Then they said, Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves; otherwise, we will be scattered over the face of the whole earth(Genesis 11:4). This daily newsletter provides a starting point for personal study, and gives valuable insight into the verses that make up the Word of God. Also, each time an emperor died, severe struggles erupted over succession to the throne. The religion of the Persians was Zoroastrianism, a dualistic belief in good and evil and man's struggle between them. And TAMMUZ was born on Dec. 25, the sun-god of the Egyptians, Babylonians, Greeks, Persians, Romans, and today, from the SS (secret societies). Shortly after Nimrod died, Hislop reports that Semiramis earned the title Queen of Heavenwhen she claimed that Nimrod was a god and that her newborn son was Nimrod, reincarnate. In order to speak about CHRISTMAS, we must go back to the time of NOAH, after the flood. The answer may be found, not in the fiction-loaded, It is altogether improbable that the Tower of Babel would have had a uniform cylindrical form bottom to top, for, if those who worked on the structure had attempted to implement such a design, they simply could not have attained more than perhaps five floors or so. The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.By Edward Gibbon. Who Was Nimrod? by Dr. David Livingstone. WebThe truth about nimrod semiramis and Tammuz the babylonian trinity. Get Your Bible Minute in Your Inbox Every Morning. WebNimrod died (believe to have been killed) at a young age. WebSEMIRAMIS got pregnant and claimed it to be a gift from the gods, the reincarnation of Nimrod, when, in fact, it was the result of a betrayal, since her husband and son was already dead. Pulitzer Prize series in 11 volumes. May their lives and walks with God strengthen your faith and encourage your soul. Semiramis was not his wife and tammuz was not their child. These heathen trinities, found in most polytheistic religions, follow the Father-Mother-Son pattern: Osiris, Isis and Horus; Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz; Zeus, Diana, Dionysus; Jupiter, Venus and Cupid; etc. Semiramus had became pregnant with an illegitimate son and Nimrod threatened to dethrone her and expose her past as a prostitute. Suffering Son is equally applicable to both. In the Sumerian language, Semiramiss name is Sammur-amat. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. WebNimrod, great-grandson of Noah, is the first mighty man on earth. They felt they didnt need God to rule over themthey could rule themselves; they could reach the heavens on their own terms, with their own hands, by their own means. 1000 years after the flood, Noahs rebellious great-grandson Nimrod became the first leader of the post-flood world. As Nimrod began his reign, he and his followers had one overriding goal for their new territory; they wanted to ensure the security of their community by building a prestigious landmark to make a name for themselves. The relation of still other figures to Tammuz, such as Dumuzi-Apzua goddess who appears to have been the power in the waters underground (the Apzu) to bring new life to vegetationis not entirely clear. One of the 52-volume set of books entitled: The Most Important Books of the Western World.. Another proof is the inverted cross, used by the pope. And TAMMUZ was born on December 25, the sun-god of the Egyptians, Babylonians, Greeks, Persians, Romans, and today, from the SS (secret societies). The GREEKS soon gained power and they did the same thing, by changing their names. ], according to the will and purpose of Jehovah,. | 15 de December de 2013 - 00:34. The Fuel Project - Exploring the New World Order from a Christian Perspective. A clear fusion, though very early, was the merger of Tammuz in Uruk with Amaushumgalana, the One Great Source of the Date Clustersi.e., the power of fertility in the date palm (see Dumuzi-Amaushumgalana). She apparently then But many Marduk, Mithras, Moloch, Ahura Mazda, Gott, Aton, Dagon. 1000 years later, sin had so overtaken Gods creation that He decided to purge humanity with a worldwide floodsparing only one man, his family, and the animals. Lord, Only Speak a Word, For The Chosen Ones Who Havent Yet Been Set Free. In their Commentary on the Old Testament. 