And, of course, you also want to be sure to be providing adequate vitamin D to boost calcium absorption from the intestines and adequate vitamin K2 to activate the proteins that then ensure calcium is deposited in bone and not in arteries, kidneys or breasts. The MK-4 that I take is such a small dose, that should be OK, right . AlgaeCal is clinically Supported for bone health: Or does it have something to do with calculated equivalences? So, amount of calcium provided by AlgaeCal Plus is 720 mg/day, plus you need to look at your diet to see how much calcium you are typically getting from the foods you eat. Heres the math on this: 1.04% x .915 (100%-8.5% = 91.5) = an increase in BMD of 0.95. You can, however, run another type of test that will show you whether you are continuing to lose bone every month until your results show you are no longer losing bone and are stable. Not to worry, this can be rectified! Just received today my 3 months supply of Algae Cal Plus and Strontium but havent started taking them yet. You could contact them and ask them what they do to ensure their products are free of heavy metals and other contaminants. Im on an estrogen-blocker after having had breast cancer three years ago. Vitamin A. Vitamin D. Vitamin E. Vitamin K. For maximum absorption, the best time to take vitamin D and other fat-soluble vitamins is after you've eaten foods that contain fat. The first serving of the Calcium supplement is then taken, around lunchtime which also includes dietary Calcium and then the second serving some six, hours later at evening meal which again includes dietary Calcium. You can look him up on Google much is now being written about this, and not just in the medical journals, but also for the public at large. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 87, 2060-2066. Regardless,, however, I urge you to NOT EAT GLUTEN-CONTAINING GRAINS! Strontium ranelate is a prescription drug where the ranelate molecule is a patentable synthetic chemical. If you have a copy of Your Bones, please check the section on calcium where I have provided a table showing the best food sources of calcium (p. 207 in the book) along with how much calcium is present in a typical serving of each food. Calcium on the other hand, should be taken with food so that when food nutrients are being metabolised, the calcium absorption happens along with the other nutrients in the same digestive phase. My understanding is that Supplement Facts are required to list the amount of the element (in this case, strontium). You could also ask your doctor about running a stool test, preferably a Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis (CDSA). AlgaeCal was also found to significantly reduce oxidative stress in the osteoblasts after just 24 hours. Novel strontium fortified calcium salt for enhancing bone formation As in vitro and in vivo large animal model study. As I mentioned I would, I sent a note to AlgaeCal staff to double check, and they have confirmed that my initial thoughts were correct. The degree of bone mineralization was not significantly different in the various groups of monkeys. Your advice would be much appreciated. Hi Vimal, I am so sorry to hear this and wish I could offer you something helpful to try, but osteosarcoma, a cancer of the bone, is not at all related to osteoporosis, which is bone becoming thin and porous due to an imbalance in bone remodeling (break down and renewal) caused by numerous contributing factors (which I write about in Your Bones in detail). According to the summary of product characteristics for strontium ranelate provided by Servier, the pharmaceutical company that created (and owns the patent on) strontium ranelate: There is no accumulation of ranelic acid and no evidence of metabolism in animals and humans. It is best to take strontium supplements and calcium at different times of day to get the most benefit. I immediately started with my Calcium this morning at breakfast, I take Strontium 2 hrs after lunch everyday. Personally, I expect to no longer be even borderline osteopenic by my next DXA (about 9 months from now) and as soon as that happens, I am going to run an n=1 trial, cut my strontium dosage in half and see how that works for me. Heartburn, stomach pain, or diarrhea; back, muscle, or joint pain; a headache, and flu-like symptoms are the most common side effects. I disagree actually, this attempt to frighten you into not giving your dog his weekly can of sardines is so over the top, it made me laugh. Hi Anne, what you are doing sounds great. If you have read my posts on strontium or listened to the #AskLaras in which I discuss strontium, you know that strontium greatly improves our ability to maintain healthy bones through MANY mechanisms not by replacing calcium in our