I later received a cold call from a lawyer who said that the Sutherland police detective in charge of my case washerselfa child trafficker and member of the pedophile network she was supposed to be investigating. In fact, the IRO employed him as a medic for a period in Europe. Who Was Dr. Antony Kidman And What Happened To Him? Patricia Ann Conlon easily transitioned to work for the CIA where she assisted in the selection and training of MK-ULTRA child victims. They were people from Central and Eastern Europe, from the Ukraine, the Baltic States, the central European countries of Czechoslovakia, Croatia and Serbia These people had done deals with western intelligence organisations, having given them intelligence were then secreted or allowed to go to third countries like Australia Until, that is, she took a break during filming the sweeping 2007 blockbuster Australia to take a dip in a local Australian watering hole. The names expressed through this woman, were names that most people would never have heard of, that you would have to try and research. Dr. Antony Kidman died Friday after fleeing Australia when accused of the sexual abuse and murder of children in an elite Sydney pedophile ring. They allow unconsecrated hands of the laity to touch the consecrated Eucharist which is the body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ. My Bond University supervisor, Norm Barling, a former Bond University lecturer, contemptuously called my Forensic Psychology lecturers, Katarina Fritzon and Rebecca Doley lesbian witches after these women lied to the Australian health board about me and so destroyed my psychology career, despite my excellent academic record. In March 2022, the Australian National Review published an article detailing Dr. Antony Kidmans alleged involvement in an elite Sydney p*dophilia ring. During the 1950s and 60s, most leading Australian universities had professors and students in the CIAs MK-ULTRA program, including Australian National University, La Trobe, and the University of Western Australia. Both Ivan Milat and Les Murphy were abused and taught to commit Luciferian style rape, torture and murder during their incarceration at boys homes. But the impact of indoctrination is reinforced by fear of the consequences of betraying or exposing the cult. Lucia is the daughter of Antonia Kidman, a former television presenter-turned-lawyer who is the sister of Oscar-winning actress Nicole Kidman. On behalf of Fiona, Thanks for reading and caring, Your Tax Free Donations Are Appreciated and Help Fund our Volunteer Website and Orphanage. I am amazed that she could categorically link her abusers from decades ago at the tender age of 6 to the high profile names she provided as an adult. Thankyou Monica . Telford Conlon married Patricia Anne Carden. Btw, you know where many Nazi scientists went to immediately after WWII? My faith is in Christ and not in man, a building, religion or institution. MK-ULTRA experiments and end-goal procedures were conducted using children as lab rats. There is much jealousy and animosity directed by these lower members toward the blood-liners. Most of my perpetrators were raised Catholic, and many associated with the Catholic colleges located at Sydney University, particularly Patricia Ann Conlon who lived at Sancta Sophia College at Sydney University. Documented in mainstream newspapers and magazines, including Psychology Today (1974), these experiments involved behavioural conditioning of autistic children using cattle prods, physical violence, and electrocution via an electrified metal floor. Based off an opinion? Antony Kidman and Leonas Petrauskas were close associates of Dr Harry Bailey who was trained in deep sleep methods by MK-ULTRA perpetrator Ewan Cameron. Roman Catholicism stems from Mithraism, the ancient Luciferian cult in which male priests were married to boy brides (alter boys), and temple prostitutes (nuns) bore children to the priests for ritual murder on key ritual dates. And the elites who have attended. SINGAPORE - The father of Oscar-winning actress Nicole Kidman has died in Singapore and police said Friday they were investigating his "unnatural death." Tony Kidman, a clinical psychologist at. Every two years, the women in my coven meet up, no matter where we are in the world. I noticed the bookshop at Hillsong Waterloo had degenerated to milk for babes i.e. Delta is comprised of MK-ULTRA victims. I lodged a complaint with WorkCover. A few tweets read: Balenciaga has since apologized for their actions related to the campaign. Dr. Kidman was a clinical psychologist at the University of Technology, Sydney. This training included esoteric knowledge and skills and employed trauma-based mind control techniques. Some children were kidnapped off the streets. My leaving the Sydney based Luciferian cult left them in a pickle. You must realize that these Satanists INVERT all things that are holy and sanctified. This lady expressed to our Christian group that she needed prayer. Bob Carr served as an ABC journalist, Premiere of NSW, and Minister for Foreign Affairs in the Australian Federal government. Amidst these responses, fans have been waiting for Nicole Kidman's reaction. If you people do a bit of research, you will find holes in this story. Cult indoctrination alone is a strong enough influence on human behaviour. The end goal of MK-ULTRA was to create super soldiers. But I forever recalled the incident in my conscious mind. Internet