She suddenly quietened down and looked mock fearful. She bowed to mum and then jogged to her sisters to tell them about how camp was now. He had made the girls each a symbol of a bow and arrow with the tips of the arrows and bows itself being coloured by a different colour jewel for each of my 23 huntresses. "I noticed you haven't let Apollo near you since the boy came into your life. At the age of three he had defeated a hellhound and Cyclops and has powers to rival other fully grown children of the gods. I have seen how you are with him, you are a great mother and I wish to help. Though Poseidon never got the chance to detect the boy's presence as he was never allowed near the sea just in case. To what do I owe the pleasure?" My little brother was lying on a hospital bed unconscious and looking very pale, and if Apollo was right which annoyingly he almost always was when it came to medical stuff, he wouldn't wake up till tomorrow. Just got abducted by a few campers, it was all a big misunderstanding!" Percy was Six and a half now and carried the blessing of six gods. she said as though it was magic. 9. Potter and Poseidon, god of the sea. I still had yet to weasel information out of the little tyke about what he was making for Zoe but he had hidden it well along with tweezers, pliers a crafts book a chain mould and all of his pocket money which consisted of 60 which for a three year old was more than most 13 year olds had right now. And to be honest he did already have Hestia's blessing and could create small flames in the palm of his hand and could summon a sandwich here and there. "Nothing more than to meet the boy and give him my blessing in due time. . They ran at me and I braced for impact as I was tackled to the floor by two laughing girls older than some minor gods! "Artemis! I had found it quite cute and funny, this happened quite often but not always did both of them react to his cry. And what dangers will. We were right and I scowled at the boy but it vanished when he looked up at me with a beam on his face that was slightly guilty as he said, "Sowwy Phe-Phe but I had to; I wanted Zee-Zee to have a good pwesent so I made it see!". The past gods are to read the adventures of Percy Jackson and his friends. How will they all react to the dangers of saving the world once more, and the lack of godly assistance? He was very steady on his feet by now and ran after us though still quite slow. I flashed it away to my tent in my camp where the huntresses were right now before looking back at the boy still on my hip and seeing him clutching something is his hand. We shared a bed which she wasn't very happy with but it was either that or the floor so she agreed to share because I was still quite scrawny for a demigod child. Gods always had an unlimited supply of money so it was no problem to buy all the things I would need for Percy. The 27 of July!" He would lie down on their lap as he was quite small for his age though well developed. This wasn't the only bath time problem we had. But instead I found a woman. I said in a deadly serious tone. But I wasn't going to give away my secret or my mother would kill me if I was put in front of the gods. she promised and I knew she was right. I almost laughed at her choice of words as they were obviously so false. Tonight we told him the story of Jason and the Golden Fleece. Would being around so many Gods affect my son? The gods left us to go and speak with Artemis I guessed and I just sat down in the long grass pulling Percy with me onto my lap and interrogated him on how he'd done it. I turned into a sparrow and flew into the next tree proud of my son for being the perfect hunter. I lay down on my bed and went to sleep. The girl in the front had Auburn hair and bright silver eyes. he questioned looking at Percy with a fierce gaze that made the three year old burst into tears at the 'scary mans' horrible face and he curled up next to his sisters on the floor who stood over him protectively before Zoe hoisted him up onto her hips and replied. "Why do you want to give him this blessing may I ask?" "I mean seriously I land two steps away from the thing while you two land on it!" Rubbing him dry all over, even though he could will himself dry sometimes, he still liked the feel of a nice soft towel, especially this particular blue one which happened to have fishes on it which Percy adored. The girls cheered him and walked over to the buck ruffling Percy's hair affectionately as they passed to which he protested loudly and pushed them off which made them laugh at him. I had forgotten she was there and recoiled a little at the sight of the angry look now plastered on her usually kind face. When we had caught breakfast which was elk and 2 rabbits, we cooked it and plated up, 18 servings in total which was 16 huntresses plus Artemis and Percy which was a rather small portion because he was so little. Amazing!" The logical side of me told me to leave it alone but the Huntress side was demanding to know what it was. We asked her how the heck she'd done it and she told us that we might want to review our Greek myths and tell him those otherwise there would be tantrums every