What did David see? (Elaborate on his Damascus Road Conversion-Acts 9) Im so excited about starting this series today! Gods Richest Blessing, Ron. We simply walk away from what could have been our destruction. 15 Outstanding Quotes To Recharge Your Preaching. But we do hold onand, praise His name, even more than that, He holds on to us. I can say though, that "it was good for me that I was afflicted." I will hold on! He saw Gods goodness on the battle field. 1.5K views, 22 likes, 13 loves, 84 comments, 3 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Westside Missionary Baptist Church-Decatur Alabama: Sermon: I'm Still Holding On Powered by Restream. Privacy Policy. This post is so timely for me, and Im sure for many others. God commands us to hold on in order to hold out. David also found that God had not only prepared a refuge, but that God was his Refuge. Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed. Thank you for All you do! Prayers for "a touch". Peter and the climber were tied into a rope system called a belay. Tim writes regularly at. ", I'm encouraged this morning knowing my soul is anchored to the same one that was led up Calvarys hill early one Friday bearing the sins of the world on HIS shoulders and there HE. What a lesson for such a hurried society as ours! Key Verse(s):Through the Lords mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not. Seeing God keeps us from fainting, failing, faltering, or falling away. Dont look around now, but there are so many in our day and time that ignore the things that the preacher has to say. Thus he says in verse 13, I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. For my face to look pleasing and pretty. | Site Design by Shaine Freeman. And the good thing about this is the fact that when we do get back up, we may not have our full balance and composure, but just the mere effort, KNOCKED DOWN, BUT NOT KNOCKED OUT! Have a blessed day. If your life has been broken into many pieces come to Jesus. 14:27, NLT) It's basically Jesus saying to you, "Hey child, I've got this covered. read more, Scripture: Christ has both hands on the reins. The cross is nothing else than an instrument of death. And when you dont see any light at the end of your storm it can make you to want to give up. I feel like we, today, need to hear this! We desperately need God to teach us. When we look on the human side of the issue, we could faint; but when we see things from Gods perspective we see the goodness of the Lord. Please check out my latest Episode of #StayEncouraged Stop, Pause and Pray. David recognized that even if there were no enemies to complain about, he would still need God to be good, gracious, and kind. David held on and did not faint while facing the threats of King Saul. No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish (Luke 13:4b-5). I just came upon your site and found it so what I needed to read, especially about what to do and not do in a crisis. When we know that we have a place to go and also someone to go to that can handle life, that keeps us from fainting. Dennis O'sullivan. So, how do we fix our broken heart or the broken-hearted? Our Story; Our Pastor; Beliefs; Values; Kids; Students Learn more. Though the road has been rough And the goings been mighty tough, still I ain't going Nowhere, I'm right here to stay. 1. Joshua was not blind. When God saved Paul,He saved him for a purpose. What we must do is prepare for God as our Refuge. Mention me to Pharaoh, so he might let me out of this place. Hope that the Lord would keep not only him but also his people as well. Here are some scriptures to encourage you to keep holding on to God. The Bible does not tell us why some people today are saved from tragic accidents and others arent. And the record is that the wind kept on blowing. hell can't hurt you. read more, Scripture: So rest in knowing that when you keep holding on, you will see that in your weakness, God will be your strength. They talk but have no power to fight against God. God bless you, I feel the same..wow..this hit me too.I thank God he doesnt let go even when I seem to. I hate to be the bearer of important news, but I think I should inform you and remind youyou will have to go through some things. We tried to take Gods gifts on our own terms, but the natural world wont rebel against its Creator. Thank you. As a pastor, I had visited church members in the psych ward before, but this time the church member was our dear friend Sarah. : Its important to let others see how you live your life so that they may be won and that you may live blameless If you dont have enemies, you will problem learn little about patience; but then we have established that we all have enemies. How do we learn patience, and more importantly, how do we hold on to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. He knew everything about our frailties and even our sins, but he chose us, came for us, and redeemed us anyway. So, with boulders the size of Volkswagens crashing down around him, he stood his ground and held the rope. It is certainly not to focus on the bad things in life. Daniel 3:2-20, Denomination: Copyright 2021 Lutheran Media Ministry. At that moment, neither of us was arguing for the doctrine of Gods absolute sovereignty over salvation. Have a blessed day. died until the redemptions price was paid in full; and died until the debt for sin was satisfied; I