bones so, even though your bones are now in good shape, to keep them healthy, continuing to take some strontium is a good idea. Furthermore, the strontium that does deposit in cortical bone does NOT render it weaker, but more stable and resistant to fracture as explained in this paper, which I mention again below. My results have TOTALLY convinced me. You should wait at least 2 hours after having these . I was thinking of ordering mine from Vita Cost but see brands. There was a significant reduction in the number of patients experiencing new vertebral deformities in the second year of treatment with 2 g/d SR [relative risk 0.56; 95% confidence interval (0.35; 0.89)]. postmenopausal? You will need to get your blood levels of 25(OH)D [this is the circulating form of vit D and the best indicator of body levels] checked to see where you are, optimal range is 60-80 ng/mL. For the remaining 6 months, the women just exercised at home. BMD in my hip/femur had gone up 3.5% and was up 6% in my spine. Lara Mineral substance is crystallized as nonstoichiometric carbonated apatite ionic crystals of small size and extended specific surface. Thanks Lara. Epub 2016 Oct 21. Strontium (Citrate) is an alkali earth metal, very similar in structure to Calcium, and has a similar effect in the body. We keep hoping to have a chance to come visit him and see your lovely country. The article was written by our resident Bone Health Expert, Lara Pizzorno, MDiv, MA, LMT. It was impossible to calculate the elemental dosage because they didnt provide the molar-mas of the compound. Hi Anne, Since switching to AlgaeCal was the ONLY thing I changed in what I had been doing, I am now a believer. Its the dream team for building bone density thats noticeable via DEXA scan just six months after starting daily use. At this point every 2 years does not make sense. It took several years for my hair to fill back in. This individual had a strontium/serum/plasma/urine blood test administered. Optimal is 60-80 ng/mL; the 30 ng/mL level, which many docs still refer to as just dandy, is barely above frank deficiency. Vitamin K2 is fat-soluble its in the fat, so when the fat is removed, so is the K2. At first I thought it was a one time fluke, but it is happening every night. The end result was that more calcium (Ca2+) was deposited in AlgaeCal treated cells (2.0-fold more than controls, 1.0-fold more than calcium carbonate, and 4.0-fold more than calcium citrate-treated cells). However, Ive been curious about taking calcium microcrystailine hydroxiapetite as a calcium source to increase my BMD .Everything I read is good about this form of calcium, and that it is the closest to the calcium we use to produce bone. I am on a low salt diet to control my blood pressure. In contrast, ranelic acid is an unnatural, lately created in a lab, compound, which, the research indicates, increases your risk for venous thromboembolism and DRESS syndrome, among other unpleasant side effects. I observed three types of strontium salts and side effects of strontium supplements like nausea and headache etc. Curzon, P.C. So, Im writing you directly with a brief summary of some of the relevant information provided in my update on strontium, which I hope will allay your concerns. And more strontium in your bone causes the DEXA to overstate your bone density increase. My PCP ran some blood tests in September at my request, Vit D, 25-Hydroxy was 35.4, my calcium and PCH was 9.3 and 58. I urge you to call your mothers doctor and make an appointment to be seen ASAP! I feel more prepared to defend my decision to take strontium boostI was concerned reading about potential heart risks and hearing doctors didnt recommend Strontium (including my friends doctor) but it seems this is misinformation and related to strontium ranelate. Thanks for responding so quickly regarding dosage for strontium citrate and Algae Cal Plus once I achieve good DEXA results. In fact, 99% of the total amount of strontium in the body is found in bone, a trait it shares with calcium. Hi Tyler, Dr. Wright discusses this in Stay Young & Sexy with BHRT. ), egg products (e.g., Egg beaters, powdered eggs), seafood, and candy (including chocolate). I take about 6000 ius of D3 daily and will be increasing to 7000 ius in order to get me blood level above 60 nG. Acta Pharmacol Sin. [Epub ahead of print]PMID: 22640372), My personal thoughts overall: Look at the 3rd line, 36 months (3 years), unadjusted improvement +12.7%, corrected for overestimation improvement +6.8% so thats why I wrote as much as 50%. Strontium may also interfere with calcium absorption, which is why people taking strontium are advised to take it away from calcium. I suggest you ask the folks making these claims for references in the medical journals in which research