night. Hestia Pov. I wondered what he was doing until he threw a wall of water at me that made me hit the deck. Percy had trained her to play tag and it was their favourite game. percyxop. Nico paled "You really don't know who we are? She looked very fearful and probably suspected Hermes was here to take Percy away but couldn't quite figure out how Hephaestus fit into the whole thing. He tapped her and yelled. I cautiously walked towards the light and was pulled in and found myself falling with a screaming girl. We gave him his bottle and lay him down on his bed. I was utterly surprise at how easy the task at hand had just become. At first I thought it meant a lover. One night when the girls had gone hunting and I was alone with the boy exactly a year after I first found him on his birthday, we were by the fire together as I was feeding him his bottle for the night when Hestia came out and I freaked. I had been hunting the Minotaur for days now on my own and had left the hunt behind because this was too dangerous for them. My dear do you know what you are?" Chapter 16 Chapter 2 In an Accident, She accidentally gave birth to you the way Athena does to her children. They did it together whenever their schedule with Percy collided and the child woke up crying. looking at his sister in wonder for fighting such a 'dangerous' animal. "Hey; there's a note" she called everyone back. The group made it through the first book without the Gods killing anyone, mostly due to not having their powers. We were both put in the Hermes cabin and Ellie was not happy at being so close to many other boys. He had beautiful sandy blonde hair, a good tan and great blue eyes. Teddy Bear || Assassination Classroom x Male Y/n L/n always has a teddy bear with him. I handed him over reluctantly and she put him on her lap lying on his back and put the bottle back in his mouth. I was curious why so many gods were taking an interest in the boy yet Zeus and Poseidon still didn't know where he was. I wasn't sure if the blessing would make my son more violent but still, it would help him in later life and keep him safe. She was pure white with green eyes just like Percy and made a deep rumbling growl in her throat almost like purring except she wasn't a cat and nuzzled Percy playfully. But not before story time or there would be chaos, as we knew from experience. 19. Lady Artemis ran after him and came back with the shattered boy over her shoulder sound asleep. I said dreaming about the boy growing up and being a hero but not wanting it to happen too fast. But remember when he refused to come out of the lake for bedtime. Artemis nodded " Alright then, I'll call Zo," and suddenly the Huntress was there. M/n Dixon was a typical bad boy Y/N was cursed, unable to speak without the risk of hurting others. Please consider turning it on! The other problem; 2) was that when we bathed him he wouldn't let himself get wet and nearly killed me the first time I tried cleaning the child by submerging himself in the cold lake water and disappearing only to crawl out again at the other side sit in the mud staring at me as if I was the strange one. As Lieutenant of the Hunt, I was able to say an incantation which would bless the animal's species with two of the animal for each one that was killed. I spoon fed him ambrosia bit by bit and the colour came back a little. Ellie didn't tell anyone she was a huntress and didn't have to because she had been wearing casual clothes when we went shopping. "He has many children of his own and cares little or none for any, why should he be allowed near my son?" We were in Manhattan and we had seen some cool bow and arrows in a shop window. And a buck at that you chose well my dear" I told him while ruffling his hair. I slumped in my chair by the fire and pulled my son back onto my lap. "They are fine Percy see" and I turned myself around so he could lift his head and see his sisters were fine. he asked. At this Percy stopped hiding and looked back at the gods with new found courage and asked. Phoebe caught up with us after a minute or so and we all went to make breakfast. "L-L-Lady Artemis, P-Please keep my son safe. Zoe though looked very excited and I was about to ask why when she called, "Percy? I was delighted at how my son was turning out at just the age of three! "YOU'RE IT" before grabbing my hand and running. Beyond even my brothers help. he exclaimed and opened his palm to reveal a light coming out of his palm that made it look like he had a torch built into him or something. She was dying. He never was punished by anyone, just threatened with no more bed time stories which he loved. she smiled at him but he squirmed away from her gaze embarrassed of her knowledge of this and asked. "Hello Hermes, Hephaestus. - It was the start of the summer and Ellie and I, one of the younger huntresses were out and about shopping for snacks and stuff. The moon was also shining brighter which happened when my mother was travelling by flash and I shut my eyes tight knowing she was coming and not wanting to be blinded by the flash. He was hunting wild deer and was very good with all weapons thanks to Ares blessing. Y/N was no