tell you this morning, brothers and sisters, many times you see me smiling; but you dont know what Im going through. It Hurts But I'm Still Holding On. Peter could have run for cover, but it would have meant letting go of the belay. Scripture: Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. many people make true the words of the O'Jays. First thing we can learn is: Now before they set sail from the island of Crete, Paul had already told the captain, I dont think you ought to make this trip, at least not now. This makes us realize that God is everything. I'm still holding to his hand You see when I was young, I gave God my hand, And I told him to lead the way. I reminded her of the care of her church family and the love of Christ for her. But the Bible does tell us that God intends to save us through His judgment (see Romans 8:3). This sermon highlights how one can make the best of a bad situation. [Jesus was saying to His disciples,] You will be delivered up even by parents and brothers and relatives and friends, and some of you they will put to death. At the time of our text, scripture tells us that Paul was in serious trouble; so much trouble that it placed his life and the lives of others around him in mortal danger. Now, He is alive again. I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Hebrews 10:19-25, Denomination: Sarah is more than a conqueror because the God who predestined her also promised that she would be glorified. 132 views, 2 likes, 0 loves, 0 comments, 0 shares: 132 views, 2. Deliver me not over unto the will of mine enemies: for false witnesses are risen up against me, and such as breathe out cruelty. So that they may come to know Christ! You can do nothing without God. The medications were being balanced and the side effects had diminished, although she was still being kept and monitored. It all depends on what you see rather than what grabs your attention. 13. March 14, 2021 Sermon Scripture: Genesis 32:22-32 Sermon Topic: I'm still holding on!. And in some of our lives rather than the storm getting better, in spite of all of our prayers. Remember, He has a firm grip on youand His grip is much tighter than yours will ever be! Jesus, the Righteous Son of God, indeed God in the Flesh, had enemies. We hold on to the promises that His love never fails; that He will never let us be put to shame; that His strength is perfect when our strength is gone. He will cause the lightening to flash even more and the thunder to roll even more. If its weighing you down, then it wont let you float like you ought to float. Amen. read more, Scripture: 17 : 22 I know what it is like to do everything possible to bring Gods gospel to the world, but only have a handful of people listen. And for me to have a traumatic brain injury, anxiety and my left eye was botched by a plastic surgeonthat my face would look pleasing again as an ambassador for Christ. Amen. Why do you think God is your Light? Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers. I hope you will wait a little while longer. But not a hair of your head will perish.. Share 4. Bible Popular Verses John 3:16 James 4:7 Psalm 23:1 Romans 8:28 Matthew 6:34 Hebrews 11:1 Philippians 4:13 . ", "Jesus be a fence all around me everyday! April 20, 2008 We must remember that when it comes to faith, patience is a requirement and it takes time for some to learn patience. With his nail-pierced. Intro: Flying at 4000 feet, the flight seemed normal. I know that God can do this because I know what He has done for me. Do you know that there is always hope in the Lord? He knows theyll be telling the Romans to crucify Him, but to release a man guilty of insurrection. read more, Denomination: I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. As disciples ourselves, because we are followers of Christ, we too have a ministry that we must share with all nations, but especially to those that are brokenhearted. I wanna keep holding on to God coz Hes never giving up on me. Ps. Lately I have been feeling powerless to grasp onto Him. For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth: But he knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold. If you are depressed in spirit, I want to also share this scripture from Lamentations 3:25: The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, To the soul who seeks Him. Seven times in the book of Hebrews, the author captures the heart of Christianity in a simple, wonderful command: draw near. And giant waves that were higher than the ship would beat against the ship. You see me shaking hands and telling people to hang in there but they dont know what Im going through. Darryn Zewalk | Official Website of Mr. February 17, 2008 Isaiah 41:10- So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. Had he fainted, he would have slain Saul out of revenge. That storm was the granddaddy of all storms. Paul and Silas would still say, dont faint. I believe there are three forms of depression: physical depression, mental depression, and spiritual depression. Baptist, In times of doubt or uncertainty we will find strength in knowing God can and will work it out. read more, Scripture: He hadnt gotten over the trauma and the awesome impact of the first problem before he was hit with another problem. Our ministry must be about genuinely presenting Christ to those around us. Before we answer that question, we must ask, how did he see? Verses 11-12, Teach me Thy way, O Lord, and lead me in a plain path, because of my enemies Deliver me not over unto the will of mine enemies: for false witnesses are risen up against me, and such as breathe out cruelty. The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD. So what Im still gonna hold on, though He slay me yet will I trust him. And I signed the deed. 6Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD and Satan also came among them. All of our resources exist to guide you toward everlasting joy in Jesus Christ. 