Its unclear what mightve been for me but I have had times where Ive dreamt of a place I never been but it felt familiar. Reading this it mentioned birthmarks shaped like countries. You can very easily be a Christian witch (I think Jesus was a witch- water into wine , feeding the multitudes, , prophecy, rising from the deadso many!) I always had what i refer to as visits at night which terrified me as a small child and I was too afraid to tell anyone. how do i become a witchwiccan..seems i have been feeling a respond or let me know who i may contact if u can, I was born wit a veil over my face I can see spirits an visions an deju and I can see in dreams visions when someone is goin to die, Sorry spell check again correct email beliw. I passed on the birth mark to my oldest daughter only hers is lighter and heart shape. Catching bugs etcin a jar to bring home. The mark of the witch can be several different things but most of the time it is associated with an extra nipple, a mole, a wart, or even scars. BUT just for fun, here are the most common witch birthmarks today. Now, let us go ahead and look into the specific meanings of moles around and in the Chest, stomach area. This physical characteristic doesnt happen because of an illness (if youre unsure, please see a health care provider!) Ill be doing some research. In the past when I have ignored it, very bad things happen. She had studied and had her degree to perform! I looked at my self in the mirror and he is right, when I smile, laugh, cry, talk, happy or angry my eyes stay the same. Left Eyebrow: Those with a mole on the left Eyebrow indicates they will be bound to misfortunes in life. In Scotland and Ireland, especially in centuries past, it was believed if you had red hair you were a witch or one of the sidhe (fairy folk). And yes, all my kitties have choosen ME! people because of the look I gave them. I AM embracing and contribute for the gool of all. Being born with a tail is another physical characteristic of a witch. Little finger: Those with a mole on little finger imply that the person is entitled to promising riches in life. Well, first off my name glenda aka ( good witch of the north). An extra breast or nipple or even a fold of flesh could be suspect. Left chin: Any mole on the left side area indicates the person is bluntly honest, outspoken, and straightforward. However, I am not saying one has to completely block out the other. (It was to a place called parastudy). I dont like to live a pattern ,i want a free live where a can live for my own rules not society rules . Here is another interesting thing. Very curious if yours has the same characteristics..? I am told I have a deep but far away gaze that makes me sweet unless Im angry. I have even dream of being at the heavens gate trying to talk to my love ones. I dont need much. i have had dreams that pretty much showed me that i was a witch. This was a lot of fun! Several believe that it is lucky for women to have moles near lips, ears, and Chest. Plus Ive always loved magic, paganism and witchcraft. We try to help them. Everything you have said, I understand. Hello everyone! For women, a mole on the lower leg, specifically around the ankle, means you might be a little "heartless." Additionally, medically speaking, moles on the legs might be a sign that something is wrong. Babies born with a caul have long been considered to have special abilities and natural born witches. Its when Canada started accepting refugees. Im a massage therapist I have the healer marks. witch beauty mark on arm. Walk into walls and doors (ok, im legally blind, but ive done this all my life, even at a young age when i could see!) I also have three of the four markings on my hands, bright green eyes and red hair. Home; Products. Id love to just live there. I have known that there were some who bravely walked the Witch path daily, but they were much younger than I for the most part and looked at as being rebellious Hippie New Agers who would grow out of it and take corporate jobs some day. I believe I was either punished in past life for magiks or I was reminded of Joan idk but the cards say Im going through a wake up phase and a change. Front of the neck: People with moles on the front side of the neck have a good voice. Back of head: A mole that is placed on the back of the head indicates (for men) that he is focused on getting women in life. Want to know what it is? Consistently low body temperature in witches is may be attributed to. I have all these signs, I love the night. Does this make me a solitary witch? So, typically, they are of good meaning. Reach out to any of us! Small instances but Ive always wondered if it was possible for me to be a witch or something? I am 66 years old and I believe I am a Witch. [] and crystal