Astrology reliably predicts the future. Youve been here before! He named the COVID-19 variants, as far back as the 16th century. She lives in Tasmania, Australia and edits The Holiday Goddess Guide to Paris, London, New York and Rome (HarperCollins). There are two wonderful cycles ahead which suggest the potential for existing sons or daughters, new babies, adopted children or stepchildren and a greater sense of home. Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II, April 21st THE ROYAL FAMILY Will they invade Taiwan? Ive given life in Canada a fair shot but it still doesnt feel like home. Actually Im taking care of my aging parents. Most of the big questions in 2022 will be about fairness, justice and balance between two people. If you ended 2021 miles apart from the other person, then in 2022 you may decide to pursue a reconciliation or peace treaty. The book, Self Help For Your Nerves by Dr. Claire Weekes is another standby and when he reads the reviews he may want to try. Four years later, the BBC reported China was banning new skyscrapers on 4th November 2021. Happy New Year to you! It makes me wonder if people in the government are following the astrology!! Premium with Preview posts are exclusive member only content. You would be, by far, the greatest astrologer of your generation. Trouble logging in? Happy New Year Jessica! Thank you. New translation options for the web that make the internet global for girls and women in developing countries. Ive downloaded it twice and both times it seems to repeat, so shortly after the DJ announces your upcoming segment it loops back to the sailor Michael and his 1970s wages again, and it never actually gets to your bit. You can choose retirement if you want to but you will still be extremely successful May 2023 to May 2024 if you say yes to a stunning opportunity to go higher and further in life. Could you also explain what you mean by VIRGO A journey, met by you, or taken by you, changes your life. Are we talking about a physical journey? I signed up for premium as I wanted to to know more and have found the info you give fascinating. You tend to find people who are over-the-top and too much, when Jupiter is in Aries in the Eleventh House of groups. I have a cabinet full of N95s, also grabbing some pharmaceuticals as Ive noticed they are on short supply. Ive never really taken the time to understand my chart. Typically you feel shut in, or shut out, of a situation. Waving back to you from Devonport, Tasmania, Australia over a lot of oceans. UKRAINE I dont know which country you live in, but Philips are selling HEPA filters with UVC light inside with excellent results in laboratory tests of Covid elimination. This sector is really about words, images and ideas and its been 12 years since Jupiter was here. Your chart shows the Sun in Taurus you know about, and the stelliums in Taurus, Cancer, Aries, Scorpio, Capricorn you always find draws you back to business, finance, property and success. Its hard to say without a full chart in front of me, but I suspect you mean money when you say career, as you are dealing with the South Node in Scorpio in the Eighth House, which rules your bank account. They should have HEPA and/or UVC in place. Hollywood . Lets see when the United Kingdom and Australia follow suit: the combination of Zoom doctors and pharmacist/chemist/drugstore staff being the solution for so many. I did my 2023 reading with a grouping of tarot cards, I use yearly. So HEPA and UVC should be in every indoor space. So are we stuck with coal, petrol and gas in the future and the bushfires, wildfires, floods and animal extinctions? Happy New Year. PLUS, an Etsy psychic tells Carrie what Ross . Aries partnerships are a story (sexual partnerships or professional partnerships) now, February, March then a break then again in June, July and ongoing to January 2025. Sylvia Plath, October 27th Dear Jessica, thank you for the 2023 predictions- I hope your warning on the next (and worst) Covid outbreak is taken seriously by governments. I do have traits of both signs in me, but which should I be reading on your website? It has to be equal partnership. The time has come to lose weight (say) or get serious about fitness perhaps to finally put in place measures for your best physical and mental health that you have put off, for years. Thank you so much for pointing this out. Yes, he is a Sun Libra. Inflation is back. Jessica Adams says: 26 May 2022 at 5:53 am. Hi Jessica, I am not alone in thinking this. This horoscope for the FIFA World Cup 2022 final shows a religious nation winning the cupTheres some slight tension there about whose deity is actually in charge of the result. As so many readers