has been published confirming them, and if they cannot supply you with any, do not give them any credence. Thanks for sending me a link to this study. However, commercially-produced plant foods grown on fields using synthetic fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides have far lower levels of strontium than their organic counterparts. SO delighted to have been able to give you helpful information! Many of us do take strontium citrate and do rely on much of the information that you provide. PMID: 15336592 DOI: 10.1016/j.bone.2004.04.026. If you find that your diet is supplying you with a fair amount of calcium, I would still consider taking at least some AlgaeCal as it will provide you with insurance that you are receiving these trace minerals in amounts in which they work together naturally. Jul 24, 2006. . Is there a treatment? In fact, in the one and only study on PubMed I could find suggesing even a remote connection between estrogen and strontium a rat study involving ovariectomized rats (an animal model for human postmenopausal women) that were given estrogen, the rats metabolism of strontium normalized. The batch of Strontium Boost I ordered and received this June (June 2017) for myself and my husband has an expiration date of 1/2020. That said, with your levels being in the 80s, the full dose of Strontium Boost should be just fine, however we would still recommend checking this over with your doctor, and continue to monitor these levels for any changes. J Bone Miner Res 2000;15:1526-36.) Even strontium ranelate (the drug version of strontium supplelmentation, which greatly increases risk for a variety of life-threatening side effects including DRESS syndrome and venous thromboemoblism) has not been linked to adverse effects on thyroid function. Are you taking any prescription or over-the-counter drugs? (Many impair digestion, not just the acid blockers.) And if I can beat it, truly, anyone can! I use it because it works. If I have strontium two hours before the kale will that be sufficient? At all the applied doses, incorporation of strontium produced no significant change in the crystal lattice parameters, even if the ionic radius of Sr21 (1.13 ) is slightly larger than that of Ca21 (0.99 ) (Table 1). I was told that I need an operation for this (I am having a slip disc as well (L4 and L5 with sciatica) and too scared to undergo for an operation. The other night I contacted the manufacturer of my strontium and inquired as to if the supplement was better absorbed on an empty stomach or with food. Shaine, Hi Shaine, Who wrote this article? It remains unanswered in response above! My query, is it safe for me to take Algae Cal plus and strontium or just the Algae Cal plus. But if you prefer, you can take your Triple Power with food as it doesn't have any interactions. The most current research looking into the use of high velocity progressive resistance training is just underway and will, hopefully, give us more insight into the best exercise protocols to prevent bone loss and rebuild osteopenic, osteoporotic bone. I have seen a number of studies showing that unless the subjects took at least 800 IUs of vitamin D there was no improvement in the measured parameters. Hi Lara. PMID: 21241838, Schofer MD, Block JE, Aigner J, Schmelz A. I fear strontium citrate will bring onset of ckd to me. The other two Plans also used AlgaeCals plant calcium, but in differing amounts (750 mg in Plan 2, 756 mg in Plan 3), and with differing amounts of vitamin D3 ( 1,000 IU in Plan 2; 1,600 IU in Plan 3) and other bone health ingredients. I also take WP which is similar to Armour. ), X-ray crystallographic experiments have demonstrated that incorporation of strontium into the bone of cynomolgus monkeys treated with oral strontium ranelate for 13 weeks took place mainly by ionic exchange at crystal surfaces [Lara i.e., trabecular bone], and to a minor extent by heteroionic substitution (with a maximum of one calcium atom out of ten being substituted) into the crystal lattice [Larai.e., cortical as well as trabecular bone]. If you feel nauseous, you can take it with a small snack, but if you can wait until an hour after taking it to eat, that's best. Hi Lara, you have mentioned your improved BMD DEXA results after taking Algaecal products including strontium. Other studies a number of which are cited in the above 2 papers have also shown that weight-bearing and high impact exercise prevents bone loss and helps prevent fractures, both by maintaining and/or improving BMD and by improving balance, thus preventing falls. Am I understanding the new bone/old bone terminology correctly here. Because of my genetic inheritance, which includes faulty vitamin D receptors, I need even more vitamin D3 and therefore more K2 (D3 and K2 need