Suramin is an isolated compound originally derived from an extract of pine needle oil. It produces the largest rhythmic electromagnetic field of any of the bodys organs, with an electrical field about 60 times greater in amplitude than the electrical activity generated by the brain. Wash off and repeat daily for 2-3 weeks (for more information on zeolite, see point number two above). Apply a thick paste of zeolite (purified, micronised food grade zeolite mixed with spring water) over the area immediately. As your children, we do not consent to this violation of our body temples which house the Christ within our hearts. Five Seeds: Cumin, Coriander, Fennel, Flax, Rye ground up and used 1 tsp at a time with water will cleanse the digestive system and support overall health. The Violet Ray is a Quantum device and works on all levels all the way down to the level of the DNA which has the design of the person's hologram. This video featuring Bill Gates is a good example of this agenda in practice. I may try it again. There are specific prayers that should be given and offered to invoke the power of God (or whatever you choose to call our benevolent, universal Creator). Vaccines are injected directly into the body and there are steps you can take to minimise their immediate impact and minimize a potential vaccine reaction. So, the vaccine becomes a kind of arymanique force; man can no longer get rid of a given materialistic feeling. This will shutdown each and everyone of them. I'm planning to take a lot of as a staple to my detox protocol. Donna Dove, My husband got the J & J vax. There are many ways to stimulate this power and generate more love, and the primary and most effective way to do this is through God. The benefits of such devices are many and extend well beyond their ability to negate the effects of harmful nanotechnology and other parasites. Paida Lajin goes way beyond other methods such as chiropractic and modalities taught by modern health care providers. Krill Oil 5. Developed by Dmitry Kats, who is an epidemiologist and PhD, a combination of flush niacin (nicotinic acid preferably in powder form) with melatonin (no extended release preferably in powder form) has been found to effective at detoxing heavy metals and other harmful ingredients contained in vaccines. I plan to live a long, happy life, so I want to learn about whats around the corner. Pass over your body. Nanobots could be used to monitor for damage to the body, and potentially even facilitate the repair of this damage. Shikimate, shikimic acid and their derivatives possess: cancer fighting, antiviral, antimicrobial, anticoagulant and antithrombotic properties. Bentonite Clay, in water or foot baths 6. Ive been a vegan for decades and this is unquestionably the absolute best parmesan cheese recipe I have ever found. Apply to the body (especially site of vaccines, and other good areas include C7 vertebrae, forehead, around and behind the ears, vagus artery/nerve, EFT tapping points and along the spine). A recent study found nanoparticles in at least 43 market-leading vaccines, so the problem of nanites is not just restricted to COVID vaccines. Once the etheric body is detached, the relationship between the universe and the etheric body would become extremely unstable, and man would become an automaton, for the physical body of man must be polished on this Earth by spiritual will. Apply for 10-15 minutes per session, three times a day. Nano Morgellons fibers are also widely found in disposable facemasks as well as the COVID swabs (which, in reality, are self-replicating AI conductive graphene nanofibers, which are critical for the dual purpose of a surreptitious DNA harvesting and collection program) and there are many potential solutions to Morgellons here and here. Public Health worldwide militarized creating Kill zones for global depopulation & Israeli forces poisoned Palestinian wells during Israels founding war and after. Vitamin D3* Eating healthy, staying positive and doing everything that you can to keep yourself in high vibration is good, but he does not take out the mutated and the change DNA within you It is a permanent change. If you have not detoxed before it is likely you might feel light-headed as the zeolite works to remove heavy metals and other nanoparticles. Garlic As today, people are vaccinated against this disease or that disease, so in the future, children will be vaccinated with a substance that can be produced precisely in such a way that people, thanks to this vaccine, will be immune to being subjected to the madness of spiritual life. Anywhere you intuitively feel right on the body is fine. Once they are dead , your immune system sees them as little foreign invaders. New nanobots can find their way to inflamed sites in the body. Sponsored by Ambertracks Survival - YouTube 0:00 / 4:56 Remove The Nano Inside Your Body. The Georgia Guidestones, Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, The World Economic forum, just to name a few. How to Detox/Get Rid of the Nanotechnology From Chem Trails & Vaccines in Your Body & Cleanse Your Pineal Gland. Apply to the body (especially site of vaccines, and other good areas include C7 vertebrae, forehead, around and behind the ears, vagus artery/nerve, EFT tapping points and along the spine). Asha says that if you cant kill them then you can use voice commands to delete their program. Skin discolouration is also very common, and this is essentially the discharge of sha, a word unique to the Chinese language which means poisonous blood in the body. She was constantly praying Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me. Her captors were confused by this and