1975 edition, Page 165, His Hebrew name Marad means we rebel, indicating violent resistance against God. Who Was Nimrod? by Dr. David Livingstone. But its principle of dualism lived on in Gnosticism and the mystery religions of the Roman Empire. A closely similar tale forms the second half of the Sumerian myth The Descent of Inanna, in which Inanna (Akkadian: Ishtar) sends Tammuz as her substitute to the netherworld. History points particularly to the Shinar (Cinar) and ancient Assyria areas of Northwestern Mesopotamia, between the upper reaches of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, and the time frame of 1,800 to 2,100 years BCE(Before the Common Era, that is, before Christ). His wife, Semiramis, proclaims herself Rhea, Mother of the Gods. Does Ecclesiastes 5:2 Mean We Cant Be Honest in Our Prayers? See what over 150,000 subscribers are already receiving each day. From that land he went into Assyria, and built Nineveh, Rehoboth-Ir, Calah, and Resen between Nineveh and Calah; that is the great city., Genesis 10:6-11; 1 Chronicles 1:10; Micah 5:6. According to many ancient documents, statues, and holy places. An artistic representation of Semiramis, wife of Nimrod. The name Tammuz seems to have been derived from the Akkadian form Tammuzi, based on early Sumerian Damu-zid, The Flawless Young, which in later standard Sumerian became Dumu-zid, or Dumuzi. The perspicacious student of human history and of the book of Revelation does not miss the evident connection between the paganism of ancient Shinar and Assyria,and the Mariology of the Roman Catholic Church. From there the Lord scattered them over the face of the whole earth (Genesis 11:8-9). Ancient peoples of the Western Hemisphere build step-pyramids similar to those in the Near East, Asia, and Egypt. The History of Civilization, Volume I, Will Durant, Page 267. Or, if you want to be a true ninja, you can add your own content to this sidebar by using the appropriate hooks. With such a small workforce building both the tower and the city, gathering food, exploring the new world, and all the other economic activities, the original tower could not have been nearly as large as later ziggurats built with massive workforces. At the present time (2022), Iraq, Iran, Turkey, and Syria share parts of those territories. With this, they elevate her nearly to a goddess (if not in fact), pray to her incessantly, claim to see her in visions and hear her in dreams and trances, and worship statues of her in their churches and cathedrals! The Persians had a general policy to honor the gods of all their defeated enemies by repairing or rebuilding temples and giving offerings to them. God saw that Nimrod and the people were working together toward a common goal. That is why it was called Babelbecause there the Lord confused the language of the whole world. VIDEOS ABOUT 12 Similar Sites and Sources, The Spirit of truth will guide you into ALL the TRUTH. The History of Civilization, by Will and Ariel Durant. This meant that the real basis of power in the empire was the army, even above that of the king, although the king supposedly controlled the army. Money Maker Software is compatible with AmiBroker, MetaStock, Ninja Trader & MetaTrader 4. Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz God and Jesus Christ are the only Creators of human beings and of the whole universe. (From Forerunner Commentary). Nimrod established various cities, including, Cush became the father of Nimrod; he was the first on earth to be a mighty man. But in Latin it remains I.H.S. In verse 16, the prophet sees a fourth vision in the inner court of the Temple"about twenty-five men with their backs toward the temple and their faces toward the east, and they were worshipping the sun toward the east." WebSEMIRAMIS became pregnant and claimed it to be a gift from the gods, the reincarnation of NIMROD, when, in fact, it was the result of a betrayal, since her husband and son was already dead. Another form of deceit, in disguise, are the Obelisks. 1792 bce), the texts relate that in the marriage rite the king actually took on the identity of the god and thus, by consummating the marriage with a priestess incarnating the goddess, magically fertilized and fecundated all of nature for the year. The priestesses fasted and wept for 40 days and 40 nights over the death of TAMMUZ at the foot of the pine tree, and once finished, they thanked each other by exchanging gifts, which were placed at the foot of the pine tree. Eventually a variety of originally independent fertility gods seem to have become identified with Tammuz. To run Money Maker Software properly, Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5 SP1 or higher version is required. On the other hand, it must be injected here that Cyrus was the instrument that God used to reestablish the Temple in Jerusalem (II Chronicles 36:22-23). Some of these females-of-old wielded their power to pave the way for good, while others preferred to live in infamy, via the path of evil. Hislop goes on to say that together, Nimrod and Semiramis created a polytheistic religious system focused on the stars to lure Gods chosen people away from true worship. The initial conditions they set for pardon and eventual total reconciliation and glorification are: He who believes and is baptized will be saved., Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit., The New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge., The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire., The Most Important Books of the Western World., Much additional, relevant material may be found on the Internet, for example, in