to be in balance), so I take extra of these as well, also take some vitamin A (another fat-soluble nutrient that works with and must be in balance with vitamins D and K) and omega-3s (and try to eat salmon at least once a week). These exercises can help you strengthen the muscles that support your spine, so can help you to decompress and re-elongate your spine. But strontium ions replaces less than one calcium ion out of 10, so the overestimation is not great enough to discount DEXA results showing improvements in BMD. Okay, heres a quick overview of some of the information in my updated strontium article that is relevant to your concerns: Strontiums beneficial effects are NOT due to its replacing calcium in your bones. 2012 Oct;33(10):1277-84. doi: 10.1038/aps.2012.83. But there are still several misconceptions about strontium citrate pills: Lets take a closer, research-based look at each of them. Thanks again and I intend to get a copy of your book, especially since Gary Null cites you and your book. That means I am getting 250 mg of calcium. (2004). BMC Musculoskelet Disord. Hi Lara, I will be 69 this year, and took my share of the old kind of Estrogen. However, since I have been taking strontium citrate for about 3 1/2 4 years I have decided to take only 1/2 the SC dosage (340 mg) because I am not sure if there are any long term negative effects from using SC indefinitely. However, you may have heard some less-than-confidence inspiring things about strontium. Venous thromboembolism (VTE) refers to life-threatening blood clots in deep veins. Or you could have become sensitive to some component in your food. Neither of the two forms discussed next are safe. Created by nuclear tests from 1945 to the early 1970s, strontium-90 made its way from the air to . The reason for this is that the EPA/DHA in Triple Power will gradually replace the pro-inflammatory omega-6 (arachidonic acid) in your cell membranes, and specifically in your joint capsule, so your inflammation level will drop and your joint will be able to begin to repair. Strontium citrate is also very safe, again, no adverse effects have been seen with natural forms of strontium (ie strontium citrate) if more calcium is being consumed than strontium. One of strontium's isotopes Strontium-90 has a more sinister reputation. Thanks for sharing this research! I am constantly on the lookout for additional information regarding strontium citrate. AlgaeCal 2 had a positive MAPC of +2.79%. But dont throw the baby out with the bath water. Is a direct quotation from Lis thesis paper cited above on page 41 of the document or page 59 in the PDF format, if you just scroll down to page 41 or type in page 59 or search more effective than you will find it. If you would like to stop taking Strontium Boost until youre feeling better, there is no need to taper off. I have been trying to take the Strontium Boost but it gives me headaches. You can take Triple Power Omega 3 Fish Oil right off the spoon (it's that tasty.) pam. You do not have to be suffering from 1/2 hourly hot flushes! And following these recommendations is not only going to give you strong bones, but vibrant health overall. Hes not a Bastyr grad, but Joe recommends him; he is a very good doctor. D3 and K2 must be in balance. Great! I could find nothing. I have a hard time with taking the strontium at night. : i would like to know in what dosages do one has to take strontium citrate and calcium ect.. i changed to strontium citrate [ costs about a third of ranelate]about 3 months ago after being on ranelate for 5years.. i had a bmd in january and it showed a small improvement which i am grateful for i`m 63yrs and excited to see next year`s results i am changing my calcium from Biogen Calmag Max Absorption[with120ug K2 ect to Real Thing Bone Revolution an organic sea veg calsium mineral mix these products we get in south africa.. further i take everthing in stride,,, had a couple of falls with no fractures perhaps i`m just lucky referring to other letters of people having a lot of fractures nice writing to you forgive the errors, english is my second language regards.. patricia. That is troubling to me as do not want to end up with hyper-calcium. Although you only need 3 milligrams of boron daily, this is a trace mineral that is difficult to get even in that small amount from the diet. Lara: I have been taking Pure Encapsulations Strontium as per doctors suggestion, but have run out of it. The very tiny amount of strontium ions that deposit in our bones prefer to do so in trabecular, not cortical bone. You have given some tips how much of dosage we have to take. Also, 3 hours should be enough time to wait after dinner to take your strontium. Hello Lara, thank you for the information you have provided on this site. If not, is there anything else that might be contributing to it that you could change to lessen inflammation? This would be 1,500 mg of calcium per day, which is greater than the 1,200 mg RDI for calcium for postmenopausal women. 