took the drugs and poisons and died. To make this site work properly, we sometimes place small data files called cookies on your device. Mike Adams explains how to produce pine needle tea (which contains suramin) in this helpful video and also details how pine needle tea contains other important ingredients such as shikimic acid which can also boost the immune system (which will produce natural antibodies) and act against SARS-CoV-2. * I dont doubt theres the possibility of serious side effects to the vaccines (some of which I experienced myself), but to say that its some sort of international plot for mind control is beyond any sort of rational thought. Advertising: Gather personally identifiable information such as name and location, Functionality: Remember social media settingsl Functionality: Remember selected region and country, Advertising: Use information for tailored advertising with third parties, Advertising: Allow you to connect to social sites, Advertising: Identify device you are using, Advertising: Allow you to connect to social sitesl Advertising: Identify device you are using. Step 2: There is no Step 2. As for the Master Mineral Solution, here are the following hyperlinks: Spiritual practices such as these will also draw more light into the body, which will naturally heal damaged DNA and also activate dormant DNA as the vibration of the body is raised. Most of his creations and patents were suppressed or confiscated by the government following his death and the manufacture of violet rays was prohibited in the US following the Rockefeller-led crackdown on natural medicines and healthcare. Virtual 7 for RNA/DNA repair and Vaccine Detoxinstructions are provided in the video notes: WebMagnetic nanoparticles are delivered to different parts of the body with the help of strong magnets. Click to order book. Both techniques induce an electromagnetic field, corrupting the memory and shorting out the circuitry of any electronic device within range. WebHow To Remove Nano Tech From The Body 2,892 views Oct 12, 2021 135 Dislike Share PrimalHacker This is one method described to me from Ronald Farnham based on a podcast he did on YouTube. Future nanobots could deliver medicine directly to the cells that need them. Rev. My website is Turmeric will cleanse parasites, fungi, clean the skin, clean veinsalso take (1500 mg capsule) with plenty of water or make Golden Milk with almond milk/coconut milk, turmeric and a sweetener (honey is traditional but you can find a vegan alternative). This interesting analysis looks at how this parasite can potentially change behavior in people (read mind control) who have been vaccinated. Solar Radiation Management is a cover-up, and Cody Snodgres reveals how the real purpose is the removal of brainpower and mind expansion and soaring consciousness from humanity, an Above Top Secret purpose involving threats to peoples lives in case of breach of secrecy and so forth. Rid Your Body of Nano Using EMP 1 comment Rid Nano Poison with Help from an Unlikely Source This is the Cure for Destroying Nano Poisons Once and for All If you Want Nanotech Out of Your Body This is How its Done BOOGIE MAN CHANNEL We can talk about detoxing all day, we can talk about cleansing until we are blue in the face. Krill Oil This approach is the best and most natural one for healing DNA. Traditional methods to remove nanoparticles from plasma samples typically involve diluting the plasma, adding a high concentration sugar solution to the plasma and spinning it in a centrifuge, or attaching a targeting agent to the surface of the nanoparticles. Thank you to all responsible for this article ? Finding the Courage, Horowitz: We must stop the feds from tracking immunization status and imposing medical apartheid, How the Powerful Captured the Public in a Pandemic, THE DRAGON AND SERPENT SYMBOLS WHAT YOURE NOT BEING TOLD (UPDATED). One of the options on the market is liquid ionic boron and there are also many good boron supplements available. I personally went through a period of depression and almost panic in the beginning stages of waking up and becoming aware. However, direct application of electricity to the body is generally more effective in neutralizing nanites. 1. It was subsequently produced as a drug and used by WHO to treat African sleeping sickness and river blindness. 8. since nanobots and nanotechnology are fragile structures ultrasound waves oscillate at such a frequency so as to "shake" the nanobots up hopefully with the result of thier molecular Originally posted on 07/21/21. Albert Einstein once said that a problem cannot be solved on the same level that it was created, and this is no exception. Dr Sherri Tenpenny, a leading expert on the harm caused by vaccines, recommends hydrated zeolite. MMS has been around a long time but has been heavily suppressed as it is a cheap and effective cure (not band-aid) for many ailments. 