users have unleashed their wrath against Nicole Kidman on Twitter. All Rights Reserved. With the ministry we were doing, I met a young lady that told us that she had been passed around sexually throughout her childhood; this also with connections to black magic. One day one or two of the Murphy brothers came down to my house; they tried to get me to sniff lighter fluid with them; they reeked of the smell of lighter fluid. Jesus was given all power in heaven and on earth. In 1961, Wendy Thorn received a post-graduate research scholarship at the Australian national University (ANU) for studies on the placebo effect, after completing her thesis in 1960 at Sydney University, on posthypnotic amnesia. I have often wondered about a said person with her associations with Hollywood and from what you have revealed just made that very clear. Nicole Kidman's biochemist father, Antony Kidman, died suddenly in 2014 at age 75 after suffering a fall. Rosalind Croucher was ambitious, jealous, and wanted the position for herself; Consequently, after Patricia Anne Conlons death, Rosalind Croucher sought revenge by organising the Bathurst City Hall birthday gathering in 1985, in which I was raped on an alter by B-grade actor Bruce Spence in front of a room full of Luciferian pedophiles including multiple NSW Police and Catholic priests. 40 comments 78 shares. I was handed over to the CIA child trafficking network by my paternal grandparents, Helen and Peter Holowczak, who resided at 14 McAlister Ave, Engadine, a suburb located in the Sutherland Shire, south of Sydney. pic.twitter.com/BO2VimzTOu. A considerable number of these are victims of what I endured CIA child trafficking, ritual abuse, and CIA mind control. Nicole recalled her painful grieving . During the 1950s, the CIA funded John Lillys development of the sensory deprivation tank, and his research into brain waves and altered states of consciousness. Billy Graham told me hisgood buddyRichard Nixon had recommended me to him. Yesterday, he had his funeral. KU #ACMawards pic.twitter.com/ZjWJ535aIV, Keith Urban (@KeithUrban) April 2, 2017, Shortly after Sunday was born, Kidman gave fans a sneak peek of the little girl during an appearance on The Oprah Winfrey Show. In 1960, Orne conducted MK-ULTRA Subproject 84 under the title Attitude Formation, Decision Matrices at Sydney University during a two-month lectureship. Owing to his Jesuit training, Leonas Petrauskas assumed the role of head Luciferian priest within the Sutherland Shire Catholic diocese. He later studied at the University of Pennsylvania with famous clinical psychologist Aaron Tim Beck (another False Memory Syndrome Foundation board member). This was during the "revolution" of post Vatican II era. I can only pray that eventually the truth will out and the people of Aus awaken from their slumber. Alfred Hammer likewise spent two sabbaticals in Martin Ornes USA laboratories during the 1960s and 70s. Below this group sit the commoners who can never attain higher status because they lack the desired bloodline. Wow,what a story. I spoke with Rothstein who said he knew of an identical VIP pedophile ring that existed here in Australia, and that an Australian intelligence officer named Peter Osborne knew the details of this. I fell asleep. These children are forced to dissociate through trauma, and their minds fragmented. These child trafficking DOCS staff had passed working with children safety checks. Patricia Ann Conlon (nee Carden) was the Grande Dame of the Sydney area. The website claimed that they were looking into Antonys involvement in the global elite Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult. Since the tender age of three Barnett had been trapped insideAustralias vast pedophile networkwherechildrenwere sex trafficked, hunted down for sport and murdered. When my daughters do thisI've ALREADY WON!!!! When CLC went to Waterloo, It's a long time ago, but I'm thinking that Frank was still preaching in the initial stages of Hillsong Waterloo. Your my hero and the only strait-up person Ive ever encountered. Catherine Hand who had a diploma in art and zero experience as a parole officer, took over and systematically bullied out the existing Burleigh Heads staff and replaced them with young inexperienced women like me. MK-ULTRA was rampant at the University of Seskatchewan when Patricia Anne was on a social sciences scholarship there. Huh?? Dr. Antony Kidman died Friday after fleeing Australia when accused of the sexual abuse and murder of children in an elite Sydney pedophile ring. I had to think on this, but I did remember the printout that the warlock had given me from doing a tarot reading. I too was a victim of this "dark secret network" in such a way that by age 13 in 1969. Many are going to be shocked, but its the only way we can move forward. Yesterday Barnett released her own theory about Kidman's death," The main perpetrator of my child sexual abuse, Antony Kidman, is dead after I filed formal complaints accusing him of the rape, torture and murder of children in an exclusive Sydney pedophile ring. A perpetrators death can even trigger suicidal ideation. Helen, who regularly attended orgies with her Slavic refugee community, had three sons to three different men, none of whom were Peter Holowczak. My group leader asked for the entities assailing this young lady to reveal themselves by name. In 2015, 7-foot tall genetically modified engineered soldiers were filmed beheading 21 