predicted, the Pope is from Argentina and Messi is a deeply religious man. Chiron is a symbol of mavericks and outsiders. Just like the people of 1350, you can name your price in 2022 and 2023, if you are in the right career. Fantastic rewards are possible, if both of you are willing. This prediction ran two years before it happened. Michelangelo, William Shakespeare and Leonardo da Vinci all had rich patrons. He wont have an issue if he understand he can do what he likes, dresses as he pleases, love whomever he wants to love but also respect the space and rights of women and girls. Fran. There is no shortage of faith and belief. Pluto out of Capricorn, into Aquarius. Saturn goes over 29 Aquarius and is gone. The year 2023 is full of highs and lows. as it would be so nice to move on from the past & have a brighter year to look forward to in that respect. You can hear a longer prediction about 2023 on a special podcast with my friends Sarah Vine and Imogen Edwards-Jones at the Daily Mail, recorded in January 2023. How can you make it all work? I have to say, Ive seen some institutions replace in person care with with virtual zoom visits, and it frequently results in poor care for complicated patients. Am I more at risk of illness? Thank you. The end of skyscrapers is something astrology also predicted. There is more to say about this, diary dates for 2022 and your Tarot reading for the year. I have also been experiencing the opposition of Neptune to my Virgo stellium and its still thereclose to reaching my natal Saturn, which worries me. Lots of love to you. All prices are charged in US Dollars. Another big warning signal. Australian Government levied Goods and Services Tax (GST) of 10% is applied to applicable orders at checkout. I was born 26th February 1955 on a Saturday. Thats the message to you this year. This really resonates. We are going to see similar revolutionary changes in 2022-2023 with Uranus and the North Node in Taurus, the economy sign. Listen here. We have see this before. Jupiter in Pisces helps open the doors of new possibilities with your house, apartment, garden (or a new residence). This may be work-life balance or just sunscreen. Forbes confirmed it was found in the U.S. in September 2022. Thanks for another great year of predictions, horoscopes and answering silly questions from people like me who really have a very limited understanding of astrology. This is down to your ruling planet Jupiter managing to spend 2022 in not just one, but two signs. With a group. Watch at 35 minutes in. Not just his own party. I published this forecast on 4th April 2017 do you remember seeing it? Sagittarius, you have spent two long years with circular karma involving a duet or duel in your life. Following your last reply to me, looks like career progress hasnt quite landed yet but my very psychic wife has told me that shes getting nothing but I need to be patient and something is on the way, so Im not sure what you see on that front. You also go through a tremendous change from 19th January when the North Node leaves Gemini, having been stuck there since May 6th 2020. A smaller planet. And yet, youll still take holidays overseas. In 1350 on the last Uranus and North Node in Taurus cycle, they called it The Little Ice Age. Japan will become a nuclear power and will develop hypersonic missiles too and an arms race will develop as the world tries to catch up with China's military advances. some good news. Happy New Year. My partner is Sag.a nice person but not sure whether Im staying for the small financial support I receive from him. LEO Perhaps you are ready to elevate yourself into serious new territory as a lecturer, say, or a voice on the Zoom speaker circuit. So it pays off long-term and he will be able to help other people. Just like to say : Pharmacists (chemists or drugstore staff) and telehealth on Zoom already replaced doctors in Canada. That aspect terrifies me! This takes place soon after that rather stuck 2021 cycle disappears. The worst phase of Covid is coming from March, but the solution to Covid is also here. Full moon Jan 6th at 26 degrees Cancer squares my natal Urnaus in Libra..theres a jarring surprise from the resources and partnerships house waiting. Home; Horoscopes. You are a Sun Pisces with Pisces and Capricorn stelliums. Your fellow Taurus Adele has already been through this, and it is classically a time when we get real you might call it The Getting Of Wisdom. You will find so many dramatically different points of view that you will be spoilt for choice in 2022. Psychic Debbie Griggs will talk about the up coming year and what spirits sees will come forward. Ukraine will win. I hope that helps. Worldwide, new trade