work as well ! Just re-fresh your browser window if you re-run the test. Karate has an elegant way to set multiple keys (via path expressions) in one step. { Git) to ignore karate-config-*.js if needed. You can re-use the function you create across your whole project. the NOT operator e.g. You can use callonce instead of call within the Background in case you have multiple Scenario sections or Examples. The configure key here is report and it takes a JSON value. When you have a sequence of HTTP calls that need to be repeated for multiple test scripts, Karate allows you to treat a *.feature file as a re-usable unit. Set a cookie. For example, it offers API testing, API testing doubles, and API performance testing all in one framework. status: '#number? When you use a JUnit runner - after the execution of each feature, an HTML report is output to the target/karate-reports folder and the full path will be printed to the console (see video). As a convenience, there is a second form where you can pass an array as the second argument: And an extra convenience third argument is a time-delay (in milliseconds) that will be applied before each array value. You can also use JSON to set multiple query-parameters in one-line using params and this is especially useful for dynamic data-driven testing. Here we want to call a file only if a condition is satisfied: Or if we dont care about the result, we can eval an if statement: And this may give you more ideas. You can also find a nice visual comparison and explanation here. And path blog?page=2. Take a look at how the configure headers example uses the authToken variable. any valid JavaScript expression, and variables can be mixed in, another example: equivalent to the above, JavaScript function invocation, Pretty print the request payload JSON or XML with indenting (default, Pretty print the response payload JSON or XML with indenting (default. [ You signal that a submit is expected by calling the submit() function (which returns a Driver object) and then chaining the action that is expected to trigger a page load. Since a scroll() + click() (or input()) is a common combination, you can chain these: This returns an instance of Mouse on which you can chain actions. None of the examples in the documentation use the $varName form on the LHS, and this is the recommended best-practice. So in dev mode you can easily set this behavior like this. Step 4: Run this feature file and get the report in target > karate-reports > karate-summary.html. But you can prefix the name with classpath: in which case the root folder would be src/test/java (assuming you are using the recommended folder structure). return sdf.parse(s).time; // '.getTime()' would also have worked instead of '.time' One pattern you can adopt is to create a factory method that returns a Java function - where you can easily delegate to the logic you want. If you are a Java developer - Karate requires at least Java 8 and then either Maven, Gradle, Eclipse or IntelliJ to be installed. . } The retry keyword is designed to extend the existing method syntax (and should appear before a method step) like so: Any JavaScript expression that uses any variable in scope can be placed after the retry until part. JSON objects become Java Map-s, JSON arrays become Java List-s, and Java Bean properties are accessible (and update-able) using dot notation e.g. Since you can call Element.script() - any kind of filtering will be possible. But sometimes it is un-avoidable, for example to wait for animations to render - before taking a screenshot. please replace RELEASE with the exact version of Karate you intend to use if applicable. And karate.appendTo() is for updating an existing variable (the equivalent of array.push() in JavaScript), which is especially useful in the body of a karate.forEach(). What is Karate DSL? Another (simple) example of a custom Target you can use as a reference is this one: karate-devicefarm-demo - which demonstrates how Karate can be used to drive tests on AWS DeviceFarm. Karate is the open source tool to combine API test automation, mockery, performance testing and even UI automation into a single framework. Use the webDriverSession property in those cases. var squares = []; a JSON array). You can also pass parameters into the *.feature file being called, and extract variables out of the invocation result. sorts the list using the provided custom function called for each item in the list (and the optional second argument is the item index) e.g. Karates approach frees you from Maven, is far more expressive, allows you to eyeball all environments in one place, and is still a plain-text file. Karate is the only open-source tool to combine API test-automation, mocks, performance-testing and even UI automation into a single, unified framework. 12341234 If you are new to programming or test-automation, refer to the options for IDE support and the official IntelliJ plugin is recommended. The syntax is similar to def but instead of a named variable, you update configuration. While converting a number to a string is easy (just concatenate an empty string e.g. Karate is the only open-source tool to combine API test-automation, mocks, performance-testing and even UI automation into a single, unified framework. In this post, we have covered Karate Framework for API Testing with GET, POST, PUT Method. For example - if a response data element or downloaded file is YAML and you need to use the data in subsequent steps. When using Playwright you can omit this in which case Karate will default to Chrome (within Playwright) and the default browser window size. Headers: In this section we can defined additional details of API to process the request. In rare cases, you may want to check what the type of the response is and it can be one of 3 different values: json, xml and string. Karate Robot is designed for desktop application testing, but since you can click on anything in the viewport, you can achieve what you may not be able to with other automation frameworks. This is optional, and Karate will work without the logging config in place, but the default console logging may be too verbose for your needs. JsonPath and Karate expressions are not supported. Also refer to the eval keyword for a simpler way to execute arbitrary JavaScript that can be useful in some situations. Observe the usage of Scenario Outline: instead of Scenario:, and the new Examples: section. Get all my courses for USD 5.99/Month - https://bit.ly/all-courses-subscriptionIn this Karate UI Automation Tutorial, we will learn how to switch browser tab. This example is for Windows, and you can provide the app, appArguments and other parameters expected by the WinAppDriver via the webDriverSession. karate.set('temp', squares); To use the recommended --security-opt seccomp=chrome.json Docker option, add a secComp property to the driverTarget configuration. It is the opinion of the author of Karate that true BDD is un-necessary over-kill for API testing, and this is explained more in this answer on Stack Overflow. Also note that multipart file takes a JSON argument so that you can easily set the filename and the contentType (mime-type) in one step. This is especially useful when capturing screenshots during tests and comparing against baseline images that are known to be correct. All JS native array operations can be used, such as someName.reverse(). Things are designed so that you can plug-in what you need, without needing to compile Java code. Example: Set the HTML form-element value. See this other example for more ideas: dsl.feature. For example, where it is easy (or you already have a reference) to locate some element and you want to use that as a base to perform something on some other element which may not have a unique id or css / XPath locator. There are two types of code that can be call-ed. After you have switched, any future actions such as click() would operate within the selected