3. It is commonly accepted that the prophet Jeremiah is the author of this book and I guess you can say this is fitting when you consider that Jeremiah is known as the weeping/crying prophet. We can stand tall through the painful toils, because our Redeemer lives and He is our refuge through every storm of life. Too often I saw the doctrine through the lens of debate rather than through the lens of worship and trust. Teach me Thy way, O Lord, and lead me in a plain path, because of my enemies. As I was watching television the other day I saw an interesting commercial for Dick Devos who is a candidate for governor here in the State of Michigan this year. David recognized that even if there were no enemies to complain about, he would still need God to be good, gracious, and kind. Now this was not Pauls only trouble, you bible readers are aware that he had trouble before they encountered the storm. My mortgage is behind, my si5lost her job and we have mo money to pay the mortgage. Please note that the Psalmist does not engage in strategic planning to defeat the enemy. Please God, help us all! Please pray for me to get a financial miracle. Thank you and I would be grateful for ur prayers along with anyone else who reads this postI believe I can do all things threw the greater one who lives in meits just that I have become so busy and caught up in this whirlwind And the whole thing will come crashing down on their heads. She is not a conqueror because she overcame her depression immediately, or because the cancer stopped spreading. I can imagine in my mind Joseph saying Im standing on the promise that you said I would be the head and not the tail, you made me some promises when I was in my fathers house, and Im still holding on to the promise, It's been some dark days and lonely night, I been forgotten, falsely accused but Im still holding on, I just dont believe he brought me this far to leave me now, to leave me here. I'm like Ben (above) the last two years have been extremely difficult. So rather than becoming impatient and reactive over the presence of the enemy we, like David, can be calm knowing that God is near. I had fainted, unless I had believed to see. I can go beyond the preacher and say there are some people in here right now who wish they had listened to their mother, father, grandma and granddaddy when they said don't do something. Job 1: 6-12 He had to deliver: messages of the fall of Jerusalem; messages of death; messages of captivity. Even when we see bad things happen and even when bad things happen in our life, we are not focusing on those times as permanent. I pray you find your solid anchor again! She knew that nothing could separate her from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus. We would visit her whenever we could. Genesis 32:22-29, Denomination: Pastor James A. Thomas Jr. As a matter of fact, Goodness does not show up alone; it brings along Mercy. We must also Proclaim God as our Light. Its alright for somebody else to encourage you but maybe they are not going through what you are going through. He saw Gods goodness when they crossed the Jordans. Our salvation did not start with us, is not sustained by us, and will not be completed by our strength. We can and that is the very thing we need. First I would like to applaud the commitment of 15 For I was kidnapped from my homeland, the land of the Hebrews, and now I'm here in prison, but I did nothing to deserve it." They said I wouldn't make it God empowers us to STAY up before He SHOWS up so that we dont MESS up what He is SETTING up and it all begins when we hold on to our faith. We must keep in mind that Lamentations was written on the heels of the fall of Jerusalem, and during the Israelites captivity to the Babylonians. Jesus said to them, Do you think that they were worse sinners than all the others? Do not be a terror to me; you are my refuge in the day of disaster. We simply walk away from what could have been our destruction. To keep that faith certainly says a lot about Jeremiah, but what about us? That teaching and leading is our Refuge. When He approached Jerusalem, He wept for the city. He held on because he was holding on to God. He didnt have a laundry Im quite sorry if you are new to the faith and that surprises or disappoints you. I NEED GOD TO LOOK DOWN ON ME WIT MERCY, Yes we need to keep on holding on , to all the promisess of God , for no matter what we suffer a eternity in heaven is worth all we go through and we never go through it alone 13. Sylvester M. Truss, Pastor www . 