unions and professional organisations will rise from March 2023 and be all-powerful from 2026. Is relaunching as simple as buying a new wardrobe? Happy 2023. Born July 21st, l do not know what my sun sign is, however, l want to start my own business with a stationery product l will trademark. Huge . It also talks a lot about relocation I used to always say I was a home bird but I have an urge to travel and explore and see where I land next year and not sure if it has something to do with turning 30! Will be interesting to see if your prediction regarding healthcare will come to fruition. You have choices then about the money, the bank, your home and also a new career. Its rare to see Jupiter and Neptune, both in your opposite sign of Virgo in 2022. Pooling resources with the community is a huge part of a very successful and enjoyable year, Pisces. Complicated patients wont be the market for the new Zoom/drugstore/pharmacist health care either. Bringing all this back down to earth, though, it is about working people refusing to become infected with Covid because employers, businessmen and politicians will not do what science and medicine suggests, and protect them. Huge lifestyle and social change. The new, virtual you (in a virtual space). What will 2023 be like for the Federal Government and Anthony Albanese? Because of a rare, historic line-up in Capricorn. I have answered you elsewhere, thank you. How will these two transits work together? She will talk about prosperity, weather, economy, earthquak. The Suns conjunction to Pluto on 16th January, as the year begins, is a classic sign of Back to School as everyone begins thinking about the first term in a new year or just, improving their C.V. or their knowledge base, by taking on part-time study. 1. You are a Sun Capricorn with stelliums in Capricorn, Sagittarius, Aquarius and Libra. Now, you are set free to make a new beginning, as from January 19th 2022 the North Node has gone and your solar chart this year looks busy. I always enjoy your blog and reading this years predictions coming to pass. Yet youll do it. Serious decisions about serious money will follow. Thank you, Jessica. I know you said to be prepared. You and your husband are in a good space in 2023 to buy a house. Im fascinated if Charles is regent to William, or something similar. or should we understand this in a figurative way? See what comes up. Big Apple soothsayers gave the skinny on 2022 to The Post's Dean . Or, it might be smart on a real-estate or property level, but be far from ideal for your career. Canada will partner with America far more from 2026 when selected US states will seek out Canadian closeness new transport and travel inventions will help create the new US-Canada relationship. Together, they suggest a year of some big highs but topsy-turvy progress. It will be choice-based, of course, but it means health care becomes faster, easier and more affordable for many. Ive been wishing and hoping to move for over a decade. In America its at a 30-year-high as I write this in November 2021. You are solely responsible for what you post. My forecasts indicate due to my Taurus stellium I am likely to make a lot of money next year, and I am wondering if that will be from the company I am currently employed by, or something new like independently working online from home (or a combination of both). It takes two, for these signs. Pharmacists (chemists or drugstore staff) and telehealth on Zoom will replace doctors worldwide from 2023-2026 in a great many cases, as Uranus (the revolution) trines the Virgo placements of billions. Choose the universe that makes immediate sense to you, as a reader, writer or thinker and enter that, at the expense of the others. How? Thank you for your good wishes for other readers and myself; Happy New Year. Your most restrictive, limiting financial cycle in 29 years ends in March. To answer your question about his BD: Oct. 15th, 1954. Your love and affectionate relationships as well as professional projects might come under pressure. The predictions for Aries are about partnerships which I am not in, even old ones were not true partnerships (complicated & nightmare!). As I am not having issues with weight (although I have been thinking about coming back to a more regular sports activity) and I already work from home, could it instead bring additional structure? Premium Member? This prediction about Vladimir Putin was printed in 1685 in London. Its very common for Sun Capricorn people to have planets in Aquarius, and if you check your natal chart to find this is the case, pay attention to the challenging transit of Saturn in Aquarius, in your natal Eleventh House of groups, in 2022. Will it