healing. I love nature. I have searched and cannot get any information about this type of mark on the bottom of my foot. I have the Orion constellation on my left arm too. If you feel it resonates, then look into witchcraft further. I hear it smelled bad. Branding Mark: Chinese beauty mark legends describe meanings ascribed to . It is considered lucky too in several cultures, especially in the case of women. Ive always known Im an empath but some of these signs are also really speaking to me as I am developing. Last Modified Date: February 01, 2023. Are you in your thirties or forties and still get carded for alcohol? Why? Blessed Be. ALL are indicative of a natural witch. I have been for many lifetimes and my twin flame has been with me in every one. lol If you dont have these signs and/or hereditary bloodline you are just as valid. . I can send my thoughts to others to get them to respond either by phone call or whatever. Reading about the witches marks and confronting the sign i have 4 of them including warts, the cricle surrounding it and the cross and the Samaritan sign. My granddaughter is a old soul! Which her family does not understand her Reiki abilities ! I can see and talk to spirit and have since a very young age . Business, Economics, and Finance. my mother used to refer to me as la strega-the witch, even when i was very young. What? The right side of the stomach: Any mole on the right side area of your stomach means you will earn a lot of money and be financially stable. I too have the Healers Mark and have ALWAYS been attracted to Angels. Im always told I have beautiful eyes although theyre not big. Perhaps its because red hair is a rarity or because it reminded folks of fire. I have green eyes also. Three year ago i had made tatoo ,too . You could have been shot in the head in a past life. Every witch will have one of two types of eyes (if not both): deep old soul eyes and/or large, penetrating eyes. I have had dreams of my past lives as well. my grandmother used to do divination with turkish coffee. Passion to the craft, to nature, to the moon to smoke. Either an abnormally low body temperature or the witch has the ability to increase his or her body temperature. The ability to pick up information, images and information through touch is called psychometry. My daughter can also describe what you look like just by talking to you over the phone, and she also do spells without even knowing shes doing it. Carly You should examine the birthmarks to see if they match any old symbols or even countries! And speaking of extra fingers I was almost born with an extra pinky but a bone nor nail never grew in it. I you feel youre feline, your soul probably lived a life or more in the Lyran constellation. (You know, DNA and all). I have two tatoos that have deep meaning for me. Middle of the Forehead: Mole in the middle of the Forehead is fascinating. R- Hand index finger: Mole on the right-hand index finger symbolizes mad marriage too. I feel as if i have taken the pain from many people into my own body. Also called beauty marks, moles bear a lot of significance on each of us. Fortunately for those with physical signs of being a witch, there arent as many witch hunters around tracking you down! Witches tend to have hypersensitivities to certain things. Left Forehead: Having a mole on the left side of the Forehead is considered bad luck. I have had dreams since I was a kid, or tell people not to do something cause they would get hurt..people would get mad cause I spoke the truth. Oh my goodness! Several men and women popularly have specific moles on the head and face. Years later i was in a school therapy type group heavy on religion and the Christian God, and we had to share how we felt about our higher power. And i would really like to get in touch with you Omg your life sounds just like mine. I love doing good things for people, but also I have been told that you dont want to angry me, I dont think so. At 48 Im secure in who I am but its been a long journey. I have a birth mark on my inner thigh , my family called it a strawberry, or. Being in my birthday suit under the full moon is a hobby of mine that I now realize wasnt normal hahahaha. Discovering I have physical traits of being a reincarnated natural witch just rings so true for me and is actually a big relief! I have every single one lol. I fancy herbs and essential oils for a little while now, and Ive been really digging crystals and crystal healing. I do carry all the physical signs which I honestly didnt know about till today except for the extra nipple sign. I can also feel other people pain, and I can heal people just by rubbing and putting all of my Entergy in my hands. BUT Ive found that many witches also either have this diagnosis or are sensitive anyway. I