1. I will post further on this shortly. since nanobots and nanotechnology are fragile structures ultrasound waves oscillate at such a frequency so as to "shake" the nanobots up hopefully with the result of thier molecular Nanobots are technology on a quantum level, and in order to solve this problem, we need to address this situation on a subquantum or soul Try to unplug as often as you can from wireless as the cross domain bacteria (Morgellons) thrives in a wireless environment. Bee pollen contains nearly all nutrients required by humans, and one of the most interesting facts about bee pollen is that it cannot be synthesized in a laboratory. There are many other benefits to using this protocol, including reducing inflammation, cholesterol, aches and pains, increasing blood oxygen levels and energy, and rejuvenation of lung tissue and vessels. How to Use Liquid Zeolite for Body Detoxification? Future nanobots could deliver medicine directly to the cells that need them. Perhaps you could provide some details of your experience. This page is currently turning out to be an oft-visited and shared post, I guess as people are waking up to the stark reality of clogged skies and clogged lungs on a daily basis. It contains many experts and links, so if you want to learn more there are possible paths for research. Naturopathy and Homeopathy can provide great ameliorative benefits. Vitamin C pure ascorbic acid -powder from Vitamin C Foundation.orgmega doses in range of 1000 to 3500mg (quarter to half tsp) dissolved fully in pure water will cleanse all veins, arteries of debris and support the digestive and immune systems. The purpose of this article is not to go into the possible motivations for the push to globally vaccinate mankind, but rather to provide some background on how damaging vaccines are from a spiritual perspective and more importantly, what to do about this and negate and even reverse their negative effects. WebYou just need to use a degaussing magnet . Epsom salt foot baths There are spelling mistakes within this article that might lead people astray. The nanobots are microscopic functioning robots with the ability to walk and withstand harsh environments. I realized that it is not only polluting the subtle bodies or the physical body, but it is something to do with our soul. If a really toxic person uses the device it could create a cascade of detox sickness that may even lead to "Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis" from the graphene oxide etc. Colloidal silver can also help with the vaccine detox process and boosting the immune system. There are many other good foods (that also have probiotics) that will assist with detoxification, including: While a natural detox is good for boosting well-being, and it is also important to eliminate harmful habits from your diet and lifestyle, including heavily processed and refined foods (which usually contain artificial preservatives), smoking (including marijuana), alcohol, drugs (all of which are important if you are also breastfeeding), artificial sweeteners and mainstream media. Triphala formulations: In Sanskrit, the word Triphala means three fruits: a combination of Indian gooseberry (Emblica officinalis), black myrobalan (Terminalia chebula) and belleric myrobalan (Terminalia belerica). Donna Dove, Hello Donna Dove, this is news about a change of mind in Europe, to stop with booster shots. GiantHyssop or Horsemint (Agastache urtifolia) (rich in shikimate) Nanobots are technology on a quantum level, and in order to solve this problem, we need to address this situation on a subquantum or soul Bentonite Clay, in water or foot baths 6. Another way vaccines and PCR tests are being used to suppress the spiritual potential of mankind is through targeting the pineal and pituitary glands. If you choose to not see no one can make you. WebThese Divine Dimensions have technology gifted to them through God to disable and remove nanobots. If you want to take this to the next level, there are also nano baths that use the power of electricity (in a safe way) to assist with the extraction of nanotechnology within the body. I would like to share all of you a device given to us by st. Germaine and tesla. Comfrey Leaf (rich in shikimate) I feel really bad for those who had to take it against their will but I think we need to get creative and now bow down to the powers that should not be. Albert Einstein once said that a problem cannot be solved on the same level that it was created, and this is no exception. I continued the treatment by sending light to the heart chakra, the soul of the person, but it seemed that the soul could not receive any more light, frequency or energy. 14. 12. Great post! St. Johns Wort (shikimate is found throughout the entire plant and in the flowers) There is an inherent ability in the human body to repair and heal itself through self-healing power, and the immune and self-reparatory functions are part of this self-healing power. I ask all my clients how they heard about me so thank you, I am very grateful., Dangerous Nano-Particles Contaminating Many Vaccines: Groundbreaking Study,, Nano bots in the Vax,,, Next Generation GMOs: Questionable Nanoparticles are in Your Clothes, Organic Food,, How to Detox ourselves,, Health Impact News: Nano-Toxicity: Are Nanoparticles in Food and Our Environment the New Health Epidemic?,,,, Nano-Sensor Modelling for Intra-Body Nano-Networks, The good news is that MMS is the perfect antidote for this kind of parasitical organism. The media and others usually claim chlorine dioxide is dangerous because it is bleach, which is factually incorrect (bleach is sodium hypochlorite). It aides in the cleansing, tuning and alignment of our energy (power) centers. Sponsored by Ambertracks Survival - YouTube 0:00 / 4:56 Remove The Nano Inside Your Body. That would be good for the following hyperlink:, Anyway, Don & Carol Croft zappers can be found at World Without Parasites and CT Busters, which can be found in the following hyperlink: Chem trailst/outed as geoengineeringare also apparently connected to a global depopulation agendawhich unfortunately is not the conspiracy theory dream of deluded researchers butthe conspiracy of deluded globalists,more on that soon. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. Simone, do a little research on the psychological aspects of wearing a mask and YES pretty much every government is out to control you. Azeez Abdullah Barzinjy. It was a very powerful experience for me. While the government argues it is interested in neutralizing terrorists who act on their religious fanaticism, one of the more important goals of those behind the global vaccination program is to stop the spiritual evolution of mankind through stunting the expression of the God gene. Nettle tea also recommnended for this purpose (cleansing, thinning, removing clots)nettle is also filled with vitamins and will support the immune system as it cleanses. Cilantro, parsley, mint will also help detox and support the immune system. My main concern is the continuation of the "booster" scam which may be every 3 months for the rest of the person's life. Hi Skye, Thanks for your comment. Epsom Then she says, if they are alive you may as well give them a task and then suggested, If you cant frequency program at Trionary Level then delete. Fennel and/or Star Anise Tea: These are also an excellent source of shikimate or shikimic acid (which is known to neutralize the spike protein) Jane, I just finished making the parmesan cheese according to your recipe, and its in the freezer. Please know that your views are always welcome. Potassium WebMagnetic nanoparticles are delivered to different parts of the body with the help of strong magnets. Pass over your body. The soul is no longer able to manage these three bodies, to continue its process of incarnation and evolution, precisely because this contact has been broken.. Thanks for a really great recipe! Jeff, More Than 150 Easy Favorites to Start Your Day, Gluten and Grain-Free. Whenever someone tells you that you need to flush toxins, or that some miracle medicine or tea or blah blah blah whatever can flush toxins, look out. WebYou just need to use a degaussing magnet . Oil of Oregano 15. In several types of WBCs are an organelle called the lysosomes. Sorry about that. It is now crystal clear that nano-particles are here in our bodies and our everyday environment. Simply mix with good spring water, rainwater or reverse osmosis filtered water. Charcoal (2-4 capsules a day): Charcoal is the pre-eminent detoxifier and when taken on an empty stomach, works its way down into the intestines and activates a blood purification process known as interstitial dialysis. Fortunately, the violet ray is one of the few Tesla inventions that managed to survive the crackdown and is publicly available worldwide. Hello M, thank you for paying attention to such spelling mistakes. He becomes materialistic of constitution and can no longer rise to the spiritual.. Liquid chembusting homeopathic 2. In several types of WBCs are an organelle called the lysosomes. Silica D homeopathic 3. For instance under number 8 and under the list where it speaks of recommendations by Sherri Tenpenny, there is listed "coinzine" which should be spelled CO ENZYME Q10. Recently Deceased Chinese General Ordered Train Derailments | General Milley Among Neem (a natural alternative to ivermectin) in combination with turmeric. I ask you God to speed up the day of judgement upon the fallen ones currently working behind the scenes to bring about the fall of mankind and the destruction of the children of the light and planet Earth. Consent is golden or binding depending on your free will choice. The Many Dangers Of Pesticides & Herbicides: A Database and List of Links. Similar to diet, there are many options here, including: Dr Sherri Tenpenny recommends high doses of powdered vitamin C ascorbates (not ascorbic acid), 200-400mg co enzyme Q10 every day (gel caps and not powder) as well as getting Vitamin D and iodine. Currently I'm using detox foot pads which are making me feel less tired in the morning. Step one above discusses the power of electromagnetics in rendering nanites inert, and the heart is the most powerful source of electromagnetic energy in the human body. Here I share my transformational lifestyle tips, new techniques, and luscious, original recipes for a new, vital way of living. Eg: Command IPPI off, delete, cancel. It's called the violet ray crystal resonator. But let's treat the scenario as if it was real, for the sake of curiosity, and because neuromodulation is In a nutshell, the steps are: First, spiritual steps are needed to heal and clear your body and being, and to clear any spiritual contracts you may have signed to allow them into your body (even without knowing it). There are also many good nano-sized cellular zeolite products on the market. Potassium 4. (This talk is particularly interesting from the EMF point of view; one of the things Harald talks about is mass ULF-emissions from the center of Berlin.). If you dont object, its implied consent. There is much controversy globally around vaccines at present, with strong-arm tactics being employed to coerce people into taking the COVID vaccines with (or increasingly without) their consent. I would suggest Pau Darco Tea or Taheebo tea, which is the bark of a South American tree used indigenously in removing all foreign objects, tumors, clots from the bloodessentially works as a cleanser and blood thinner, as do many other herbs. Dispose of cleaning materials in a sealed bag to prevent further release of the nanomaterial. Any electronic device within range nanites is not just restricted to COVID vaccines several types of WBCs are organelle... We sometimes place small data files called cookies on your free will.... Vaccines in your body my clients how they heard about me so thank you, am! Make this site work properly, we do not consent to this violation of our body temples house. Transformational lifestyle tips, new techniques, and luscious, original recipes a! 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