last? Its really simple. The worst phase of Covid is coming from March, but the solution to Covid is also here. Finally, every Sun Leo has the Sun in her Fifth House natally, which rules children, godchildren, young relatives and so on. It is also completely true that a high percentage of Sagittarians will make this the year they become engaged, marry, move in together and/or become parents. PISCES Another Hollywood celebrity will announce they are transgender and will begin their transition in the upcoming months. Here is the first 2022 zodiac predictions for all animal signs: Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Tiger, Rat, Tiger, Tiger and Rabbit. So now its your turn. Forever grateful for you teachings. NEW HEALTH CARE Its just your exterior and you would be amazed at how little it matters. Do this progressively until so many connections have been made that it is not too difficult for all of them to join up. Predictions 2022: This Is A Year To Be Bold - According to Forrester's SVP, Research Sharyn Leaver, digital transformation can't happen . If this juggling sounds like you, and maybe younger people en masse are involved, then 2022 will be a stretch, but it could be so rewarding. Youll see a global victory for women and girls begin in July 2023 when the South Node goes into Libra and back into its old Suffragette position. Watch for the Moon in Scorpio throughout the year (about every 28 days) as it will set the timing for developing stories within the political party, or the band, or bowls team, or environmental organisation and so on. 2023 will be fascinating. Old 2020 rules also apply: I am sure you habitually avoid crowded indoor areas and do not fly or cruise. I did send one but have not had a response. You owe or are owed. Weve not seen anything like this in our lifetime. By Jackie Calmes Columnist. 2023 Predictions in Astrology. For a quick way in, though, this is your year in brief. SCORPIO "Every time Saturn (difficult days, long life lessons) passes through Pisces (Christianity) we always see a crisis for the Christian church. We might also say, money is the root of all evil people will do anything for money. As a Sun Sagittarius woman with a stellium in Sagittarius in the Ninth House of publishing, and a Gemini stellium in the Third House of media, you will write and/or broadcast your whole life. You are concerned about your twins, who are Capricorn Millennials. Hello. Thank you. You do so much for this world we live in and give us all hope. Nobody wants to feel that their patron is patronising them, though! The Tarot is talking to you about a male superior, employer or rather challenging presence (linked to your status and success) and of course the Full Moon in Cancer is opposite the Sun in Capricorn in your Tenth House of professional life, academia and business. Weddings also show up here. This is when you may find yourself becoming far more serious about your bookshelf, or the library, or the loftier end of the internet. Along with that I start a new job in a few months in a health centre, so worry too about lack of mitigations regards Covid, although I do mask and own HEPA/UVC units. A charity with a good cause behind it. It sounds as if you have switched-on managers. Yet, this cycle also suggests that if you have fallen foul of Neptune in Pisces and ended up in 2022 with debts or low income there will be a handout, a grant, an inheritance, a loan or a gift. The December 2022 rulings on men claiming to be women or girls, using female toilets and change rooms in Scotland, will be repealed, retracted and rewritten as this doomed verdict passed on Mercury Retrograde. Sun Libra men are in the zone for many years of karma with/about partners. The heavy limitations and restrictions (Saturn) pushing against our health (Virgo) mean alternatives have to be used to take the strain off the old doctor system. Become who you are now! Saturns call to action is really about slowing down and growing up. I am hoping for a better year as 2022 has been challenging. You are in the rare position of potentially sleeping with the enemy or actually going over to the other side, or the opposite team, and so on this year. "There will be psychological fallout" - John Edward . I dont have the other chart here, but your chart shows the end of a very tight situation since December 2020 and the start of a completely new challenge; to use your willpower to become so much more powerful, financially, over a period of quite some years. It will be an alternative to your local currency and the usual currency exchange rates decided on the share markets. That Pluto-Node conjunction is also opposite the other node in Pisces, which rules religion, so