different. I only use my water powers when I need them most or if someone is in danger and don't even smell like the ocean anymore because I have the blessings of six gods on me as well as being around my Mom so much I now have silver flecks in my eyes and bits of silver in my hair, though it went quite oddly with my black hair no one seemed to notice. Hahahahah!" She was looking at the child in admiration, "You speak very well for someone so young little one!" Apparently this was where we were to be claimed. He was developing very fast. I got up to see what all the commotion was about only to fall to the ground as I looked on at my son standing in front of a Cyclops. Son of Artemis (Male reader) (Percy jackson fanfic). He once showed Zoe fighting a Cyclops and made Phoebe drop the bottle because this was the first time he'd done it, but after that they all fought over who fed him and I thought it was funny to watch them squabble over this little child who seemed to control all of our lives now. Read Chapter 31- The Hunt and The Di Angelos from the story Percy Jackson- Adopted Son of Artemis (ABANDONED) by cupcakesandcakes369 (Cupcake ) with 4,791 re. He had found a pile of precious stones by a river we stopped at yesterday and kept 5, 2 silver, 2 imperial gold and an emerald which was Zoe's favourite colour. Percy and Annabeth have made it out of Tartarus, but the real war is just getting started. Follows Book 1! The final book. "Dear gods and goddess, before you dump the books, I suggest you read them. "Hey little sis how you doing?" "Come on trouble we need you clean and ready for bed in 20 minutes so we can have story time before bed, and if you're good we might be able to sneak a bottle past Mom!" Chapter 6 then a note fluttered to the ground. The goat boy 'Grover' came up to my mother and bowed so low he nearly kissed her shoes mumbling an apology for taking her son. It was true Zoe had let him try out riptide once or twice and he was a natural though the sword was a little too big for him just yet. When he was dressed in his PJs we sent him off to say goodnight to all his sisters and he ran away towards the campfire to sing a song before we took him and put him to bed. Percy Jackson the god of time, tid . He was quite scrawny but not as weak as he looked. I ran to my son and picked him up just as all of the other girls tended to each other's wounds. Apparently I was ok because I was with them since I was a baby and had learned the right way to respect women. . "Zee-Zee, Phe-phe" I smiled and dismissed them as they hurried off to show the hunt their new little, and very cute, member. We all knew he could breathe under water out of our experience with every single bath time we had ever been a part of and all of the open expanses of water that were nearby wherever we stayed which were hiding Percy 50% of the time we played hide and seek for like 3 hours until he came out beaming and yelling. How will the gods react to this? We were meant to be weaning Percy off of milk but he loved it so much it was hard to deny those puppy dog eyes, even for a huntress! 11-year-old Percy Jackson somehow finds himself pulled into a world of gods after a run-in with the goddess of the hearth herself. Chapter 12 Reading Percy Jackson: Book 7 - Son of Neptune by Lorixjake . she begged with those big brown eyes and I broke. I stood in the arena hacking away at the dummies. I would speak to him tonight! 23. I couldn't blame him for being scared! 84 guests By the most awesome gods ever Apollo and Hermes and the Fates,". Suddenly a large box dropped into the center of the room. . "Lunar?" And with one last smile she heaved a sigh and Sally Jackson, as her name-tag on her work uniform said, was no more. Small children quite delight me in fact, I think they're quite funny!" "And a very powerful child at that. Come here. All I wish is to give this child my blessing." Her mother was cruelly abandoned by her uncle, James Potter, because his wife and son were part of some damn prophecy and needed to be protected, pampered, more like. He asked in a civil tone I never suspected possible of the war god. You just had a three year old make you a sandwich and then let him sit on your knee. But now I know the fates had led me to this child. Purely because of his bloodline as a son of a broken oath. 16. Percy Jackson: God of Time. They had just come back from breeding season and alerted us to their arrival. It was then crushed under a tidal wave that came from a nearby river which caused Percy to fall and hit his head on a rock crumpling to the ground unconscious after losing all of his energy summoning so much water. Just then a silver bow and arrow came into sight above my head as well and knocked the trident away pulsing silver steadily as if it was angry. The majority are the descendants and relatives of the Elder Titans, their chief enemies. Zoe picked him up and slung him over her shoulder making Phoebe and I laugh knowing the boy hated this as we only used it at bedtime when he wouldn't come willingly. I wiped my brow and drank some water. Pertemis Fanfiction. 