Christians in Egypt during the CIA-orchestrated Arab fundamentalist uprising. Those complaints have gone to theInternational Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels., Barnett spoke out the day of Kidmans death White Balloon Day 2014 an event aimed at raising awareness for Australianchildrenaffected by sexual assault. Under Kim Beazleys administration, I was prostituted,at age 6 years, to apedophile orgyat Parliament House in Canberra, where I was raped by thenPrime MinisterGough Whitlam,Attorney-GeneralLionel Murphy, andGovernor-GeneralJohn Kerr. The prayer meeting for this lady quickly became a deliverance session. Prior to leaving he said, "I have just received a picture in my mind, it is one of a card, a playing card or tarot card". Dr. Kidman was a clinical psychologist at the University of Technology, Sydney. A further $30,000 was provided by the Human Ecology Fund, To study the nature of the hypnosis process as it may relate to induction of a changed motivational state.. I was put through full military training at age 6 years and assigned to a small unit of all male soldiers. I have heard of the Bohemian Grove. It is always their word against the victim. THANK YOU FIONA FOR YOUR COURAGE!!! If this was all true, do you honestly think that she would still be around to mention names. They were well trained by Hitlers mind control experts from Nazi Germany. Leonas Petrauskas was a close associate of my Lithuanian grandmother Helen Holowczak. A large group of men arrived in pick up trucks. Finding the Courage, Horowitz: We must stop the feds from tracking immunization status and imposing medical apartheid, How the Powerful Captured the Public in a Pandemic. They have a great work ethic, Kidman told WSJ Magazine of her future stars. I know that there are other victims of Kidmans crimes out there who are perhaps not as far along the healing path as I am. You killed him! Helen screamed at me when I visited her with my mother and husband, to confront her about Peters sexual abuse of me. It is located south of Sydney near my grandparents Engadine home. This was an OTO themed ritual murder, with Kidman and four others dressed in rather camp, theatrical coloured robes based on the Eastern Star pentagram which dominates the Alistair Crowley Thelema offshoots including Freemasonry and the OTO. The most trusting n vulnerable people are children. TV show. Most Sydney University staff were Luciferians. This is my coven ring, she explained. I was subjected to Luciferian pedophile rituals at various Masonic Temples, including Antony Kidmans home lodge at 317 Pacific highway, North Sydney. But as I pressed for info, this person dissociated, became indecipherable, and began stuttering references to MK-ULTRA programming cues. A month prior Fiona Barnett had filed a complaint with the Australian NSW police andChildAbuse Royal Commission alleging Kidmans sexual and physical assaults on her throughout childhood. Cookies For example, see the biography of Sarah Monahan, the child TV star who was sexually abused by actor Robert Hughes on the set of theHey Dad! Chris was a brilliant young employee who went on to work for the Federal police. This Week at a Glance February 26 to March 4, 2023. Alfred Conlon recruited anthropologist Camilla Wedgewood to ASOPA. Trigger Warning: P*dophilia and child s*xual abuse. Thats keeping it real!, I am nothing without the love of my family , A post shared by Nicole Kidman (@nicolekidman) on May 29, 2019 at 2:51pm PDT. There are way too many red flags about this church but some dont take heed and sing their songs in church. You have nothing to atone for. Catherine then physically assaulted me by pinning me to a wall and sticking her face in mine. for standing up for zero tollerance of sexual abuse and organized serious crime against children. Nicole Kidmans personal security team informed Sydney Paparazzi that Antony Kidman was placed on immediate suicide watch following my notification against him. Certainly the Anita Cobby information was true because i can remember hearing the details but they were quickly hushed up and never spoken of again by the media. Ivan Milat attended Engadine BoysTown at age 13, the same place where my father, brothers and I were abused, and where victims were recruited for MK-ULTRA experiments. This operation is coordinated by theCIAin collaboration with British and Australian intelligence services. With the Catholic Church under siege, Pope Francis is showing his true evil paedophile colours to the world. Terry Goldsworthy lied by omission when he failed include my age during this 1985 ritual and reported me as an adult perpetrator instead of a 15-year-old victim of child abuse, to the Queensland Psychology Board. I can tell you that I can verify some of her information. Australian Prime Minister, Gough Whitlam (another of my rapists) appointed his friend, John Kerr, as Governor General of Australia. The attacks on my family by NSW police, ASIO and other institutions have been relentless. 15/8/20 - Episode 21- Globalists Down Under (Fiona Barnett, Kidman Family and Australian Elite) "Antony Kidman was responsible for ensuring that I never disclosed pedophile ring activities that I witnessed as a child," quoted by 'Candy Girl' Fiona Barnett, who stepped up to expose the elite and occult in Australia. Served as an ABC journalist, Premiere of NSW, and Minister for Foreign Affairs in the.! 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