it may be that your past life as a doctor or patient, also involved the church. The virus was predicted twice on this website back in 2019, and the astrology named China and I also gave two dates. You can negotiate. RT @astrologyshow: Welcome to March 2023! All around the world, governments and big business will support a new lifestyle. However i dont have his chart here. GEMINI Or anything else of significance? And you seem to be very right about COVID-19 reaching its peak in March due to whats happening now in China. This radical change in trade, wages and property will transform the planet. Thats why. Predicted on 10th May 2022 about the future of cryptocurrency on November 11th 2022: A clash between individual greed and the welfare of the group. Leo, Virgo and Sagittarius will exchange notes. If you can make it all work, then amazing results will follow. Perhaps other Cancerians, Taureans, Leos and Virgos will be central. When he is much older, he will always feel secure and safe as he has a bedrock of solid success with having fixed his own anxiety. , and discover 12 trends that our research reveals will have the most impact next year. This transit finishes in July 2023 and again, you will notice the end of a loop or circuit in your life, regarding who or what you consider to be foreign. Hi Jessica, just wanted to let you know that I think theres an error in the ABC Radio link you posted. I have had some complicated and exhausting years since 2008. 2022 may not have gotten off to the best start for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, after the news that their charity Archewell had failed to raise significant funds during its first year.. In October 2022 a lot of my friends on Twitter in Brazil celebrated his departure. There is also so much lost without having in person human touch and connection. I will pass that on to my colleagues at Asporea. Whoopi Goldberg, November 13th Especially around travelling to work as I commute to my job, in a different city to where I live so I am hoping I have made the right job choice. A sudden reshuffle at work, home or university offers a lot. Applied for a new job on the new moon on 23 Dec. Hope I not only get it but interviews wont be terrible with Saturn any advice on when to schedule interviews? Double that message. Shared electric car and bike stations. UVC light, HEPA filters and if you want to DIY and save money, a Corsi Rosenthal box. The Chinese New Year 2022 of the Water Tiger will start on February 1, 2022 - the second New Moon after the Solstice. Yes, it may do. Happy New Year Jessica! I dont see a chart here so can only comment on your Sun sign or solar chart, but it is a good basic weather forecast for human life. When the news broke I thought of your prediction. Roald Dahl, September 13th Anyone with a Virgo stellium went through this with AIDS on the last Saturn cycle. Expect shocks to the sharemarkets with Elon Musk and Wall Street on April 28th to 30th and May 1st. How can you avoid too much noise and pull everything together? If you are wondering about 2023 for yourself, you are a Sun Capricorn with stelliums in Capricorn, Aries and Scorpio. Or just working from home. Ian Fleming, 28th May. In other cases you may be turned off by the idea of a standard curriculum in a college, but be fascinated by short courses, or night classes. Do you see any positive change coming for me or should I prepare for more challenging years? In three decades from now they will look back at university and the test of their sisterhood and realise it helped them grow. Hard-work Saturn in Aquarius is in your Eleventh House of networks and communities in 2022, so you will have to stretch yourself this year. Yes, Nicola Sturgeon is doomed, just looking at these astrology charts for 2023 and 2024. I try to keep positive but there is so much change in my life these past 6 years since I became widowed. UK Predictions 2021-2030 in Astrology. Predicted on this website back on 2nd June 2021, over a year before it happened: an 8th November 2022 cryptocurrency upheaval. It may involve religion, self-help, counselling, meditation, hypnosis or other solitary pursuits. This man is sincere, decent and has a great deal to give you. Login using classic mode. It may be back home. Leo, Virgo and Sagittarius will be deeply concerned with the power of two in 2022 and this may be a marriage, professional partnership, business duet, or other pairing. Now we have to wait for politicians and businessmen to wake up. It begins in May with Jupiter joining Uranus in Taurus in the Fifth House of your solar chart. Mercury 13 Scorpio and South Node 13 Scorpio. PLUS The 2020 . Kind regards Once one school does it, the others