9. But God needs somebody in the storm to have faith and say even in the storm, I know its rough and I know its hard but Im coming out! Teach me Thy way, O Lord, and lead me in a plain path, because of my enemies Deliver me not over unto the will of mine enemies: for false witnesses are risen up against me, and such as breathe out cruelty. The wisdom we need in this world often wears black. We hold on to the promises that His love never fails; that He will never let us be put to shame; that His strength is perfect when our strength is gone. Water would splash upon those on board. Assembly Of God. and cause turbulence for you in your family; to cause an entire congregation to fall apart. [If a can put a pen here quickly and tell you, just because you are a child of God does not mean you will not have trouble.]. And you hoped so much that it would soon pass over. If you dont know who your enemies are, you had better ask God to teach you and to lead you in the right path. Am going throw a rough time, Ive applying for a job for so long and it seems like God is not interested in me. Some of the things you and I have had to face would have been impossible to survive had it not been for God. read more, Scripture: In our weakness, the Lords strength is made perfect (2 Corinthians 12:9). Because Pauls story ended just the way the Lord had promised. Have you been barely holding on lately? And shortly after their launching, they fell into the midst of a raging storm. Now that storm was an awful storm. And the problems just kept on coming. As a preacher in our time today, I understand the feeling of preaching when nobody is really listening. Look to the Lord. I knew that Sarah needed bedrock gospel truth under her feet, so I turned to Romans 8 and began to read to her, There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Her eyes flashed with recognition. Thank you for your words of encouragement and the reminder that The Lord will hold on to us when our grip loosens a bit. Had he fainted, he would have slain Saul out of revenge. The domino effects leading to our salvation did not begin at birth, or even at Christs birth, but in eternity past when God foreknew us. All Rights Reserved. Mention me to Pharaoh, so he might let me out of this place. *I must go to my seat less I keep you too long, but you know when the storms of life are raging its easier said than done to be of good cheer. RELP Episode 71 Vital Steps Before Implementing Change, 8 Powerful Questions Leaders Should Frequently Ask, RELP Episode 70 Solving a Problem Matter of Perspective, 7 Healthy Organization Characteristics Observed by Good and Bad Experience. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers. Verses 4-5, the Psalmist describes this pursuit. Now the storms of life can come in so many ways. And now hes on this ship caught up in the midst of a turbulent and life threatening storm; which was more trouble! Courtesy LHM, Still Holding On And before he could really come to grips with the first and second problem, he was then assaulted by a third one. Sarah was crying out the words of Romans 8:30 with me, like a drowning woman holding on to a life preserver. 15 For I was kidnapped from my homeland, the land of the Hebrews, and now I'm here in prison, but I .read more Scripture: Genesis 40:14-15 But, these last two years have been the testing of my life. The enemy cant go in there. What do you do when the problem is upon you? It was a wind of great fury that came out of the Northeast. to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. I had to wipe many tears from my eyes. That teaching and leading is our Refuge. 12. It came howling like ten thousand wolves. You may say, holding on is easy when the problem has not arrived. And when Gods judgment on our sin came crashing down on Him, He was holding on to you. And she looked exhausted. When you see God, life is not a problem. When they found his lifeless body lying in the rubble, Peter was still holding on, saving his climbers life. The first learning objective is to see. That is the point where we learn to hold on and hold out until the change comes. Nor does the Psalmist spend a great deal of time recognizing and complaining of how vicious the enemies are. As bad as things were for Jeremiah, he still had hope in the Lord. 3 Tests Of Plagiarism: Do Your Sermons Pass Them. Thus he prayed. The heart is the soul. Paul decided he would step in at this point and he reminded them that they should have listened to him, for he had warned them before they left Crete not to set sail. 157 views, 7 likes, 9 loves, 29 comments, 4 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Miller Memorial Baptist Church: Sunday, February 26, 2023~ Reverend Damaris Y Walker, Esq., Pastor ~ Scripture: Song of. I want to make sure we are clear on the subject of the broken-hearted. Sermon Text The Power to Hold On 11. The truth is that we still need one another even when the world is calling you to a season of recreation. Apostolic. We proudly hunch our shoulders and say, thats their fault; no, its our fault. If you don't mind this morning; grab a neighbor by the hand and say, "Neighbor, no matter how long or how strong the storm in life is: You will make it! Sometimes, my brothers and sisters, life is just like that old saying: "When it rains, it pours". O say can you see, were the first lines in Francis Scott Keys Star Spangled Banner. I have come to God so many times with my infirmities that I think to myself, God, I know youre getting tired of me. But the truth of the matter is that God does not grow weary of us and wants to help us with our infirmities. Yes, I notice I have a problem but I look to see God. Just hold on in order to hold out. You dont know the heartache. Copyright 2003-2023 | Outreach, Inc., All rights reserved. It all depends on whether we will allow patience to have its perfect work. Deliver me not over unto the will of mine enemies: for false witnesses are risen up against me, and such as breathe out cruelty. And no one can better testify to that fact than Job. The spirit (demon) of sadness and depression has jump inside and possesses many today. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. :O) I cherished EVERY WORD! read more, Scripture: Last week, we established that the disciples should have been able to heal the fathers son (Matthew 10:1) of his unclean spirit, but they were unable to do so (Mark 9:18). When we are in the midst of our distress, its not always easy to be of good cheer. We fall short in our faith we must overcome this failure. The previous years I walked on the mountain top with Him so much. Again I repeat, patience is required in faith in God! Well I can break it down as simply as this; youre launching out too soon when you do something before God says do it. Paul said, Men you should have listened to me and not set sail from Crete and incurred this injury and loss.. Broken And when the sun is shining, our spouse loves us, our kids are well-behaved, and work is going better than we ever expected, Gods electing love reminds us that every gift is a gift of grace. Why spend time giving credit to the enemy when you can spend time giving praise to God? Speaker: If we hold on long enough someone is going to come to our rescue. Job 1:6-12. I'm still holding on. We must look to find ways that we can help by presenting God to those that are brokenhearted broken in spirit! Teach me Thy way, O Lord, and lead me in a plain path, because of my enemies. And ships that were caught in this typhoon like situation found themselves being kicked like footballs from one wave to the other. We must learn to actually live and boast in our infirmities not allow the infirmity (weakness) to have the victory over us. We sing that Jesus is my doctor and that He writes out all of my prescriptions, but again we are not telling those that need spiritual healing to go to the doctor for their prescription! At one point, Joshua prayed that the Sun would stand still and the moon would stay in place until they finished the battle. fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. Ive never done this before! Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart: wait, I say, on the Lord. David K. Flowers Thank you deeply for being used of God!~. I am here!" (Matt. I continued to read until I got to verse 30, and then an amazing thing happened. Subject: Perseverance It was interesting to me because of the angle he took. God, in His judgment, is leveling the ground for everyone to clear the way for something new. Like a horse that bucks off a thief, the natural creation comes undone under our rebellion. But you must remember in the storm once you receive news that God is going to deliver you, the devil will turn up the volume and cause the wind to get louder. Im still holding on, If a man die, shall he live again? The walls come tumbling down. In fact, she died a couple of years later. HE knows if we havent matured in Christ. Note that David proclaims how he saw things through God. However, if we look to ourselves or at the beast, whatever that may be, then we will always feel weak, helpless, and afraid.Like the grandfather, who was an excellent rider, our heavenly Father is even greater. Seventh-Day Adventist, Its good to know that it does not matter how many times we get knocked down, just as long as we get up again? Paul and the entire crew made it safely to the shore. I have to tell you this morning my brothers and sisters, the storm is raging, but God has told me to tell you: "Everything will be alright! My bothers and sisters, in spite of the shaking, Because Gods will is for me to make it to Rome. I want you to hear this message today and I want you to understand it clearly! Some Things I Know You may say, holding on is easy when the problem has not arrived. You see he had already been arrested and he was on his way to Rome to stand trial. that storm is still ragging and getting worse. We Pray: Though I've been talked about and Oh I've been criticized. The storm is identified in verse 14 of the King James Version says, it was called Euroclydon. Yet, I tell you today that there is a spirit of depression and that spirit of depression is growing and spreading like a wildfire in the world today. Free Sermons and Sermon Outlines for Preaching : You Can Look Back,even Look Ahead,but Don't Forget To Look Around You, Spit-Shine Tomorrow's Sermon Before You Go To Bed Tonight. 2. The reason for not fainting was greater than the reason to faint. Do not give the victory to your demons when you can turn those demons over to God! I imagine, in my finite mind, that Jeremiah would lay down at night and weep over the saddening messages he had to deliver to the people. Held in the nail-pierced hands of the potter Over the last 17 years of walking with Jesus, I have learned that God hasn't wasted a single hurt, disappointment, or tragedy. In my Christian life there are some things I have come to know. There are three that I think are essential if you are to have any degree of success and sanity in this world.
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