have two birth marks on me (one to the right of my belly button the other under my left armpit) in the shape of a bulls head and maybe a hoof or squished heart or something. If youre on FaceBook, I have a group called Otherworldly Oracle who have people of like mind. This marking is just a small sacrifice which identifies the Witch as Part of the Group. I am not talking black cauldron bubbling, black hat, spell casting, wicked old hag type witchery. The birthmarks are bullets, firing squad as a rabbi who refused to give the Reich kabala secrets. Ive always been told my eyes are beautiful and large and people can see my feelings through my eyes, even as a young child. Don't forget, Dr. B offers consultations. So many comments. I have the eyes . In some cultures, particularly during the Witch Trials in Europe, if someone was accused of witchcraft and they were found to have an extra digit (finger or toe) OR an extra nipple, they could very well be a witch. Main Menu. They also have pretty good careers. Right ankle: A person who has a mole on the right ankle means they are far-sighted. I have hidden my leanings and talents because of my Christian beliefs and training. While this isnt typical, it does happen and in the old days people believed these babies were from the Otherworld. Without realising I used to set up an alter with candles etc when I was a child. The Beauty Witch: AUGUST. Since kid Ive seen everybody adults and kids as babies who act without sense, and Im not talking about the new ethics coming through, but more like if Im s a granny looking his grandchildren fighting for an apple that you can just cut in two, but well someday they will grow and stop fighting for nothing?.. Theres a slight birthmark on my left wrist and one on my right ankle. We were both healers in one during a time of war before they took us apart from each other. And is these possible that a witch can heal but at same time can destroy or inflict sickness or bad omen. Take care. Unlike a persons name, these moles cannot be changed, and one is born with them. In addition, anyone with a mole on the right hand is a perfectionist and completes any task with precision. Lmao I know the girl from this picture. it would be so great. I grew up believing that there was something not normal in guess you would say but I like most grew out of what I knew to be trueI recently had to go and stay in my childhood home and while there. While not a clear physical sign of being a witch, clumsiness fall in the realm of magical characteristics. Even when I was 2 or three years old. Ive wondered about myself, my grandma on my dads side had did spells in her day, although Ive only heard it was for ill intent. Im worried i may be both light and dark. I understood a lot of things and knew about a lot of things that kids shouldnt know about. Ive also believed I could take away my loved ones pain. Spectacles. People believe that a specific kind of beauty mark also tells about the group or tribe with which you were connected in an earlier birth. thompson speedway swap meet 2022. The easy answer is, absolutely! Interested in witchcraft since i was like 10 or something. Im 36 and my senses all seemed to be heightened lately. Im sitting and reading this after having, earlier in the day, yet another surgery to amputate part of a toe (diabetic osteomylitis, which has cost me two full toes and two partials). I want to know if theirs any significance to my birthdate possibly? Also Ive a green/brown freckle? NOW, keep in mind, there is something called sensory processing disorder which is a symptom and/or diagnosis that goes along with neurodivergent conditions. I am a healer also and perform reiki or accupressure and it is a big help to others as well as massage. I dressed as a witch so many times as a kid. Astrologers claim that these marks hold meaning and can tell a lot about our personality. I have always had a large port wine stain(birthmark) that literally covers 1/4th of my body. Interesting i have also , and a red mole in my back . Trip over your own feet a lot? Cheek: Mole on a cheek does not just look beautiful but also tells something more. Bridge of the Nose: Any mole on the bridge of the nose area means difficulty in professional life. However, moles on the corner (left or right side) of the tongues mean they are diplomatic. And I have a 4 leaf clover around my pupil draw in yellow. A witch's mark can be an irregular mark on the body that indicates that a person could be a witch. But typically there are mental and spiritual signs to back up the physical ones. I used to scare? I do know that I am clumsy and drop things a lot, I bruise easily and often have bruises on my knees -out of the blue-, I have tattoos that I made as reminders and amulets. His comments have stuck