will follow. Well, that Brazil chart worked. Will there be supply chain issues again? So while 2020 caught us by surprise, [] It was never built to take a pandemic. Your chosen field has been dotted with far too many of these faces since 2008 but its almost over. Chrissie Hynde, September 7th You may want to read the long, detailed prediction which appears on the stroke of midnight, January 1st 2023, for Premium Members. As many others, Im both fearful and hopeful for 2023, Ukraines victory is my main concern of course. All the polls are saying Labour will lose And yes, I have a property dream but its quite quirky, so I hope you are right. Caring for your parents is a full-time job by itself, Im sure. The 2024 elections in India, America, the United Kingdom are all about a radical new world economy. Premium with Preview posts are exclusive member only content. And yet Scotland will still become independent, without her. No room for isms in such a partnership, so no sexism, no racism, and so on. Jessica Adams B.A.. has written horoscopes for Elle, Vogue, Harpers Bazaar, Bloomingdales and Marie Claire during a global career as a professional astrologer. You are a Sun Pisces with stelliums in Pisces, increasing your sensitivity and Aries giving you the front you need. They are here to transform travel and put serious brakes on Covid for the future! If he is a Sun Libra he has Saturn going into his Sixth House of lifestyle from March so rather than just fall into decisions about life after work, he may want to do a lot of tests and trials and be a realist about retirement. Two big challenge years for us. As you are a Premium Member you can pick up Modern Astrology 2050 which explains this cycle: North Node in Aries/North Node in Seventh House. Can you shed any light on when this may happen for me? Celebrity Psychic & Spiritual Medium Michelle Whitedove's Blog. Scorpio, with your powerful ruling planet Pluto on your side in 2022, there is no doubt that you will be taking on the map and seriously considering shipping your most promising concepts (and even yourself) into new areas. I've had so many questions about the future of Ukraine and Russia that I've pulled together predictions as far back as the 16th century (Nostradamus) about the fate of Vladimir Putin and Europe. At the same time, you have fantastic opportunities to gain from new lifestyle and workload options not possible in 12 years. I have been a member since 2008 and think youre incredibly talented. Not surprised about the union movements with Pluto moving into Aquarius. Property prices dropped as populations fell. It happens. Thank you for an AD FREE, CLEAN, Q&A FILLED BLOG. Why? 00:54. This year can be about the Freemasons as much as it is about yoga or meditation groups. Please keep reading for your diary dates and Tarot card prediction. If you have Aquarius factors in your natal chart, then double that message. Many thanks. November 11th is abrasive., This was a date-stamped prediction which turned out to be about the day the Sam Bankman Fried story went front page. Some signs this year will find themselves in fated cycles with each other, this year. Its like The Beatles in 1969 and those around them. You get an A for patience. The new travel will be travel in the mind, in online spaces with virtual versions of yourself. We see the North Node of karma going into the Seventh House of partnership, divorce, marriage, separation, common-law marriage from July 18th 2023 and it is there until January 11th 2025, by which time there will be closure. This is either about a duet you are in, or a duet you strongly affect. What happens on the historic transit of both Jupiter and Neptune in your opposite sign of Pisces is likely to send quite a strong message, to both your souls. The clash takes place between Pluto and the Moon, so for around 48 hours every four weeks, you run into hurdles about where you are for whatever reason. That is rare. You can find out more about your Libra stellium and the South Node in Libra cycle in Modern Astrology 2050, which is free to you. Jessica Adams does not reply to every comment and her replies are on a best-efforts basis which means your comment or question may never receive a reply. That can happen on a double Jupiter and Chiron transit of Aries, your zodiac sign, as this unusual transit falls in your solar First House of image. I have diary dates for you and your Tarot reading for 2022. I hope we will be better equipped moving forward. You will be able to ask for, and get, what you want from employers. Conscious Cafe 2023 Predictions by Jessica Adams Psychic Astrologer. 2023 will bring an engagement.
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