25(OH)D is the vitamin D form circulating in the bloodstream and the marker typically used to assess vitamin D levels. Delighted you are working with a receptive physician! Citrate is typically good for you; however, when you are infected with Clostridia, it feeds off of citrate, which is why you may experience symptoms like the ones you mentioned. PLEASE comment about this. My question is, are there any negative side effects of taking the strontium citrate and calcium around the same time? The use of strontium ranelate has never been approved in the U.S. and is now significantly restricted in Europe, while strontium citrate is freely available. Hope this helps and feel free to let us know if you have any other questions! We recommend working with your doctor to figure out what could be the trigger for you. However, population-based longitudinal studies suggest that these loss estimates are not high enough. So it is best to take a supplement. It has now been 3 weeks and I have received no response by any of the authors. strontium supplement. A CDSA is not as sophisticated as the OAT but it may be sufficient and it is more likely to be covered by insurance than the OAT. three meals of the day, equally effective. Some responded quickly;others took several months to get back to me but all responded eventually and have been most helpful. CONCLUSIONS: The data indicate that rat and human show similar drug intestinal absorption profiles and similar transporter expression patterns in the small intestine, while the two species exhibit distinct expression levels and patterns for metabolizing enzymes in the intestine. I expect you are consuming plenty of leafy greens and other vegetables rich in K1, right? Prior to using AlgaeCal, I had been rebuilding bone, but SLOWLY. The most common stable strontium salts are strontium sulfate and strontium carbonate,which are found in soils, and strontium citrate which is used for nutritional supplements. You should be consuming from 1,200 -1,500 mg of calcium daily. I read in the discussion that a GFR of 50 or less would indicate that I should not take Strontium. Bone. The issue is not bone mineral density, but the bodys exposure to estrogens when they are being metabolized into pro-inflammatory, potentially carcinogenic derivatives. You can definitely take your strontium first thing in the morning! I also came across Dr. Don Colberts article which also said that 170 mg is more effective and he cited Meunier (same reference that Li gave) for the information. Yes, I take the full dose (2 capsules twice daily) of AlgaeCal Plus, but now that my bones are in great shape, I only take a half dose (1 capsule) of Strontium Boost. A long-term treatment with strontium ranelate in intact rats is very safe for bone and improves bone resistance by increasing bone mass and improving architecture while maintaining bone stiffness. If you tolerate 1 capsule, after several days of taking just 1, take 2, and see how you do. Easiest if you could please take a look at this section above for the full discussion. Will the trace minerals in AlgaeCal be enough on a daily basis or do I need to supplement? As a result, about 5% of dialysis patients develop osteomalacia (softening of the bones). Even if you are avoiding dairy products, if you are eating lots of dark green leafy vegetables you will be getting calcium from these as well. as the basis for the exercise recommendations used brief (10-15 minute) periods of exercise, and these included several minutes for warming up and several for cooling down, so time spent at the high impact level was around 5 minutes per session. Pregnant and lactating women: 15 micrograms (600 IU) In contrast, as I stated in the above blog (and backed up with studies conducted over the last 100 yearsthe citations for which are provided in the references) , the natural form of strontium available as a supplement, strontium citrate, has never been shown to produce any of the side effects seen with strontium ranelate. The combination of all 3 is synergistic. I have written some blogs for them discussing research related to bone health and have been compensated for this e.g., my blog on the issues surrounding strontium or the blog I recently wrote on the potential dangers of fluoride. I have been taking the 3 capsules at bedtime (2230 mg) which is recommended on the bottle but I also take medications for hypothyroidism. Pure Encapsulations' Strontium capsules provide one of the many trace minerals essential to bone health.
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