14. percabeth. I was almost always with the boy apart when I went hunting with the girls. "Well Artemis, you know how Percy's been very sneaky lately and we suspected he stole quite a few things but couldn't pin any of them on him. Son of Artemis (Percy Jackson Fanf. The future demigods all looked away not able to meet her eye. Chapter 3 He jumped up and down gleefully and squealed. all eyes were on me. "Uhm, it is quite possible young one yes. Having gotten through two books already, the Gods, demigods and others begin reading the third book. If I had to pick, I would say that they were his two favourite sisters even though he loved them all like his own sisters. 'this demigod is Percy Jackson and don't worry time has stopped while you read this and in case you were wondering Zeus your future self approves of this plan. There they are to read several books about the past and future of Percy Jackson in the hopes of making a better future. New bonds are formed and friendships will be tested to the limit. Characters Reading Percy Jackson Books; Gods become better parents; Family Bonding; Angst; Emotional Hurt/Comfort; Fluff; . Chaos and the Fates decided to let the Gods and Demigods of both camps to read Percy Jackson and the Primordials so they could know the threat that they would face in the 5 years against Chaos' children. Percy muttered. This is simply the Gods, Hunters and Campers reading about the events in the two stories. He told me and I laughed because he seemed to think I had a mortal mother. Poseidon is the Greek god of the sea, storms, earthquakes, droughts, floods and horses. He was just about to finish when three teenagers fell from the sky. I rubbed all of his body clean while Phoebe ran off to fetch a towel and some clothes for our little brother. Percy Jackson | Percy Jackson | Olympus Gods Artemis Apollo Zeus Hades Aphrodite Athena Hera Poseidon Demeter Dionysus Ares Hephaestus. "What do you want?" But he is just a child, Zeus wouldn't harm him. It was his comfor Seaweed Brain// Percy Jackson x Male! Poseidon Pov. they screamed. February 21, 2023 . Amphitrite's throne was next to Poseidon made from something that looked like the bottom half of an oyster and a backseat with a dozen, glimmering pearls. A reading about Percy's adventures while fixing relationships in Greek mythology, based of their personalities in the books. Another girl came up to us and snapped her fingers I front of our faces quietly whispering. He also loved it when Zoe and Phoebe sang to him. Artemis quickly explained what was happening and she nodded though she was tense. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan. He explained. They needed more as Ellie and I were obviously more skilled than they were in combat. She had a child; no less than a year old all of a sudden he sat up on his own and lifted is hands up. Also a certain prophecy. Percy was looking more gleeful than ever and nearly bouncing up and down on the war god's knee but controlled himself. "Yes my little one, quite like that!" Why?" Read the most popular artemis stories on Wattpad, the world's largest social storytelling platform. First published Aug 16, 2019. We obviously didn't tell him the part about Medea killing their children and left most parts of the myths like that out. I wonder how she knew about me wanting to talk to Apollo. I admit it was quite blunt and disrespectful but I was not letting go of the child and they wouldn't take him away from me. . I had heard there was a new prophecy which belonged to one of the big three and I guessed this was one of the reasons so many gods were taking an interest in Percy. "I Win! I slowly crept forward holding my bow when I heard the creature's footsteps. He beamed when he realised that tonight was bottle night and splashed about in the water rubbing his body clumsily trying to rid himself of mud. When he got in bed he woke up and asked for his bottle very quietly which was still on his nightstand next to his tiny bed. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Percy Jackson & the Olympians is a series of five fantasy novels written by American author Rick Riordan, and the first book series in the Camp Half-Blood Chronicles.The novels are set in a world with the Greek gods in the 21st century, and follows the protagonist Percy Jackson, a young demigod who must prevent the Titans, led by Kronos (Cronus), from destroying the world. They returned and Phoebe set the boy down who was sulking at still being treated like a child. They were in the middle of playing games with him when there had been a monster attack; Percy wanted to help but was put in his cot by the fire which was where Hestia could see him. I was amazed at the effect my son had on the normally violent cocky war god. The straw spilled out easily with a twist of my sword and I gave a yell. Whenever he woke up crying about monsters he'd seen around the camp when it was attacked, they would both go to his room and sing him a lullaby to put him to sleep before falling asleep themselves by his side. Betrayed by the humans she once cared and protected, Gatria's hatred knows no bounds. Very important!" Reading TheSilverBoars Son of Artemis. The Fates, tired of all the horror that Percy and his friends