with me all theses years. As for being a witch, well I already know I am. Continue reading! It also means that the person loves to explore life as one is passionate about love, food, and music. Thank you for commenting Elena! I love everything about magic, i get that tickling feeling when i see or hear about magick. We just have to be authentic to who we are. Thank you for sharing this article, very informative. I luv creating my own potions and oils etc Itd be awesome to live in a house like the one on Practical Magickaand own a little witchypoO shop like that of the film, This was a great insight for me, I have big green eyes and was born red hair, I have a birth mark next to my heart, I was born on a full moon, I have the 3 lines under my pinkie. I have a birthmark on my right pinky finger. Without trying or even meeting an individual I automatically know if they are of good intentions or not. Im hoping and wishing to bravely follow my path and become more comfortable with it. HOWEVER, actual witch marks are birthmarks or moles of unusual shapes that tell a story of a witchs past life. She is wild, not sure she knows what she is yet, I think shes confused right now, and has a but of struggles doctors diagnosed her bipolar which I dont think she has, but Im not sure if I should tell her what she is, yes she is over 21 so i can if i want to, Im just saying it because shes already been taking medication and dont know how shell react to the news. Crazy huh? Sorry for my english maybe i dont write everything correct because im learning deutch . 1. They are our ticket to the Otherworld and signify devotion to particular deities. Call the front desk for your consultation with Dr. Branman (501) 227-0707. 9. Hello, im from romania and now living in germany ,i always feel that something its wrong with me ,im not in norms ,im thinking different i have a lot of signs on my body :mules big and small ,black,brown ,red. Now, my question is, am I a witch? I joined the group on FB. I have also a birthsign on my leg ,a knife. Left leg: Those with a mole on the left leg have to work hard for their professional development. As if someone else was speaking through me I saidAre you a.. Telltale PHYSICAL Signs of Being a Witch [], I have a third nipple and when i asked doctors for removal they all said that they wont do it cause it will cause them bad luck. witch beauty mark on arm. I am a nurse too and since childhood days i feel that I am already destined to be healer all my life. I also have the healer lines & cross for clairvoyance. Being a witch is truly in your heart and soul. And there are paid ones as well. The ability to pick up images, facts and information through touch is called psychometry. Be ready to compromise your beliefs and blend them. Ive been a witch for 13 years, and as far as I know, Im the only witch in my biological family. Rank. Im addicted with the moon ,when is full moon i always have candels ,i like fire its my favorite, i can easily read people ,i know what say want before they speak ,i had probleme with electrycity. Protection marks include daisy wheels, overlapping Vs, the Auseklis cross and consecration crosses. Eye socket: A person who has a spot near the eye socket area indicates peace-loving and prefers calmness. I can remember things before I was born, as my mommy going to visit some aunties, but aunties I never met in live in places Ive never been; well I was there but I was still a fetus in my mommas belly .-. While I dont formally practice, this article caught my breath. It is rather rare. He used to say he would have to put me in bubble wrap and I have fallen both up and down the stairs enough times as well. publix rehire policy . I have had messages through dreams from my love ones. This physical characteristic doesnt happen because of an illness (if youre unsure, please see a health care provider!) I have big eyes one brown and one gold. People around you will also be effected as well as you can sense what others are feeling either through there energy or behavior. Plus 6 other small ones to match it. Well being a nurse,oftentimes I unconsciously applying and practicing my healing gift aside from the medical side, and that Im happy of the privilege of being a nurse. I have the uncanny ability to tell if someone is lying to me and my intuition is on point. The Mystic Cross (otherwise known as the Secret cross) Source: Tapoos. Had my pass life cards read. Thank you-Jackie, You are welcome to reach out to me I believe the negative experience unlocked something? our astrological symbols. There are specific indications and meanings behind a person having marks or mole spots on the lower body. As I age, I find I have a deep need to spend time in a forest. 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