http//, Esteemed reader, if you have any doubt or question about this subject, please feel free to send me an E-mail to. The story of Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz is not in the slightest bit biblical. The Bible never refers to the 3 together. Nimrod is mentioned just 4 times, Tammuz once and Semiramis not even once. Nimrod is never referenced as having a wife or a child. After his death, Nimrod was revered as the god Marduk, also known as Baal The Sun God, which is the primary name that other people would come to worship Marduk. The two arms of the image symbolize this division. So then, Simon the Magician said that he himself had been the power that manifested itself in Nimrod and Helen was Semiramis, the Queen of Heaven., sloping slabs, and reaches a height of 200 feet (61 meters). It is theorized that Semiramis might have played an important role in the development of the Chaldean Mysteries that served to propagate the idolatry she promoted. We are pleased to launch our new product Money Maker Software for world's best charting softwares like AmiBroker, MetaStock, Ninja Trader & MetaTrader 4. Or, if you want to be a true ninja, you can add your own content to this sidebar by using the appropriate hooks. You can edit the content that appears here by visiting your Widgets panel and modifying the current widgets in Sidebar 3. . While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. That is to say, the great harlot is personified in Semiramis. is a common and notable designation in the annals of the human race. A wide stairway with multiple landings leads to the top where a temple once existed., Bridgeman Art Library, London/New York/Tom Owen Edmunds. Based on a combination of all these assumptions, countless other historians and scholars have written volumes about Semiramistransforming the historical Queen Sammu-ramat into the legendary Queen Semiramis. Updates? In relation to this, the word inferior itself ('ara') means "earth, world, ground." WebNimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz or their works-based religion, which chose to sidestep the Lord God's way! He was the founder of Babylon, Nineveh and other pagan cities. Richard T. Ritenbaugh She claimed that her son, was both the father and the son. In verse 14, Ezekiel expresses his "dismay" at yet a greater abomination: "women . In Assyria, however, in the 7th century bce, the ritual took place in JuneJuly. No way can Semiramis and her mythological offspring across the ages and into modern times save the soul of any human being. 4. Proud member He was a god, now: the one who actually did the conquering over She presented him as the seed of the woman presented in Genesis 3, the messiah, and so Tammuz was the first Christ impostor, the first antichrist. Esteemed reader, if you have any doubt or question about this subject, please feel free to send me an E-mail to Your evaluation of this study is important for the author. They became known as VENUS AND CUPID, because the father figure was dropped. A dove rests on the fingers of her right hand. Mother goddess religions, in one form or another, including Roman Catholicism, are the religions of perhaps a third, or more, of the world population today. The Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan, Mexico. the present Common Era are found In fact, one of her titles, as used by the present Pope, a devoted Marian, is "Queen of Heaven" (Jeremiah 7:18; 44:17-19, 25)! And TAMMUZ was born on December 25, the sun-god of the Egyptians, Babylonians, Greeks, Persians, Romans, and today, from the SS (secret societies)., HOME BORN ANEW NEW FAMILY LIGHT for the MIND and SPIRIT HEALING and COMFORT CAUGHT UP REVELATION ADDITIONAL PROPHECIES LIFESTYLES and CONDUCT Science Evolution Atheism Creationism For more information about the reliability of scriptural truth, check outWhat Is the Biblical Canon and Why Should Christians Know about It? What the Bible says about 1. He died during a hunting trip, probably by a wild animal, and his body was found slumped over a rotten tree trunk. who can be saved or redeemed but through thee. Semiramus had became pregnant with an illegitimate son and Nimrod threatened to dethrone her and expose her past as a prostitute. Timothy, guard what has been entrusted to your care. Acorresponds to the book:The Two Babylons. Author: Alexander Hislop. The first centers of his kingdom were Babylon, Uruk, Akkad and Kalneh, in Shinar. Therefore it is said, Like Nimrod, the mighty hunter before the LORD.. Iran, Turkey, and holy places God and Jesus Christ are the Creators! Roman Empire.By Edward Gibbon died during a hunting trip, probably by a animal. As a prostitute face of the Roman Empire.By Edward Gibbon 150,000 subscribers already..., For the Chosen Ones Who Havent Yet been Set Free a hunting trip, by. The first mighty man on earth the Near East, Asia, and holy places of,... 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