had gone through, send the Gods of the past five books for them to read. In moments they were on the floor clutching at many wounds as we turned to leave, only to have a goat boy jump out of a black van and shove the both of us in. I heard a whoosh and a thud as the water connected with something that had been behind me. So I just came down here to vent it out and after a while I was able to calm down. PS: Future Demigods please introduce yourselves by just name. He wriggled in my arms which signalled he wanted to be put down and ran over to them both hugging them by the knees as he was still small with such force they both fell backwards as their legs gave in and laughed at the baby boy now on their stomachs bouncing happy just because they were alive. But we are curious as to how he came to exist?" he said which made Hestia laugh and he blushed. I left to go to my tent and rest as it was getting dark. I pouted that my stare which could make Zeus quiver didn't work on the most annoying god of them all, my own brother. He stood up slowly but not shaking. They didn't have to and I didn't force them to take the child but they as good as killed each other arguing over the child I now made sure they all had each a feeding, diaper change, a play session, and a lullaby roter made which took them a whole two hours to decide who got what, when. With a light twang and my arrow went flying making contact with the creature's eye. Percy is somehow dumped by Annabeth and becomes leader of an army from Chaos or another powerful deity. and as I did all noise stopped. I know he is male, but he is only a child. The boys nudged the girl to go first. I saw my sisters scanning the Hermes table for me and when my two oldest siblings found me I groaned at the thought of being embarrassed in front of all of these demigods by my sisters. I handed the child over to the girls warily who asked, "How old is he Milady two years old?" YOU ARE READING. He was a very bright child and as a year passed which had Percy at 2 years of age, he could sing the alphabet and count to fifty as well as talk as good as any 4 year old I've seen. "I won't let you eat fishies! But my child would have to learn. Chapter 10 I got up to go and see what was wrong but to my surprise, as I reached the flap of my tent I saw my son was running to Phoebe's tent who came out after a second, and was then pulled to Zoe's tent, after they managed to make her stop crying I heard them both singing to her which was making her laugh. I considered for a moment and thought that it would make him better with a bow and arrow even with Ares' blessing as I heard that all Poseidon's children are useless with a bow. Just then there was a flash beside us and Percy was so shocked he fell on his bum taking the hollow door of the tree with him. He broke his oath? She saw the gods and immediately took Percy off of me holding him close to her chest. asked my brother and I growled at him. I quickly muttered an incantation in Ancient Greek and put my hand on it saying a soft blessing. "Just the way I like them" the god laughed and Percy beamed as it was his favourite too and they both bit down into their 'home cooked' sandwich. It turns out he made Zoe a charm to put on a necklace and a beautiful one it is too! The Seven are now about to be together and the great prophecy will begin. I recognized them as Lords Hephaestus and Hermes. All in all the huntresses took to the child like wildfire. They have to change, so she intervenes and sends some people from the future to read about the life of the greatest hero to ever live. Demeter (Percy Jackson) Artemis (Percy Jackson) Ares (Percy Jackson) Aphrodite (Percy Jackson) Dionysus (Percy Jackson) Characters Reading Percy Jackson Books; Percy is a God; Summary. Athena answered looking over the books. I have a present for you!" We both fell asleep on a comfy chair together watching our baby brother; we woke up to a very hyper and annoying little child on our laps bouncing up and down and yelling; "Wake up. My son's favourite way to go anywhere was in the sun chariot and he loved the thrill of going so fast. The creator had seen everything. He hadn't quite understood how old the girls were and kept saying that when he was their age he wanted to do stuff like them and hunt. I put him on my lap and bounced him up and down cooing to him until he stopped crying but it was too late and my two oldest hunters had woken up and curiously come to see what was making the screeching sound. Zeus will be very angry! The gang finally finds out what happened while Percy was missing. "Relax girl we don't want to harm the child at all in fact quite the opposite. "Shut up! "Sorry about that girls, he escaped when I attempted to bath him!" I cleared the tree line and saw the beast. Her birthday was in a week, she would be 2100 and we didn't want Percy to hear what was happening because he was a very chatty boy so we decided to let him play. They all expected him to be dead so it was a real surprise when he got up. He doesn't want to be alone without it. The boy seemed to change everyone around him in a good way.
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